TOO skinny to play guitar!!!

Aiyah man, no sweat lah.. Don't listen to your friends' insults lah, they don't know what they're saying. Who the hell said that you MUST be 'not skinny' to play guitar man... I'm short (156) and my guitar's only like, erm, 56cm shorter than me, but I'm still playing with all my heart and soul.

It's about the passion lah.. Just because some people are missing out on all the fun you are having as a guitarist, you should at least show them what you can play on the guitar man!! Blow their minds!

My sch principal cannot comprehend why I have an attitude problem, play guitar, and listen to heavy metal. I mean, i look like a damn straight A, study hard person, then people almost die of heart attack when they see me head Bangin' and shredding (ok, maybe lousily lah), but who's to say you CAN'T do it.. Just go out there and show your friends what you're all about. ROCK THE HOUSE DOWN!!! :supz:

btw, if you got any bassist friends interested in joining band age 14- 19 pls drop me an sms @ 91060098

rock on sister
HAHA i shall do that next time? it's quite funny to have people three times my weight and width telling me that I'm too thin to play drums.
soft said:
i want to share with you this taiwanese art movie
wo... what an interesting parable... hmmm interesting...

lol don't tell any1 else but tell me... and teach me how to do that too... shhh... tell no 1 else but me!!! muhuhaha... i'd believe u!!!
Being skinny (or small) and play instrument is a whole lot better than being big and useless, right? Hey, this is not a jab at those who are big sized. Just that the point about relating size to whether you play guitar or not is total crap. What has size gotto do with musical skills? Not as if you can't lift your guitar up...
one thing ive realised is that now no one really knows how to appreciate music. everyone would have heard the cliche:"music today is too commercialized". in some way that is damn true. people would rather hear stuff coming out of silicon rather than wood or what have you. in fact the image of music in singapore is damn sad: the only pro guitarists are bengs who cant even sing or play yet can claim credit using another (unknown to most singaporeans) fella's guitar. imagine letting a friend hear a classic like stairway to heaven, yet they rather listen to britney spears and watch her slick dance moves. or watch that beng air-guitaring some crappy solo.

heh. i know its kinda off-topic but after reading the previous post thought i just share my two cents. anyways who cares if ur too skinny or too fat? if you can play well, does it matter about ur size? for those who went to the exposure gig some time back, you might have remembered one particular band db(the girl band with the dude bassist.). the lead guitarist seemed as if she was too damn small when compared with her ibanez, yet she played so well she could easily be one of the best yet! most people just cant understand this fact nowadays. its like, people who play greenday and nirvava stuff as seen as most pro, rather then those who play led zeppelin or even vai.

even watched school of rock? we were all reminded from that show that rock was about to reach its peak, but got screwed over by mtv and its pop and our so-called commercialized way. somehow that applies here. also we were reminded that rock was a way to stick to the man(or whoever poseurs who think their good just by carrying that 1000+ guitar. you know, the one with the black and white bullseye design). so if people just cant dig you and ur playing i say just screw them.
pr0n said:
or watch that beng air-guitaring some crappy solo.

my girlfriend thinks the beng is cool :?

my sister is 20 and she's onlli 1.55m tall.. i don't think the guitar is anymuch taller then her.. hey apperances don't count much man.. satch is bald,timmok(stratovarius) is kinda on the lumpy side,herman li has hair almost the same length as his body but no one cares how they look like.. so f*** all the people who judge your looks, and do what you love..