TOO skinny to play guitar!!!

Hey hey hey petrina! Cheer up babe! Dont let other's words affect you, Hear no evil. I'm pretty much the opposite from you.. and i get REAL i mean REAL nasty words when i told my friends that i play the guitar. I'm fat, real fat. One of the nasty things i never heard is: wah so fat, the fingers cannot move. or you sure you can play the guitar? you wont block the guitar?

Never let those words affect you. Heh.. i jus take them as jokes.. since they're my friends. Hmm.. i'm a girl who plays the guitar too. And i'm pretty much a goodie o shoes in school.. was a welfare? hahahahahhaa. oh no.. i know i dont look like one.

Oh well, who cares about the look.. it's about the talent babe. I listen to all sorts of music, metal, acoustic, rock. Haha.. they jus dont understand and appreciate what you listen too.

I guess i was the only one in the class who plays a guitar.. i have no one to talk about music. But no worries, the net comes in. Get to know alot of pros out there and learnt pretty much. For example that booboo dhalif, kinda inspire me to improve and be as good [wait till i'm 30].

So yups, no worries, it's not your friends fault, they jus dont really understand you. Show them what you got. Play for them or teach them if they are interested. Then after that they would wanna know more. :)

My DAD tells me that my friends and me don't look like band pple. (ya i look like the teacher's pet type) I told him so what.. why do you have to have long hair/wear sunglasses on stage/smoke weed/ganja/marijuana/pot wear cool hats/wear iron maiden shirts/ to LOOK like one? ...just play man..

Whoa. Ur dad actually encourages u to b like tht. Once my mom saw me watching a video of ***** by ******* n she was horrified. "You make music like those crazy ppl? No shirts on & shakind their heads like mad?!! They r drug addicts! You stay out of music it destroys u!"
im fat and look like cartman.. but when i play the guitar.. i play like shit.. so yeah fat people = poseur.. according to tany of course.. ha ha ha oh vwell..
Yeah man. Ppl who r thin can really play damn well. We should all turn thin n gay then can play well rite? Yeah rite.
LOL....people say i'm TOO skinny to be a drummer. meh. bottom line is as long as you love the music and you play for that love and you work hard, who gives a **** what size you are?
And so it goes to show tht those who criticize SIZE have the right to rot & die n tht will prove to b a pleasure to live in this cosmic rock of ours.
dhalif said:
im fat and look like cartman.. but when i play the guitar.. i play like shit.. so yeah fat people = poseur.. according to tany of course.. ha ha ha oh vwell..

nononono i didnt say anything like that :P

it was overgeneralisation sorry but i was generalising those in my bloody school

we all know that dhalif rox! long live dhalif! :P

(ps big doesnt mean fat)
eh hope i didnt offend anybody BUT i didnt equate big to poseur nor big to lousy!!! :cry:

i feel so...wronged... :cry:

haha but really, i had a real bad experience with those bigger guys in my school, and they were poseurs and they played like shit SO
that DOESNT mean that all who are big = poseurs = lousy!!!


pls...dont!!! ARGH!!! :!: :!: :!:
petrina_123 said:
TOO SKINNY to play guitar....................
THAT is JUST what one of my friends said when she found out i play guitar!!!!!!!!

dude... I mean like hey girl. There's really such a thing called too skinny to play guitar.. hahah

I mean my buddy is a really skinny guy and very bony. haha
The problem with him is only when he barr chords.
His "barr" fingered aint fleshy enough to hold the string down at certain frets. hehe maybe his knuckles big or what i dont know. but yeah...

Cheer up lah, give them the finger and ask them back
"I play guitar or you play guitar?"
you're never too small to play guitar unless you're shorter than the guitar. then you just have to get a smaller guitar. simple as that.