TOO skinny to play guitar!!!

WAIT WAIT i dun mean u guys to be big = poseur or big = lousy!!!

u ppl are pro ok! i was referring to those poseurs in my school, those stupid trackers etc, damn poseur.

dhalif and 3notesabar u ppl are pro, poseur or not nvm! haha
My sec school mates also never thought that I would end up with the piano :?

They thought that for a guy who used to study in an all guys school , if you play the piano , you're gay , if you play the guitar , you're a man. Basically I was kinda ostracised in school when it comes to music. My guitarist school mates would jam at the back of the classroom and I just had the urge to join them (if only they kept a keyboard in my classroom). But still as my guitarist friends ventured deeper into the guitar , they began to be more open towards other musicians who play music totally different from what they play. least one of them though.... :roll:

As for the rest of my guitarist secondary school mates? That's history.... :lol:
DoubleBlade said:
My sec school mates also never thought that I would end up with the piano :?

They thought that for a guy who use to study in an all guys school , if you play the piano , you're gay , if you play the guitar , you're a man. Basically I was kinda ostracised in school when it comes to music. My guitarist school mates would jam at the back of the classroom and I just had the urge to join them (if only they kept a keyboard in my classroom). But still as my guitarist friends ventured deeper into the guitar , they began to be more open to other musicians who play music totally different from what they play. least one of them though.... :roll:

As for the rest of my guitarist secondary school mates? That's history.... :lol:

play both la! more cool!
my parents are supportive and so are my friends :D they are all rockers too.

its like sometimes people think of you and they fit you into a certain mould, and when your actions dont agree with what people think, then they get all shocked and wow-ed up. and you are just -.-

thats what i think lah.

but anyway, who cares what people think of you. i mean not to be so extreme, but just be yourself and go for what you believe in- dreams. (: skinny? i'm damn skinny too (:

well you still got soft! (:(:
petrina_123 said:
TOO SKINNY to play guitar....................
THAT is JUST what one of my friends said when she found out i play guitar!!!!!!!!

I mean i am pissed off right now,i am so sick off ppl looking at me and saying i cant play guitar cos i'm a girl,cos i got no strength,cos i'm too lazy,cos i dont look the type and 100 other things ppl say.

I dont usually take it to heart but i am relli pissed off ryt now!

I am so sick of ppl judging me by my looks,they feel that just beacause of the way i look i must act a certain way.

When ppl find out what music i like they usually dont belive me
Almost all my friends dont take me seriously when i talk abt guitars or music or piano.They think i'm some sort of weirdo....

I had enough of it ...and i have not spoken to most of my friends for the past few weeks, there does not seem to be a single person in my school who i can talk to abt music and stuff without being judged or not being belived.

Do ppl feel that singaporeans also dont accept girl rockers??
I mean like for example if a girl gets a tatoo or if she plays in a band all the parents and old folks will say shes loose and shit...(you get wad i mean??)

I know nowadays ppl are a bit more open and more girls are picking up instuments and joining bands but with this certain mind frame alot of SIngaporeans have its not very helpful is it?I guess the guys out there who already play instruments should encorage their fellow girl musicians...

Well i just had to get that out.......
Thanks if you read that!

I think that's complete bs. There are big muscular boys who complain that a Les Paul is heavy. How heavy can a guitar be? It's now even the weight of a GPMG..

Don't be pushed by people over how a guitarist should be. Just as there are diversity in people, same goes for guitarist. Just practice abit more. Get your licks and riffs right. That outta silence those critics and naysayer. :smt003
DoubleBlade said:
My sec school mates also never thought that I would end up with the piano :?

They thought that for a guy who used to study in an all guys school , if you play the piano , you're gay , if you play the guitar , you're a man.

piano is cool what! especially especially if you can play it damn well :D
the best thing is to just show them what you can do! that will probably shut their mouth up! that does it for me everytime :D
i dont like those show offs that cant play something decent especially trying to show off in front of girls...

seen it many times...
wah lao no one gets me and everyone thinks i'm referring to them...

haiz...not referring to anyone here, just that, i've been despised in school because of some poseurs who know how to hold the guitar...
well ,last time i had the impression that playing the guitar, showing off your stuff, will get you some girls. Somehow it wasnt true , it separated me further away from the girls. I mean girls dont just like you because you play the guitar and play it well.
Well you can tell me about it. I had a school concert. I shredded through the beginning of Far Beyond the Sun and got boo-ed out of the competition.Then, this last minute band,got together and pickup their instruments wthin 5 minutes, the guitarist was like fretting 3rd string 5thfr. all the way, and picking the same thing in crochets all the way (Hoobastank) ... obviously just only learn how to play. GET TO PERFORM. .. wtf. man.

Next day, the damn poser came to school with PLASTER ON ALL FOUR FINGERTIPS. You got that just by fretting a single string at a fret the whole time? Even I don't get that. I was blistering my fingers at that insane backing track speed.

In school now, people see that person is the pro guitarist. But those real rockers in my school... they have the real respect for me. and hold me high, real respect, thats all that counts :D hahaha end. They lived happily ever after. Sad end huh? hahahahaha.
I don't know why some of you don't like it when people are surprised that you are musicians and say that you don't have the look. Back in Sec 1 and 2 days when I tell people that I play guitar, they are surprised and would tell me that I don't look like one. Just play for them and make them change their mindset on what guitarists look like! Or any other instruments you play.Or.. you can dress up like your favourite rock star :D
i had this rival band who played crap but the thing is they played more in school have more experience. so right, ppl think the lead guitarist is damn pro or the band is very good but i just dunno why. maybe they look cool but my band can play what they practise for 3 mths in just a session. not boasting but i mean, some ppl just dont know what is good or bad...

sad... :x
Well you can tell me about it.

Dude, I think the problem might be that your school audience doesn't like to see people playing virtuousic solos... Just like how punk rock was once a backlash against those power rock people like hendrix... Perhaps they want something they feel is... Sincere.

Hehe, then again,
Thing is, we show.

Shreds a couple of runs - BOOOOOOO
Plays repetitive crochets G and have someone gay sing over - WOHOOOO.

if you get what i mean. The audience.