Your kind of distortion

heh, the problem not with the pedals, more on our psychological aspect and the sense of hearing of every different individuals.

Thus i say, talking about tone, without hearing it in the form of clips or video, is a dangerous thing of either confusing us or lead us to a wrong path!

Lke the ancient chinese kungfu man, learnt kungfu in the wrong way and "zhou huo lu mo"/walk fire go into devilish path"

My kind of distortion, or should I say distorted tone?
When I'm using stompboxes it's the Boss DS-1 boosted by a SD-1.
Multi-effects, it has to be my Zoom G2.1U's BC (Boogie Crunch) with gain anywhere from 80 to 100 and with the onboard Booster on.
It's crunchy enough to eat, for me at least.
For me its basically a sansamp gt-2 for heavy sounds, boosted by a ts9dx for screaming lead tones.

Fulltone OCD for light/medium gain (think funk 49 by james gang) and boosted by ts9dx for satriani kinda tone.
+1. Tube distortion from a Marshall JVM 410H Channel OD2, Red Mode, Gain set to 2 o'clock. The bad thing is that its not portable. :(
My distortion atm is:
A modded TS7, either classic or hot mode, gain at 2, level at wherever I need it into a Landmine Distortion at bass set between 3 o'clock to max , mid set to 1-3 o'clock, treble at 12 o'clock, USING THE MIX OUTPUT INSTEAD OF NORMAL into normal channel of Toneblaster X, Gain at half past 10 (between 10 and 11 o'clock), bass at 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, mid (there's a parametric control as well), both at 10-11 o'clock.

I'll probably do a few samples when I have the time.
My kind of distortion is only guitar into amp. nothing else. In this case i would say my triamp is the kind of distortion i like. If i want it more, i'll kick in my SD1 or BD2.
I actually prefer a warm overdrive tone or a fuzz rather than a distortion..something like a tubescreamer or fuzz face plugged into a fender tweed(think SRV and maybe Johnny winter).But if ever nid something edgy or heavy, i'd go for the high end buzzsaw kinda sound..i think he boss metal zone pedal can produce dat kinda sound thru a vox valvatronix or any other gd amp.
sorry, would like to ask one question...

i like distortion with fat, juicy tones and crunchy bass. I have a DS-1 but i can't achieve that kind of tone with my JEM-JR. Is it a problem with my guitar's pups, cause even at high distortion, i still can hear 'plucking' sounds instead of 'siren'-like notes from the treble strings. For the bass strings, can also hear the 'plucking' type of sound, and it's not due to contact with the pick.

Everything sounds quite wierd, can someone teach me how to improve the sound? Is it the pup's problem? PM me?

I'll share my newly-developed chocolate tone. :cool: I get it with my Digitech Bad Monkey and a bit of tweaking with my guitar's knobs here and there... Thick, creamy overdrive tone with a slightly more pronounced treble side. I like it. Who says you need a boutique pedal to achieve the tone you like!

Sometimes I increase the bass as well. Heard Collective Soul's "Shine", that's the kinda tone I like, though with my overdrive I don't quite get the same amount of distortion.
my kinda distortion is one which sounds good with my guitars + it's in the amp, not from a pedal.

What if ...i put in a pedal ?? :cool:

Nah... you wouldn't be interested :rolleyes:

Anywayz ... as my high gain amp is still in e design worx.... i decided to make the next best thing ...


... little creatures with three legs inside :twisted:
Now Goose - THAT is a THRASHING pedal. I can't wait to grab it off you!

Uh. My kind of distortion is... from either amp/pedal/torn speakers/broken guitar/Nintendo DS (PATHEIN!)/my bare nails on chalkboard. Whichever sounds the best for the music at hand... and it must inspire.

So what if its a 1k boutique pedal that excites me like a Chinese Soap Opera episode. So what if its some amp that breaks my back and gets me totally not in the mood to play by the time I hit the stage/studio.
alamak, goose bro, you is too kind! I no worth

on the other note, shreddy!!! You doubt my ds lite izzit!!! I shall challenge you to a hand help game console duet solo!!! You can choose either psp or ds lite, i take you on, blind folded with hands tied up my back!!!

Accept my challenge or erectile dysfunctional problem next time!
Pathin. I can only play with strings. Let me be the one to tie your hands behind your back... I promise I can do that well!

Then I will go to sideline and watches the sonic-works of glory!