uncontactable/play out buyer thread

Thats why my policy is always 1st come 1st served, no reserving and nett prices offered unless stated.

Fast moving that way.

My beef with your kind of reasoning is, unless you have clearly stated that highest offer seals the deal, then it's very misleading to the buyer whom you have agreed to reserve the item for. Bottom line is, a deal has been agreed on based on a specific price quoted, to be purchased on a specific date. My opinion is that the seller should honor that (unless it's a "best offer secures" type of sale). It's a very simple, gentleman's agreement. If a seller wants the best offer then state so up front, or put it up for auction, plain and simple.

Yes, at the end of the day it's the seller's prerogative whether to honor an agreement. However, maturity and professionalism clearly shows when the aforementioned type of dealing occurs.

To summarize, if you agree to deal on a set price on a set date, honor that deal. If you're a buyer who has reserved an item and the seller has agreed to put it aside for you, YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR WORD and purchase the said item at the agreed price. If you cannot keep to your end of the deal, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THE SELLER ASAP.

To Sellers: to avoid headaches, be very clear and specific on your terms:
- If best offer seals the deal then say so
- If you don't want to entertain reservations then state this clearly
Whenever I'm selling anything on any local forum, I always insist on dealing at my own convenience - I'm not desperate to sell my stuff. If you cannot meet me at my specified place to inspect or purchase the item then we don't have a deal. This way there are no headaches. If they don't show up, fine, no hassle on my part.

I haven't sold a lot of stuff here on SOFT yet, but so far here are the peeves:

(1) "I'm interested in your [insert item here]. Contact me at 9XXX-XXXX."
- What was that again? You're the one who's interested in my item, right? Why should I waste my SMS/phone call to CONTACT YOU?!?

(2) "Can deal at [insert price here]?". To which I call on his deal, only to have the buyer email me a day after saying "I haven't made up my mind yet whether to buy your guitar or a Strat.". WTF?!?! Sheeeesh...damn kids these days...
of cos everyone wants the best deal for themselves rite...

its up to the seller to decide wats the best deal for himself and up to the seller

practice his code of selling or watever way he wants to deal. most impt thing i

personally believe is basic courtesy. if reserved for ppl then kindly honour it.

if Not just kindly inform the buyer that got better offer. we all want the best for

ourselves thats all. just do onto others wat u want others to do onto you. like

that we all will have a better place in soft at least.
Guess I've been lucky, most of the guys who bought from me are pretty nice. And I've sold quite a lot of things. Think one good way is not to appear too desperate to sell your thing. Put your email only at first - that way you can take your time, cut and paste to the individual buyers, cos some ask ask only.
Then when you think you've got a deal, exchange phone numbers. Works for me. :wink: Be firm to those who lowball, or don't reply at all.
hi everybody

thanks for all, the forgiveness..may God pay yor kindness....

well i jus hav to wait for my bonus 6 mths once to grab anything dat i wish to hav 1st hand from shop is more convinience

so i jus hav to keep the guitars n hav some frens come n play...more fun

i already did spent some last june,so thought i hav to sell my old ones in order to get some pedals n maybe some rare stuffs.my big mistakes is i should hav told before hand dat i hav to sell my stuff 1st...if can wait then gd,cos some are not in the hurry like me,n if they do hav others to buy over,then by all means its alrite by me,cos he needs the cash more n hav to deal fast..

i pray gd sales for u all..ameeen
If you ask me, deenrock, just because you "forgot" to mention to the sellers that there were conditions attached does not mean it is ok for you to ignore sms-es and calls. If I were one of the sellers, I could probably appreciate your reasons, but at least have the courage to face your mistakes.

anyway, ben and the others have been nice, so I shan't fan the flames.

Just felt that the pt mentioned above needs to be highlighted to deenrock.
thanks kenneth

tq mr kenneth,i did say i wan it sunday to deal...

n to mr fenderben: i quote
my sales is rather slow cos i am busy wif my werk too.i'm only free sunday.
which i found out u hav church.i am sorry here,cos our timing is incovenience >

and u quote:
just bcos i go to church, (or a mosque, or a temple) doesn't mean u can do all kinds of nonsense to me & get away with nothing.

hereby do i sound dat way?

and if i'm wrong again,forgive me

neway,i learned my mistakes here,claimed to the public...tq to all

God bless us all

The problem with *kids* nowadays = too much info too fast !


Every forum i go to is plagued with kids ...sheessh !! :evil:
well I do know one thing,
SHIT happens.

especially when you make this kinda exchanges.
deal with it.
even if you tell the whole world about it, will it change anything?

smth is oredi so cheap..yet still want to lowball..nvm..i concede to his lowballing.

so he reserve..

after awhile i ask him abt it..

den still can say considering. :lol:

in the end..he dun want.

i seriously hate that kinda people..
post phone number... ip address... etc etc :twisted:

when it comes to deals i believe the seller has the final say. not the buyer. because the seller has a monopoly over the item which he wishes to sell... whereas there may be an unlimited number of interested buyers
i agree to what fgl says.

"Thats why my policy is always 1st come 1st served, no reserving and nett prices offered unless stated.

Fast moving that way."
my policy is : no 1st come 1st reserve! it's 1st buy 1st get! (whoever buys first, gets it)

you heh....hehi..hehisitate.. hesitate , you lose out.

10¢ worth.
its up to every individual seller to decide on whether to agree on reserving to a potential buyer or not. if you get played out once, well then, lesson learnt.

just stick to the 1st come 1st serve rule. another thing, sometimes a seller is offered a fast deal, just have basic courtesy to inform the initial buyer about it. so to if a sale becomes an auction (eg...the misse board). basic courtesy goes a long way gentlemen.

anyway, i hope a user rating/feedback system takes place.

my 2 cents.

i say, "eh knn, told u stop lowballing!"
**s say, "ehhh pls lah..pls.."