To chewy & all of the other guys who commented,
Live 'n' Loaded currently is just a platform show to feature local talents, from all genres of music, whether it's bands, solos, hip hop, etc. As long as you're LOCAL, we SUPPORT. AgingYouth bro, yes, hip hop r&b will be great if they are being played live as is, and most of the time we ask the performers "Do you have a backup live band? Scratch DJs?", and we realized that majority of the R&B musicians here rely on purchased online beats and melodies which they will enhance abit using their own music editing software. Pity indeed.
Everyone has their own preferences and inclinations towards various genres of music, which is the reason why "you just can't please everyone". And like James here in Soft has always questioned and may i quote: "Do you support LOCAL?".
Post-show followups are easy to THINK of, but hardest to EXECUTE due to the lack of support from the various areas. Yes, we thought of having weekend followup gigs and bringing the bands featured on Tuesday's show to the gig lineup. BUT, budget constraints, lack of sponsorship, lack of onground support makes it all tough for us to execute what we want. With everything comes a price, and unfortunately, we have exhausted our resources to produce this 10-episode TV series.
I am most open to ANYONE who owns a club/venue and is willing to sponsor & brand the Live 'n' Loaded outdoor gig, just contact me at You might be glad to know that currently, we are working with our official radio station 987fm for a big beach outdoor concert come June. It will replace the now defunct Lime Sonic Bang!
A CD single/album/compilation at the end of the day needs the proper marketing and distribution of an established record company. Unfortunately and sadly, the existing record companies out there are not so keen on our proposal, and ever so frequent, no one will want to come up with the initial recording and production fees. Every record company is only keen on a distributorship role, which minimizes their potential loss. At this kind of financial downturn period, it is understandable why no one will come forth to support us. Shrug 'n' Sigh!
I think from here onwards, we will focus on making and branding this show as a viable programme that engages the lost demographic of TV audience (youth) who rather surf the internet than watch reruns of Alien 3.
With regards to the bodysurfing and moshing, if we prohibit and limit your freedom of expression while enjoying live music in the environment, i'm sure someone will complain. If we let all hell breaks loose, then someone will get hurt and we'll get sued. So, at this moment, we're assessing the intensity of the moshing and implementing necessary control without spoiling the mood of studio audience. You're there to enjoy a live studio gig, not to go out and crack someone's head, so just practice some simple ABCs.
Thanks for the constant feedback and suggestions, it helps us help you.
Live 'n' Loaded team