Too many gigs?

i don't even think guyrence makes sense to begin with , he contradicts himself by organising gigs and then complaining that there are too many . So whats your point man and please explain in simple english .
i don't even think guyrence makes sense to begin with , he contradicts himself by organising gigs and then complaining that there are too many . So whats your point man and please explain in simple english .

I told ya, he wanna 'promote' himself by this way.
Ok so the real question is how many glasses of homebrew does one need to imbibe to not care about the quality of the gig?


1) If its a session beer like an English Mild of around 3% alcohol, you'd need at least 6-8 pints
2) If its a regular beer like a Pale Ale or a Lager of around 5% alcohol, you'd need around 4-6 pints
3) If its a Belgium style like a Duvel or a Chimay and around 7-8% then you'd need around 3-5 pints
4) If you're a fool and even bother to imbibe something as wrong as an Amsterdam... then probably 2 pints.
Originally Posted by snuffleupagus
Ok so the real question is how many glasses of homebrew does one need to imbibe to not care about the quality of the gig?

5 carlsberg special brews


4 Burbon cokes


3 long island teas


2 "double" chivas neat


1 HOT SOFT babe!
wah sey you both good drinkers man! For me, I get high only after like 3 cans of heineken, but I can maintain it and drink alot alot more for hours before i become really totally drunk and start ordering shooters to spoil the whole show!

PM me for details if you organising a hardcore drinking session bro edder bro, fgl, kena horlicks sua lah bro hahahah

Ok back to topic, erm, we must support erm locale gigs no matter wut!
PM me for details if you organising a hardcore drinking session bro edder bro, fgl, kena horlicks sua lah bro hahahah!

BRO SNUFFS - u need to sit in on an "after practise" wind down session with retro Groove dah bro ...sure to enjoy .... no holicks / milo / kopi allowed ;)
BRO SNUFFS - u need to sit in on an "after practise" wind down session with retro Groove dah bro ...sure to enjoy .... no holicks / milo / kopi allowed ;)

Ah!! PM me for details bro hehehehe,,,dey, one day we go the old xintiandi(club royce) la, my playground there, drink till kingdom come bro if u want!

But we must support locale scene no matter Wut!
Ah!! PM me for details bro hehehehe,,,dey, one day we go the old xintiandi(club royce) la, my playground there, drink till kingdom come bro if u want! But we must support locale scene no matter Wut!

BOLEH ... norm fri nites but this week fri / sat Im giggin wt other bands so KIV next week ...

1 of these days lah bro - cfmn on punya... :D
Ok so the real question is how many glasses of homebrew does one need to imbibe to not care about the quality of the gig?

does a glass mean a pint? if it does, i'd say about 4-6 glasses. of heineken that is.

besides, guyrence, your posts so far show that u're bitter at the rest of the organisers getting better locations that you do and that they are more successful in promoting than you are. so what if there are many gigs going on?

you're the one that wanted to start down this path of show organising, so either

A) You start working a lot harder


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No one minds more gigs.

We all love gigs, +1 me please.

But, it depends on who the organizer is actually. If the person has a bad reputation, and the things he organize don't contain substance; no point right?

PS: Indeed, 16 years old working is very hard, how about attending school to perfect your languages? Languages quite important for an organizer, to bring the message across ma.

No one minds more gigs.

PS: Indeed, 16 years old working is very hard, how about attending school to perfect your languages? Languages quite important for an organizer, to bring the message across ma.


+1000000000000000000 to that man