which guitar?

hey, if u actually decide on the stripping, do post the difference in sound/tone once its done. i'd really like to know the difference...
ShredCow... I came across this info on Luis Moreno's website, regarding his Ibanez RG 450:

"One day I removed all the paint from it, right to the wood and from that moment on, the sound changed almost completely, creating a "lifeless" guitar."

Taken from http://www.luismoreno.com/gear_live.htm

Anyways, just sharing what I came across... Maybe he didn't do it correctly...
Not saying paint-stripping is bad or good, just be aware of what may happen lol.
I will man...
Thing is, i've been reading up on how a natural finish (or satin finish) will let the guitar breath better, sound more natural. And every natural finish (or oil finished) guitar I've picked up has this woody-ness to its tone.

So right now, i do love my guitar tone (Oooo... the breed neck in bridge position is soooo killer! You HAVE to check it out echo! There's a sound clip in OM section) but I wish it would sound more woody. So hence the reason...

But MAN!!! My finish IS unique... and the process of stripping and oiling will take at least 1 1/2 mths. 8O
edder said:

If you're not an expert don't even act like one.
If you don't know, don't even act like you know.
If all your "hands on" experience are based on internet reviews and articles, please don't even try to act like you REALLY know eg. the difference between woods.

I have to agree on you about this man.
i'll check-out ur OM. (cheap marketing of ur OM, ehh?! hehehehehh... just kidding!) and yeah, its so "not nice looking" it looks good! hahahahhahha!
echoist said:
anw, i don't see anything wrong with stripping ur guitar. but its just near impossible to bring it back to its original state in case u have a change of mind later. btw, the cracked paintjob of ur guitar looks good to me. it looks nice because it 'don't look nice'! hehehehehehh...

Oil stained finish for Ibanez S series also very beautiful and unique to my eyes :lol: It's like stripping the already very sexy Angelina Jolie 8O

Come shredcow, get converted! :twisted: You know you want it hahahaha
Haha... echo... basket. :)
But really... I love the Dimarzio Breed neck in Bridge position... its like... so... nice! I dunno, Dimarzio has a secret weapon. ;)

Popeye... don't do this... ahhhh.... decisions decisions... its going to take 1 1/2 mths to finish the project.... *sigh* In which case I'll prob lend a guitar from a friend... this epiphone LP with EMG81s... which... i can't stand...

Hey popeye, loan me your Ibanez S540WNF? I promise to take good care of her. 8)
edder said:

If you're not an expert don't even act like one.
If you don't know, don't even act like you know.
If all your "hands on" experience are based on internet reviews and articles, please don't even try to act like you REALLY know eg. the difference between woods.
How much weight will your little one liners hold?

ya edder i agree it does pisses me off sometimes reading posts of kiddish talks sounding like they know it all, talking like they are 50 year olds, "giving advises", teaching ppl how to "f*ck"... they can blah all they want... while passer-bys like me just go :roll:
ShredCow said:
I will man...

What is the body wood for S520? If its basswood, it won't look so nice oiled. Basewood is milky, finepored and not much wood grain. There's no right or wrong. Just so that you know.

You can get some oil finish at those DIY marts. Look for Colron Danish oil.
ShredCow said:
Its mahogany Edder... should look better than basswood right? ;)

then go for it man. Mahogany always look sweet in oil finish.

Also, is your guitar painted in solid colours? After stripping you may find a lot of fillers used to plug the pores. White dots all over.

Since you're passing it to malcolm i guess you're in good hands. He'd know what to do.
Hey Edder... this is my guitar.


BTW: Classic, this is an Ibanez S520EX , 2002 production model. The finish is stock.
jumbofret said:
Well, I raise concern over edder's misuse of the quote button!!! :twisted:
It is against soft's interests!!! Taken from Please Do Not use the Quote button

soft said:
Please Do Not use the Quote button when you are replying in the forum. Use it only when you are referring to a point that another user made, not quote the whole paragraph wholesale.

i see alot of users just click the quote button and this cause multi-nested reply and it's kinda untidy.

one good method is to address the user you are trying to make your point to. ie, "Hi SOFT! ....."

when in doubt, use the Post Reply button!

:twisted: Punish him!

James, punish me too!!!! I still owe you 2 beers from last year. Time to collect them!!!
edder said:
wangdexian said:
Notice I didn't even talk about tone.

yeah i noticed that you don't even post anything very useful.

Sorry guys. I had to do that.

Oh I use the quote button.

Oh I so gonna get banned.

Take responsibility for your posts.

Last but not least.

Vox is for the bluessss....

Bro edder, why you so anger these days, bro? You are damn aggression, bro? Go makan also never jio me, bro. Bro, I won't insulting your father and mother. I'll insulting you, bro. I still thinking that dog looks cuter than you, bro. Bro, can?

How, bro, next week Siem Reap, bro?