Hope to see the local scene prosper. and more people will come and listen to our musics. Seriously, if theres a big market in singapore, all this wont happend. Hope big sponsors/brands will come and help the scene.*hint*
I wish you all DGOs all the best in your future endeavours like 100%>>>>of my
Stay hip cool and funky always!
besides, tiecket sales are no problem. if u're willing to absorb some of the cost and sell your tickets cheaper, there'll be no shortage of ppl buying from you.
you been punk...
1) i do have a group
2)whatever i say you guys reply?
3)biopromax is someone who i respect but we have our own directions,the way we look on things is different..
4)kai sheng---im been looking all for you...
5)to everyone on soft
6) broken english...anyhow wack and post...
only biopromax should know the answer....
>>> here<<<and there>>>>>but where???
ticket sales are no problem if you're good.
but if you need to absorb some of the cost, you're basically paying (subsidising) people to come for your gig.
if you're paying people to come for your gig, you may sell tickets but you're making a loss (and you may not be that good).
making a loss is not very smart, but hey at least organizers can make money off you.
me too! :mrgreen:i really like the scene now, as compared to 10 - 15 years back.