Watch Live 'n' Loaded on 27 Jan 8.30pm on 5!!

Hello everyone!

THIS IS LOCAL MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We made it to TV finally... a full 1-hour dedicated to local music! I hope those who were there to watch it live enjoyed the special off-air The Great Spy Experiment new track "The Lights"! You guys really worked the moshpit!

And we do have our webcast that goes live from 8.15pm to 9.45pm, so keep your laptops and desktop PCs logged on to while your TV is on as well!

Next week.... Vertical Rush, A Vacant Affair, Jack & Rai and 4 more unannounced artists!!! It is going to be a blast! If you do not have tickets to come experience it live.... TOO BAD, we have given all of them out fully!

Live 'n' Loaded team
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Was pretty cool, funnily enough I thought the vocals were too soft, as opposed to my expectation of them making it loud over everything.
The bands who weren't already famous weren't that great imo, agree with heckler on seabed, their singer is weak and has no charisma at all but the music sounds pretty good, what a pity. I don't know about you guys but i found the r&b group really pretentious and annoying.
somehow i find that the r&b is annoying too.. .
imo, i can't hear the guitars out that clearly..:D
Kudos anyway to the LiveNLoaded Team for broadcasting local music on air!:D
Thanks for the feedback, and we'll keep on pushing! Plenty of room for improvement definitely!!

Keep on SUPPORTING LOCAL, nonetheless! We need everyone to push for this show... and not slapstick comedies!
Just got back from the show (Live in Bishan = nearby :D)

Good stuff by GSE, Electrico & Fatskunks as always... You can tell they're veterans from the way they worked the crowd..

I agree with Heckler & blank on Sea Bed Sound.. The volume of the vocals was a little soft ... Their sound was interesting with the funk & all.. but there seem to be something wrong with the mixing? I felt bad for them coz I actually could see that under better conditions they could've put up a better show.

The hiphop group's not really my thing, but at least they were original with their own material. (What was up with the band which did the Foo Fighters' "Best Of You" cover ???)

But all in all great start to things ... and my 2cts on how the crowd can be more energetic & lively? SELL BEER BEFORE THE SHOW!

*hint hint hint :D*
the vocals were pretty soft though, liked ling kai's perfomance alot, she reminds of Bic Runga, but of a more upbeat one. haha
I personally find tonight's show very disappointing... party due to the poor sound system that hinders my enjoyment.
really an applaudable effort. it's a lil too rushed (between one band to another) though and utt managed a lil small talk with the bands. nonetheless it's great! keep it up.

kudos kudos kudos.well done.

'Rolling Good Times' was a hit the last time round, showcasing our local talents. I hope 'LivenLoaded' will have the same impact too.

anyways, just a suggestion, was thinking maybe they should include the more 'senior' bands in our indie scene that paved the way for these newer bands such as : Force Vomit,Stoned Revivals,Marilyns etc.

it'll be great to see other hot underground local acts that influenced our scene like Serenaide (long live serenaide!), B-Quartet (genius..really) et. too.

anyways, if they manage to reunite 'The Quests' again in the show, ill be the happiest man on earth.

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