Which bands are satanic?

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Mobius said:
When Blues music first came about, it was branded satanic as well.

Classical music wasn't even spared at all especially when it lived in a time where the Catholic church exerted heavy influences on societies...
I'm catholic myself.

Just listen with an open mind, and if you're afraid of straying, KEEP GOING TO CHURCH :D
Well there are ppl who chose to be completely ignorant like Mr "S" Sim commenting on his "handsign". He said he was Catholic and wasn't sure of the sign he makes at his performances. History however says that showing that sign is openly expressing that person is glorifying Mr Sa Tan.
the spice girls are satanic..so are the backstreet boys. popeye is also satanic cause he wears a tatoo in the cartoon, tatoos are also satanic. :lol:
popeye the sailor man... buu buu, i'm popeye the sailor man... buu buu I'm strong to the finich Cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man... BUU BUU!!!

A senseless post brought to you by spikes...(no offence ok) truce*
n mind be careful about the word gothic. goths built churches too u noe. most of the most beautiful cathedrals were fashioned by them.
i also christian, u have to be diciplined and draw the line yourself. Last time i used to listen to everything and keep giving myself excuses, eg. so-and-so website claim the band is not satanic etc. until one night i got terrible disturbed by this song(which i shall not name), it was playing in my head as horrible nightmare of demonic creatures haunted my mind in that dream. That motivated me to judge for myself and control. Seriously, you can decide which songs are satatic and which arent. Just dont try to find justifications for listening to them, like u are doing now. BTW, Led Zeppelin is kind of heavily satanic influenced...jimmy page even bought that alliester crowley's house cos he was so fascinated by satanism! The lyrics for stairway to heaven is from a book of occult spells. When played backwarsd, there is indeed that satanic message. The song was written with the guy penning it without a clear mind or intention to do so. His hand moved by itself and wrote the song...
AC/DC are not satanic what, they are only ordinary guys who sing about women and beer. So if AC/DC is satanic, what about Rolling Stones? :P

Anyway, it's up to the listener to decide where to draw the line.
well, spreading unfounded and outlandish rumours isn't very helpful.
I have a feeling that your dream was your subconscious expressing its guilt at listening to such purportedly 'anti-Christian' music. Nothing spiritual IMO.
Only 1 of Led Zep's songs is satanic(which I don't listen to anymore).

Anyway Jimmy Page has done far worse things than buying a cultist's house.
I love their songs doesn't mean I have to follow their behaviour right?
I absolutely do not support Led Zep's rock star excesses.
MichaelAngelo said:
The song was written with the guy penning it without a clear mind or intention to do so. His hand moved by itself and wrote the song...

you see people? its this kinda comments that KILLS rock n roll... who cares where he got his inspiration from... as long as the song is good, thats ok... so what if he bought a cults house? so what if he bought a haunted house which satan lived in? imagine that the 'stairway to heaven' song had different lyrics, would it still be satanic? think about it...
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