We're all (potential) criminals now :(

First there was the first aid box for life saving activities...
Then there was the yellow box for smoking activities...
Tomorrow there will be a blue box for cause-based activities...

p.s. the blue box not yet la... but if every obedient Singaporean is to seek police permit for any cause based activities... this blue box might just happen... oh ya... it will be equipped with the latest HD cam, best condensor mic and state of the art audio recording system, with luck they might hire sound technicians to maintain the system which means employment opportunities for softees... WoHoooo!
this bill is kinda extreme...so the meeting carries on while the whole orchard road closes down eh?? who the lovelovelovelove goes to orchard road alone?? i guess the gahmen wants the foreign leaders to see an empty singapore; noone on the roads, noone in shopping centres etc. hmmmm yea we should all stay home during the meeting...when is it held?? i wanna make sure i'm not caught outside, if not must go db 1st b4 landing in changi resort =/
All outdoor activities that are cause-related will need a police permit, no matter how many people are involved. That is a change from the current law requiring a permit for gatherings of five or more people.

OMG WTF idea leh...

SG's laws are getting dumber by the day!
as in? the way i read it currently is that even groups of less than 5 ppl may require a permit as long as the police thinks its "caused-related"
Well, i think the government has waited for this day. :/ Zzz, there we go again. Where's our freedom of expression promised in our Constitution? :/

The law looks vague to me at the moment.

The police will be able to stop someone if they determine he/she is gonna break the law. What now? Our policemen have turned into mind-readers?
Singaporeans will get used to it sooner or later,and remain silent about it, in hokkien terminology,we call it "bo chee"
no need to worry ..it`s not saying about going out in groups...but more to outdoor events, outdoor speeches and stuff..
anywayz,we are not as uneducated as those thai idiots to hold a massive rally to protest or disrupt anything..
all singaporeans do is bicker and banter at forums only...:)

uneducated and idiots?

are you sure?

may seem so to you, but they are fighting for a cause, and that might not be stupid.

these people are aware of what they are doing and are taking it seriously, not just doing for fun, because if that's the case then it is really stupid.
Legislator Sylvia Lim of the opposition Workers' Party told parliament the government was taking advantage of political struggle in Thailand to "justify the implementation of draconian laws to inhibit the basic rights of Singaporeans further".

Yep, I concur. I'm so voting you next election! :D
Argh, politicking again. Hate it when they do that.

Fine, I understand the fears of the government when the summit is held next week, but is there really a neccessity to do such a drastic move?
There is a very huge difference between the situation in Thailand and in Singapore.

Singapore generally has a very stable government. Look at how long the PAP has been around for, and how long they've dominated the government. Yes, we have our grouses with the government, but you must admit they have done a relatively good job for the past 40 over years. Yes, we have opposition parties, but considering that many people STILL vote for PAP in the general elections means they have faith in the government
Its pretty much a one-party system in Singapore. Opposition? What opposition? Considering only Chiam See Tong is the only opposition candidate to always retain his seat in parliament, I don't think we have too much of a problem.
At least on the surface

The problem with Thailand is that it has two, equally powerful political parties. One, the current one, is backed by The Thai King, The other one, is backed by the ousted Prime Minister Thaksin.
Thaksin was pretty much pro-lower-income group. Most of his politcal policies, including his economic ones, were more directly involving the lower-income group. This wasn't well recieved by the middle and high income groups, which involved a lot of opposition leaders, army generals, etc. So they ousted him out by force.
The red shirts that we see in the papers are pro-Thaksin, believing in democracy. Before 1932, don't forget that Thailand was ruled by a king. Even though the king is in power, he has little say in the government. But ppl still look up to him as THE way.
Of course, the king has not supported the democratic party, but there are a vast majority of ppl who do.

You see the dilemna here
I wonder if they are doing this just to show to the world powers that Singapore, albeit being so close to Thailand, isn't as havoc as them.

But that is a bit stupid, but I see it within the Govt's capabilities, or rather INcapabilities, to have to do something so absolutely ridiculous just to show others that they got the power.
This sounds so much like the "OMG MRT cannot trade over the gantry" thread. How many of you actually bother to understand what the new bill means.

Under the new Bill, three types of activities will require permits: Those that demonstrate support for or against views or actions of any person, group of persons or any government; those that publicizes a cause or campaign; and those that mark or commemorate any event.

You go out with your friends lim kopi is under these meh?

Same same with the MRT thread I is give you example.

Situation 1. No bill.
You all hang out with friends, ok no problem. People meet up with the purpose of demonstrating and causing problems, all wearing one colour and carrying suspiciously dangerous items. Police don't do anything. Problems happen. Singaporeans ask, why police never do anything one???

Situation 2. Bill.
You hang out with friends. Police see you all nothing one, no problem. People meet up with the purpose of demonstrating and causing problems, all wearing one colour and carrying suspiciously dangerous items. Police see them suspicious. Police use the bill and stop them before they try anything. No problems. No news.

Singapore laws are there to use with discretion. When need to use, they will use. When no need, they won't itchy backside go and use. Better than when the time come they need to do something, but no law for them to use.

It seems to me many people like to deliberately exaggerate new rules to make them seem stupid.
I wonder what Dr.Chee will say about this? But even without this Bill, a gathering of 5 law is ridiculous enough, why can't 4 plot anything drastic?
i agree with the way theblueark had put it.

and i think you guys read too much into the more than 5 people gathering thing. the main point as i see it, the cause-related. such as, like a few mentioned, gigs or concerts or fund raisers even.

if you're minding your own business with your friends and not looking suspicious, i don't see why the police would and/or should approach you.
+1 to theblueark.

Seriously, people, if the rule were to be based on your interpretation of what the law is, Singapore will be the last place for tourists and foreign investors to come to. Every gathering needs a permit. Who wants to come?

Do you think that the government is that stupid to come up something that's gonna basically make Singapore a less attractive place to do business and conferences in? The idea is to basically make it such that such dealings not be disturbed.
I guess by defining it a 'cause-related', it is up to the police or the law to refine it at their fancy, not us. Whatever we perceive as 'non-cause related' is irrelevant in the eyes of those who call the shots.

The sad thing about it is that Singaporeans are probably just going to accept it as the 'right' thing to do. Why? Because we have been conditioned over time not to concern ourselves with social issues as much as we should. Most people will probably be thinking "Let the people in charge decide for us. Everything is moving smoothly anyway!" But what they don't realize is this small gradual shift that are bit by bit infringing upon our 'cause-related' activities.
bluearks got his point.
but i still think the laws unfair.
whether or not the cops or government officials make arrests fairly or not is not the point here. because of the bill passed, us, the small frys have less power to make decisions as to whether or not our gatherings are "cause-related" or not.

being vague in deeming "those that publicizes a cause or campaign; and those that mark or commemorate any event" as cause-related makes school reunions and the silly free hugs thing all against the law unless they have a permit... which is silly.

not saying that the people in charge don't already make reasonable decisions. its just that we don't have the right to make those decisions ourselves anymore.

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