Your kind of distortion

Yeah, FET baseds pedals do have abit more Electric component count,
The trims are more troublesome, i'm sure nasa Labs would open a new department called "rocking" science..

shud try cascaded CMOS, i tried it, its sounds even nicer than fets
much easier to build too, just get a 4049UBE you easily have 6 stages to play with!
No trims!
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Argh! Gooseman poking with his ... .


Do a, 'my geetar wants to be a keyboard' pedal lah or something really ... that's never-been-done-before!

You can explore the Digitech Space Station or the Ex-7 Expression Factory.

I've picked up the Ex-7 and I'm enjoying it quite abit.
shud try cascaded CMOS, i tried it, its sounds even nicer than fets
much easier to build too, just get a 4049UBE you easily have 6 stages to play with!
No trims!

Tell you what ...since you discovered e 4049, go build a clone of either a red llama, anderton's tube sound fuzz, Hot Harmonics, emma zitz, etc and see what you prefer. Maybe you can design something fresh out of the 4049...

All tube amps are cascaded tubes ...maybe should try something els and make it nicer :rolleyes:... remove the need to bias too ha.:-D
yeah, currently tweaking on my breadboard.
i found that too many stages also no point,
need to moderate or will hit the ceiling very very very quick!
playin around with tone stacks, cos of the abundance of inverters.

ya lor, removin the need to bias is first up on my list, thats why
I'm trying out the 4049.
ya lor, removin the need to bias is first up on my list, thats why
I'm trying out the 4049.

You can build fet based without trimmers...BSIAB ;)
Don't give up .. it's just first few premature misadventures.
Fet's are tricky and given time, you can get em to behave and perform to your command.... get a protoboard and tweak away!!!

Guess i am slow and it took me 5 yrs to figure it out aye:mrgreen: and many more to come....:???:
I run a Tube Eq to my 5160 Stack with the drive almost full and a Tube Screamer to my Dual Rectifier.

Haha my setting on my Pod , if only i got those crazy stuff . Nice Rhythm sound and lead tones blend together.
Hey jameshetfieldkirkhammet, metallica would laugh at yr distoiton pedal! the metal zone is dog shit! Haha ok fine not tryng to find trouble or anything but if you like it then good for you. Anyway mine is dime distortion pedal. Keeps me motivated to imrpove myself everytime i see his face on my pedal. Haha sounds weird but works for me.

Haha. I run a SX strat to a Line 6 Uber Metal and Artec Para EQ into a crappy SX Ga10.
I don't really have a nice distortion due to the amp,but I always do my best ot improve the tone. Hahaha. I boost the drive (so called overdrive) channel with the Uber Metal.
I like a tubish kinda sound,not too bright,with enough gain,kinda wet,warm and heavy for my rhythm.
For my leads,step on the Para Eq to boost some of my mids.
I'm looking for Metallica's tone from master of puppets,and for their first album kill em all. Anyone got any suggestions?
I'm upgrading my amp though,to a marshall MG15MS2.
I take it you don't know how to use an MT2 properly?:rolleyes:

ahhaha... mt2 need to take quite some time to learn how to tweak properly.. too many knobs and too versatile.. but i dont think can get metallica tone, can it? sounds fuzzier as the distortion increases :)

btw, i love nasal chugga chugga zzzzz dist type of tone.. something like a hive full of bees..ahah
but i dont think can get metallica tone, can it? sounds fuzzier as the distortion increases :)

Of course you can. The gain shouldn't be too high. Also, a lot depends on tha amp & speaker you're using. In fact, this was THE metal pedal in the 90s when the "Enter Sandman" Black album came out. IT was the ONLY pedal that could come close back then.
hehe, it came close, but that by itself, wasnt really a good thing imho..

listening on cd is perhaps ok. When come to live gigs and stuff, those sound really make the bands sound bad, very bad
modded mt2 is great....more of an all round pedal compared to stock, its great for getting that rectified rhythm tone but for lead, it sounded like piak piak piak when picking fast,think plastic sound.

Its something that i cant eliminate from an mt2, hence i don use it cos it bothers me.
I think the new boss metalcore pedal aint that bad either.

ahha, i think im dam keh po( i keep appearing in this thread)
anyway, i think the metalcore is like an advance version of the metalcore with less fizz and a fixed mids leh, am i right? but some of the tones ive heard on the metalcore can be easily gotten on a mt2..
maybe metalcore more for people who cant tweak a mt2 properly.. :)
The ML-2 does sound excellent... But its more expensive than the MT-2 but its worth it if the ML-2's tone is what you're looking for. Personally I like fat distorted tones on the bassier side, which is what the ML-2 offers. At least from what I've heard of the ML-2. Heard its tone before but never really fiddled with it.

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