Watch Live 'n' Loaded on 27 Jan 8.30pm on 5!!

I think no matter what, the show achieved what i think it should set out to do, at least for the 1st episode anyway. It gave bands, not just established ones, but bands from schools, most voted bands, Producer's picks, Industry's picks etc and also of different genres to come onto the show and show their stuff. It doesnt matter really whether people are slagging them off on the internet or on LNL website. it only matters they got onto the show and they got the chance. Like for example, Sea Bed Sound were terribly criticised, some getting a tad too personal over their music. They were said to be there because they voted for themselves and got their friends in to vote for them and they do not deserve the top spot. My take is, they went on to play tonight and yes, maybe you still do not like them but they did win over some fans based on some comments I see when i watch online.

It is a great show based on what I saw on the first episode and personally I hope my band gets to play on the show but whatever happens, I think it is for the general good of the scene that this show keeps going on.
And also, I would love to see bands, older bands, not just Stoned Revivals that era, they are not that old though they are great, but bands like Tokyo Square etc. I believe these people have alot of talents and passion and gone through more shit than any local musicians in modern time to pursue their musical passions. They should be featured and honoured.

+1 to that.

So, who wants the WATCHMEN on Live n Loaded?

Or are they already appearing... in which case we should as, who wants WATCHMEN to play "My One and Only" on TV... hehe
haha alamak bro!
Sorry over reacting just now Oppz..
I respect local hiphop acts, quite much. Sorry yaw.. HAHA..

Cause I had a bad first impression on HipHop gigs. Maybe its getting better now?
Like arrogance? Fights? Sex? Girls?
Cause I watched 2 hiphop shows.
The rapper fight with audience. He slammed the mic down. Thinking that the mic is his. And then rush to the audience and wanted to fight. Cause the audience said something.

Then one more, arrogance , he said ' shoot me more' 'take photo of me' and publish it out, I will be famous someday. Maybe he is joking cause I dunno him well. HAHA.

But well, Hiphop scene should be well shown. So that other people incl. me can see the potential in the local music scene. :)

But still , I do support local music. And arrogance and stuck ups is different issues altogether.

Will Sleeq be on tv? I kinda like their songs.

Well, I heard The Quest is really big during that era! Would love to see them again.
And also old school papa rock bands too!

Maybe a segment on The 70's era? or earlier? It would get our parents watching the show. HAHA!
And i like the segment on the dressing thing. Really good show la really!
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I was there and there was some CRAZY moshing going on during the encore, it was wicked. Funniest bit was when one of the moshers suddenly stopped everyone because he dropped his phone, haha. Anyone else was there?
Sex? Girls?

And that's bad? I thought rock = sex, drugs (cannot in SG, wait rotan) & rock&roll and all that... *boliaos*

growlingsoulpup -- Yeah man i was there too.. moshings OK & all, but some of the guys who got really violent didn't spare a thought for the others who weren't familiar with the culture or into that kinda thing. Its bad especially for the girls among the crowd.

Anyone saw the guy whose spects broke coz of the moshing? He looked damn fierce afterward lah!

btw, here's some snaps I took @ the show: [ ]
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Haha, personally I thought the moshing was quite restrained compared to most other gigs, as in they didn't pull people who didn't want to mosh in.

I saw one guy launch into a flying kick onto one of the other moshers and then they laughed together afterwards. Madness I tell you. HAHAHA.

My friend and I were saying that if the moshing is like this this week with GSE and Electrico, just imagine when AVA play next week...:D
what'll happen to these new;y featured bands???

After getting this exposure, what will these bands have to look forward to? Any more performances lined up off the TV screen and on the performing stage at clubs or pubs? Could this have been included in the program? Like following the band's progress to maturity? Perhaps Mediacorp could tie-up with interested clubs that might want to hire these bands on a once-a-week basis?? And updated on Mediacorp's website concerning their progress?? How about having brands of instruments to sponsor them?? Recording companies to cut a single for them after this show perhaps? The follow-thru is just as important as the initial point of exposure...?? Just some thoughts here... anyone thinks likewise??
My friend and I were saying that if the moshing is like this this week with GSE and Electrico, just imagine when AVA play next week...:D

INDEED. For Mediacorp & their expensive equipment's sake, I hope they hire some minders & brief the crowd next week's crowds beforehand..

Chewy -- Great points, but honestly at this point no one knows. The show is at least showcasing local independent bands in the right way for once.. (Channel U's SuperBand, anyone?)

Broadcast media's recognition of the independent scene is important & one of the pillars to creating a viable scene with opportunities for bands.. Whether the sponsorship, gigs, critical mass fanbase follows after that ... Wait, see & pray (really hard) loh. I for one hope for the best.
im really proud of the state of hiphop music in singapore, in terms of production, exposure and direction. remember, SUPPORT LOCAL.
my only gripe is the somewhat lack of substance with some of the artistes. and i dare to say we have it as well in our very own rock scene. the lack of substance.

and yes, the camera shots felt like the cameras were being handled by someone high on illicit substance!! haha haha haha. but somewhat expected, and i only hope it could be better!

One thing I've always felt missing strongly in the local hip-hop scene is that the turntablists and the rappers dun mix too often. You have your acts like tonight's act which is performing to minus-one tracks. For me, there wasn't the element of a 'live' show. It's basically karaoke to me. For most rappers, they work with DJs, programmers and 1 or 2 musicians on stage to give it a more, well, rock feel. At least, they got their entourage of female dancers.

What I'd have loved to see is my peeps like Garuda, Koflow and Dhani rockin' the stage like their set at the Sentosa NYE countdown or the Kanye West opening slot. That'll be amazing and a good representation of local hip-hop, musically, without the b-boying and graffiti aspects.
My friend and I were saying that if the moshing is like this this week with GSE and Electrico, just imagine when AVA play next week...:D

everyone should wear american football armor and helmets to the gigs. medical team to set up a tent outside the studio, catering around at least 100 fallen moshers.
I've seen Sea Bed Sound in gigs,but last night, its not the Sea Bed Sound i know, think they changed guitarist.

Anyway, lucky its UTT hosting.He's not irritating.

All the bands were great, hip hop not my thing, but its local so , salute to all.

I support local acts........but any local established/ not established metal acts playing?

Heavy bands with great solos , you know, the usual.

Metal fans waiting !

Lastly, great job LnL team.
Kudos to LiveandLoaded crew...

On behalf of the band, I just wanna say a huge THANK YOU to the following people:

1. First and foremost, the LiveandLoaded team for making this happen. I think most of us might have overlooked just how immensely difficult it is for the producers to get the big execs to approve a show like this in the first place, so they're really putting their professional balls on the line here, for no reason other than to push Singaporean music forward. We've seen with our very own eyes how hard they've worked on this and I'm glad to see mostly encouraging remarks in this forum, cos (and I do hope you'll trust me on this) they've seriously earned it. Production-wise, I'm sure the majority of us would agree that it was just awesome, considering this is the first time they're doing it on such a scale. So to the LiveandLoaded team, good job! Keep fighting the fight! ;)

2. The cameramen (yes! the cameramen! :) )! They've gotten quite a bit of stick here.. All I can say is those of you who were there last night probably will agree with me that the atmosphere was quite something. And we might forget that cameramen and editors are human too, and they too get the good-old adrenaline rush. Yes, the camerawork was pretty energetic to say the least, but the good news is, it's something that can easily be rectified in future episodes, and I'm sure it will!

3. The crew. Last night, every member of the studio crew - the sound and lighting guys, the stage managers and crew, production assistants, writers, etc. - was completely professional in everything they did. Considering they'd been working since 8 in the morning, they maintained their professionalism all the way till the end and did great. And some of them were even working the day before (for the Channel 8 CNY show)!

4. The fans. Thank you so much for coming down all the way to Mediacorp, giving up precious holiday time, and being patient what with the long wait and all. The energy from the crowd was so awesome last night that I couldn't help but gush. And that made all the difference. I mean if the crowd was crazy last night, just imagine when bands like AVA, Vertical Rush, Plain Sunset, etc. play. It's going to be a riot!

For those Softies who have requested for certain bands, the good news is most of them will be on the show, bands like Stoned Revivals, Force Vomit, B-Quartet, Fire Fight, Allura, MUON, I Am David Sparkle, Astroninja, etc. Basically, it's just gonna be a great 9 weeks ahead, and I for one am looking forward to all the episodes.

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To chewy & all of the other guys who commented,

Live 'n' Loaded currently is just a platform show to feature local talents, from all genres of music, whether it's bands, solos, hip hop, etc. As long as you're LOCAL, we SUPPORT. AgingYouth bro, yes, hip hop r&b will be great if they are being played live as is, and most of the time we ask the performers "Do you have a backup live band? Scratch DJs?", and we realized that majority of the R&B musicians here rely on purchased online beats and melodies which they will enhance abit using their own music editing software. Pity indeed.

Everyone has their own preferences and inclinations towards various genres of music, which is the reason why "you just can't please everyone". And like James here in Soft has always questioned and may i quote: "Do you support LOCAL?". ;)

Post-show followups are easy to THINK of, but hardest to EXECUTE due to the lack of support from the various areas. Yes, we thought of having weekend followup gigs and bringing the bands featured on Tuesday's show to the gig lineup. BUT, budget constraints, lack of sponsorship, lack of onground support makes it all tough for us to execute what we want. With everything comes a price, and unfortunately, we have exhausted our resources to produce this 10-episode TV series.

I am most open to ANYONE who owns a club/venue and is willing to sponsor & brand the Live 'n' Loaded outdoor gig, just contact me at You might be glad to know that currently, we are working with our official radio station 987fm for a big beach outdoor concert come June. It will replace the now defunct Lime Sonic Bang!

A CD single/album/compilation at the end of the day needs the proper marketing and distribution of an established record company. Unfortunately and sadly, the existing record companies out there are not so keen on our proposal, and ever so frequent, no one will want to come up with the initial recording and production fees. Every record company is only keen on a distributorship role, which minimizes their potential loss. At this kind of financial downturn period, it is understandable why no one will come forth to support us. Shrug 'n' Sigh!

I think from here onwards, we will focus on making and branding this show as a viable programme that engages the lost demographic of TV audience (youth) who rather surf the internet than watch reruns of Alien 3.

With regards to the bodysurfing and moshing, if we prohibit and limit your freedom of expression while enjoying live music in the environment, i'm sure someone will complain. If we let all hell breaks loose, then someone will get hurt and we'll get sued. So, at this moment, we're assessing the intensity of the moshing and implementing necessary control without spoiling the mood of studio audience. You're there to enjoy a live studio gig, not to go out and crack someone's head, so just practice some simple ABCs.

Thanks for the constant feedback and suggestions, it helps us help you.

Live 'n' Loaded team
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Re: Chewy

After getting this exposure, what will these bands have to look forward to?...

It's a good point you've raised there. My question is, is it Mediacorp's job to do all those things? Traditionally, bands would have to rely on music labels/agents to do all that - and I'm not quite sure that's Mediacorp's role here. Mediacorp has provided them a huge platform to be seen and heard: on primetime national TV (by hundreds of thousands, hopefully), the internet and the radio (Yup. There are plans for the recordings to be broadcast on the radio). That's a whole lot.

Personally, I think it is up to the bands to build on this exposure and make a name of themselves, instead of waiting for things to happen for them. If you look at the more known Singaporean bands, that's exactly how they've gotten where they are now, by being proactive and making things happen.

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