Which bands are satanic?

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the purple one more satanic ah!!! got the triangle.. people use as intrument one...



haha the Spawn soundtrack! I have that. There's one track featuring Kirk Hammett which freaked people out.It was succinctly titled 'Satan'.
fluzzeee said:
Vaiyen said:
haha the Spawn soundtrack! I have that. There's one track featuring Kirk Hammett which freaked people out.It was succintly titled 'Satan'.

vaiyen!! can u send me the song?? plz?

JAMES! CATCH HIM! CATCH HIM!! ILLEGAL DOWNLOAD!! BAN HIM!! :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:
hmm, most, if not all religions teaches you to be good, as serialninja said, its how people percieve it... and because people hear rumors that some bands are satanic, they wont wanna listen to it, and the new generation gets 'poisoned' by these not true rumors... sure playing it backwards may sound like someone's talking to you... but hey, isn't it just a coincidence?
Who plays songs backwards anyway? And who speaks satanic or whatever's heard when the songs are played backwards?

How about the teletubbies song played backwards? Maybe it'll be some satanic chanting or something.

hmm... :?

or the teletubbies names might be some kind of satanic message?

anyone satanic that can explain all these to us? :P :roll:
lars_ulrich said:
When played backwarsd, there is indeed that satanic message. The song was written with the guy penning it without a clear mind or intention to do so. His hand moved by itself and wrote the song...

ure just as dumb as the 10000 other people who says stairway to heaven is satanic. have u ever tried playing it backwards on a record? i doubt it. i have and it surely sounds distorted but theres absolutely no way that one can make out clear words. and that does the same for just about every other song. they all sound the same played backwards.. its a great song and its NOT satanic in anyway.
yes i have...i have played many songs backwards before after reading those rumours, most of the time, its real. FOR STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, YOU PLAY BACKWARDS AND SLOW DOWN THE SPEED ABOUT 50-75% TO HEAR THE THING CLEARLY. Rumours that there were backmasked messages in Stairway to Heaven were started and promoted by Led Zeppelin themselves to promote CD sales as many curious people would buy their records just to try it out themselves. I read that in a textbook for a diploma course in "The History of Rock n Roll".

And to the guy who said its people like me who kill rock n roll, do you not know that i love playing music by Guns n Roses, AC/DC, and Queen? Do you not know that I own Led Zeppelin CDs? I was directing my comments for the man who started this thread, so please do not try to interpret a comment not meant for you to interpret. Anyway, the thing about the writer of stairway to heaven's hand moving by itself, it was told to me by a malay muslim guitar teacher who teaches me.
oh so its directed to me.....i start a thread...i get scolded....booohooo
hahaha no offense la...juz asing onli
the one abt hand moving is a metaphor.....any led zep fans pls explain haha
last time theres a song called "Black Sunday" or something liddat rite...

reports say people commited sucide after hearing that song...

anybody heard about it??
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