We're all (potential) criminals now :(

If any law is founded on ambiguity that allows and gives unlimited power the Police to interprete behaviour (which even the best psychologists and psychiatrists can do within the first patient-client session) and may arbitrarily act without avenues for judicial recourse and independent 2nd/expert opinion (such that the only recourse for appeal is the Ministry & Minister that enact that law), it only means that the country is moving towards establishing a Police State! (Google It)

Just barely a month ago, a group of Malay boys were playing sepaktakraw at a desgnated sepaktakraw court within the designated hours. Out of the blue (the NPC actually), a couple of policemen stepped out and started interfering with their game asking for i/c and nit picking on some small things and stuff like that. My dad and I watched for a good 15 min and decided to step in. When I check with the policeman, he told me that it is a 'routine' check as they receive a complain from a resident. Unfortunately, this policemen failed to use his discretion wisely and quickly pounce on these kids (maybe very seldom got chance to tekan people). I rebutted his so called routine check crap by telling his that if there is a sports facility and stipulated hours where the activity is allowable, why interfere into the game that was going on when there are no grounds for any suspicion just because a resident complaint. Isn't it the duty of public officials also to first evaluate if a complain is substantiated or not? Obviously, in this case, there were No Offence Detected, yet, soon after the police left the kids left as well. Perhaps because the momentum was broken, hopefully not because of fear.

Sadly, with this new law, no public spirited resident can intervene, nor can a resident film the scene and seek clarifications for the new law has blanketed all avenues. If a gathering for a healthy sporting activitiy can be viewed by police with suspicion, the music scene could be worse.
Singaporeans protesting ??!

If you tell me the stray cats under block ...dancing to Lady Gaga...i would believe that!!
The government passed laws to suit their own interests and agendas. 'Nuff said.

And in this case, it's about preserving their political powers even further by preventing a show of dissent from oppositions and displeasure from concerned citizens.
uneducated and idiots?

are you sure?

may seem so to you, but they are fighting for a cause, and that might not be stupid.

these people are aware of what they are doing and are taking it seriously, not just doing for fun, because if that's the case then it is really stupid.

you can fight for a good cause alright,but in a proper way..these ppl dont think about their country..they have humiliated their own nation..
imagine the asean summit had to be cancelled cause of these idiots..
their economy might be in crisis here...
all im saying is that thailad is a beautiful place and lots of tourist go there..but cause of some spoilers who are so called aware of what they are doing will tarnish the reputation of their own nation and henceforth bring down the tourist market..
Yes, we have opposition parties, but considering that many people STILL vote for PAP in the general elections means they have faith in the government

Dude, read the news? PAP's popularity had dipped in recent years. :/

Whatever it is, Singapore still is an one-party "democracy". No one's gonna check nor refute the Bills they are enacting because of our lack of opposition.

I see this Bill as ridiculous because of the newly-enhanced police's ability to "mind-read".

It's freaking awesome, I tell you!
^ Yeppity Yep!

In the last election, around 65% voted PAP, around 35% for opposition. (But in calculated measures, PAP still holds more than 95% of Parliamentary seats)

Just say if you take away......the bias pro-PAP mainstream media, ban on electorial websites/blogs, ban on political public gatherings (which PAP is exempted), questionable electorial boundaries, endless threat of lawsuits, election walkovers, extra large PAP coffers, one-sided election media coverage, etc.....

well.....we may have just 50% of PAP voters.
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From more powers given to COPS and now to public rights?

Life is hard now.Just causes more commotion among the Singapore citizens.
Just say if you take away......the bias pro-PAP mainstream media, ban on electorial websites/blogs, ban on political public gatherings (which PAP is exempted), questionable electorial boundaries, endless threat of lawsuits, election walkovers, extra large PAP coffers, one-sided election media coverage, etc.....

well.....we may have just 50% of PAP voters.

Just add for me a few things. Probably will include stronger, better, and opposition with a SOUND mind.
Sometimes its questionable what the opposition party members are up to. The time that Obama got elected president, Chee Soon Juan had a nice Youtube video put up as a conveying message, which I laughed like crazy. He simply takes a fact and twists the idea behind it, causing a distortion in the truth. And its clearly seen by everyone that the truth was distorted because we see such incidents happening everyday but none of it comes close to what he said

It's a sad news that JBJ died last year. He was one of the rare few, RESPECTABLE opposition leaders left
Just say if you take away......the bias pro-PAP mainstream media, ban on electorial websites/blogs, ban on political public gatherings (which PAP is exempted), questionable electorial boundaries, endless threat of lawsuits, election walkovers, extra large PAP coffers, one-sided election media coverage, etc.....

Yes, this will be a dream come true. But it's unlikely. :(

Many people always question the abilities of our opposition parties.

At the end of the day, how well do you know them? How well are they represented? Is it right to say that they aren't as good as PAP?
^ Haha...THAT I agree. Chee Soon Juan is an exception. He's a moron.

As for the other oppositions, they are actually capable leaders.....or else people wouldn't have voted for them, despite the unequal electorial playing field. However, despite all the good things that they have done for their constituencies (eg. Chiam See Tong), it will mostly go unnoticed by the country because.....guess who controls freaking media?
In case you hadn't noticed, only Chiam See Tong is currently holding an opposition seat in Parliament. The rest is still dominated by PAP, and whether we like it or not, people voted for them when they had to.

It's got nothing to do with the media. Honestly. They don't publish a lot of stuff cause it will be of little use to publish them. Like what can they possibly publish? Oh, Woodlands GRC is now doing lift contruction at blocks 834 835 at every floor to serve them better? No one will read the news at all if we were reduced to like this...
In case you hadn't noticed, only Chiam See Tong is currently holding an opposition seat in Parliament. The rest is still dominated by PAP, and whether we like it or not, people voted for them when they had to.

It's got nothing to do with the media. Honestly. They don't publish a lot of stuff cause it will be of little use to publish them. Like what can they possibly publish? Oh, Woodlands GRC is now doing lift contruction at blocks 834 835 at every floor to serve them better? No one will read the news at all if we were reduced to like this...

I don't remember voting. I only remember the automatic walkovers and the re-drawing of the GRC lines that somehow split the opposition strongholds into various sections that were swallowed up into bigger communities.

And it HAS to do a lot with the media. Do you remember how Gomez was plastered all over the front pages of the papers for some registration stunt? Well, I went to every WP rally there was, and I wonder why hardly any of the issues said during those rallies were published extensively in the media and believe me, some of the points raised were interesting propositions and arguments. And many of the speakers were educated Ph.D holders and professionals who studied law overseas. How come not many people know this? Ask yourself that question.

This has NOTHING to do about the love of our country though or anything as radical as a political revolution. I, for the most part, am content with a lot of things with our country, and I love Singapore. But just because we question things does not make us unpatriotic. In fact, it makes us EVEN MORE patriotic in doing so. Because it shows that we care. Sadly, most average Singaporeans do not care about social issues until it affects them on a personal level.
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I don't remember voting
LOL. Lucky you. My parents had to vote every time and they always voted, saying that there was no point in doing so cause they believe in the government whole heartedly.

Well, they're politically apethetic.

And it HAS to do a lot with the media. Do you remember how Gomez was plastered all over the front pages of the papers for some registration stunt?

I remember he did some really funny stuff that was pretty much against the rules. That's all

Well, I went to every WP rally there was, and I wonder why hardly any of the issues said during those rallies were published extensively in the media and believe me, some of the points raised were interesting propositions and arguments. And many of the speakers were educated Ph.D holders and professionals who studied law overseas.

I don't recall any rally being published in the papers at all actually. None at all

Sadly, most average Singaporeans do not care about social issues until it affects them on a personal level.

That's human nature. It's generally pretty much selfish until it affects them.
Even if you want to talk about politics, honestly, not many people in the world would bother unless it affected them, unless it so happens that they are very interested in politics.
And even if something did happen, there is nothing much we can do about legal avenues. We can't hold a demonstration in the streets, as it'll only send us to jail and won't achieve our aim, and it will also break the very thin social fabric that we have in Singapore. Bitching online won't work. Staging rallies won't work. The most we get is probably emailing the Prime Minister's office or writing in to the press
So bands with more than 5 members must get police permit to enter a studio. Like this ah...brace yourselves to for police raids at jamming studios!!!!:twisted:
don't need to go clubbing lor. confirm more than 5 ppl
not that i club anyway. will be quite interesting to see my bunkmates get arrested though
Yes because jamming means you're fighting against gay marriages. And clubbing means you're fighting against animal cruelty.

Wait, how does that equate again?

For that matter, lets take one of the most most most most basic concept of policing. Probable cause. http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/p089.htm

If a policeman suspects you of a crime, he can arrest you. I quote:
A reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime.


I challenge you to write me a phrase of under what circumstances an officer may perform an arrest. I bet I can exaggerate it as much as the above posts.
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I think this is rubbish. I doubt most of the policemen would even enforce this rule. They'd probably close 1 eye and see it as a friendly gathering unless it looks serious.

As much as I love Singapore because its such a safe place, we don't have much freedom. What can we do? Most Singaporeans won't go on strike/protest, that's what I know. Problems come, we face it, we adapt to it and we live on.

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