Too many gigs?

A good organizer would know how to do up , promote an event and sell tickets to make a profit . If they make a loss , its entirely they're fault for not planning or promoting it properly or even getting the wrong bands . Freemansland did a very good job for Tel megiddo i mean they promoted the event and got good bands down together with some new ones , there were hickups but it was still enjoyable . It was a fine example of a quality gig where bands could actually make music and not noise .Rockon is interested in the money mostly , he gives new bands an opportunity to play but pay , in that order , any random band can play hence the lack of quality control . So there are not too many gigs guyrence , stop whining because you can always stop if you don't like it , and i totally agree with sherT and please make more sense when you post
Late enough to be amused by ignorance, guyrence.

My question still stands; how is having more shows a "problem"?

If somebody puts on a show that draws the crowd away from yours, there has to be a reason for it. Suck it up, quit bellyaching, and LEARN from it. There are people out there who do it for the passion.
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Guyrence can i ask what school you are from? and academic stream haha. trust me that this is a totally relevant subject i said ZAX..i totally understand what sher T is trying to tell me...

well/ im not taking it personal...your comment is good!

you say "not too many"

can i ask you 1 little question
so what is your "many gigs"???
Late enough to be amused by ignorance, guyrence.

My question still stands; how is having more shows a "problem"?

If somebody puts on a show that draws the crowd away from yours, there has to be a reason for it. Suck it up, quit bellyaching, and LEARN from it. There are people out there who do it for the passion.

ok..Sher t !! got it...
we can never have too many here in singapore , in reference to the number of gigs i can do , thats up to my physical limitation and wildest imagination . I'd play till i pass out

go work at macdonalds if you cant take the heat from organising your "shows"

i really dont understand why youre whining here

+1 to that , booyeah!
The scene revolves around the same few people most of the time and these people support a certain band. Along the way, there are bound to be people joining the scene and leaving cause of unacceptable behavior whether it's from the performer's point of view or audience.
Think of it this way, big scene, less gigs=more demand. More demand, organisers organise more gigs.
small scene, too many gigs, organisers also earn less money.
Whatever it is, you're talking about money. Money here, money there. Are organisers really trying to promote the scene or make money?
Look at weekly/fortnightly gigs like weekend trip, timbre etc. These are gigs that promote the scene.
Others like Ultrasound, rock on etc. That are probably "in" the scene just to make money for themselves. And half of them probably don't even know shit about music. All the need is bands to sell tickets, play, entertain 1/12 of the people there and the money comes in.
So what you're trying to say is these fools are organising more gigs to make more money for themselves and you're losing out? Oh, poorthing
theres lots of gigs oppurtunities now.
every band can play and participate.
but if your band is already quite established and well known,they'll be looking for a mid range/high profile ones.
which is pretty hard to get.
high profile gigs dont come easily,every week.
prolly around once every 2 - 3 months.
thats the reason why u dont see bands like WGB,Plain Sunset play in and out everyweek.(unless there's a tour or smthin la)
no offence to this thread starter.

its good for bands looking for exposure to participate in these gigs.
from there,they'll learn,get experience and they'll get invitations from other organisers.
selling tickets is acceptable,but forcing the bands to "sell all,or pay the remaining tickets" its really demoralizing and unacceptable.
trust me.
u dont wanna be in that situation.
yup,thats basically my point of view.

and i know im not really answering the question of this thread.
sorry! - SILHOUETTE - Rock / Alternativa / Indie -
The scene is pretty much the same right now as it was back then, the only difference being the scene is saturated with emo/pop punks bands now. Nothing wrong with this obviously, since the majority of people that go for these 'diy' shows are teenagers anyway.

There's still a real lack of quality gigs though.

Dude the scene is totally different from it was back then.

Back then, thrashers, black-metal-people, metalheads, skaters, punks, skins all hung out together and wreak havoc! :D

200 to 300 of them walk down orchard with a boom box :/

thats what I heard from an old school uncle anyway la.. HAHA!

I think scene kids are alright, liking music is still liking music, even if for the wrong reasons, cause one they they grow up they'll learn.. and they probably will still listen to not so mainstream bands. :D

everyone should like music with their >>>>>>>>100000% LIFEFORCEZZ<<<<<<<<<

GUYrence you're a funny guy, and I guess deep down inside you're innocent and lost and a really nice dude :)
funny thread. LOL. People are against him. LOL. The thread is like beating about the bush lah. Its like , hes promoting his effort in the scene this way.

Guyrence, I know you make gigs every week. :)
It seems like nobody likes Guyrence from his previous participation to the other threads so I'm gonna use a different approach and try to answer this without any preconception of how he is.

I can see where guyrence is coming from (I think), if there are 2-3gigs per week and that every gig, bands are required to sell an x amount of tickets, considering the fact that there arent too many eager 'gig-goers' in the first place, I think that the audience is getting spread too thinly. Now this can be unhealthy, if you have too much product and little demands, eventually you'd make a loss. So thats the problem that I see.

The advantage of this would be that because this is happening, amateur bands who on normal circumstances, shouldnt be able to perform are getting opportunities and are getting better, ergo, the level of music of the local scene will eventually flourish.

Solution: Market and Advertise your event in such a way that it will entice your niche/target audience, organizers are somewhat of a gatekeeper too, they should pick bands that are ready for live performance and not just any band who can sell tickets. This way the audience will get their money's worth, which will bring more audience, which will cause this 'sell to play' trend to diminish and (hopefully) eventually die out, which will encourage bands to get better (since they dont need to take time to sell ze tickets), which will finally lead to the fattening of ze organizer's pockets. The Audience is happy, bands are happy, organizers are happy, each depends on the other, like a ring, its a circle, it has no start and ending, like a circle...
thats why there was a informal group of DGOs(Dodgy Gig Organisers) formed to yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah to the local blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda 100% lifeforce.
Bro edder bro, I've copyrighted the term DGO™ (Dodgy Gig Organiser™), bro.

For further use of the term, please contact my agent about it, bro. Yes, I is ready to endorse your new fuzz pedal too...
i will only let you endorse my pedal if you can promise to life your life to 100% lifeforce!!!!
Im already lifing my life at 200% lifeforce already>>>>

<<< so much that imhavin' [problems >>> tryin

to type incoherently >>>
Yea...too many gigs around is olryte but its not alryte when the organizer dont do his job well by rushing the bands to play.
eg A: 1 band is to perform for half an hour,the organiser signal "Last Song" to them just after like 20 mins.(Thats so like a jammin session).

eg B: 1 band is required to sell 20 $5 tix.the organiser have 9 bands in hand to fit in a like 4 hr DIY for 1 nyte, the organiser pockets 900 bucks and after payin the rental of venue,he will be bringin home like wad?500???thats ridiculous.coz y? some organisers SIMPLY POCKET ALL PROFITS n didnt share it among bands.

Well my personal view is,Organisers shud plan ya gig well and if u dun think ure up for it,do ur homework and come down to gigs and learn how others do it.
And bands who are desperate for gigs shudn't be dependin too much on DIY gigs coz after evrythin,yo'll be complainin bout how bad the venue was,how bad the organiser was and how come u didnt get at least like 10 bucks out of the 500 bucks made from the gig for at least your band to quench ya thirst after a damn hot/squeezy/smelly/small/sardine in can like gig at Beat Merchants.

just my 0.02 worth.
Sorry if i doesnt have to do much with the thread but since everyone is just pourin,i'll help fill the glass man!

OK lah guyrence i lazy to read all the page ah. so i just ans the first post which is from u. haha. some organiser may do it as a passion as most organiser they themself play in band as they shuld know how amatuer bands feel when they trying to get e gig slot.but some just wanna make money out of it. well havin lots of gigs has e good n bad. the good thing is tat amatuer band get a chance to perform and experience being on a stage and play infront of some pple..........this also may help the bands getting a label or some recording company. Having many gigs may i say May HELP the local scene abit. but the bad thing is that yeah pple might get bored of gigs and thinking tat the organisers just wanna make money out of this gig bla bla bla.......... if you were asking for solution, i think better not to have a any solution for this. just let it flow naturally mayb it will lead to something good who knows?? so better don't end this many gigs thing yet. As for those of u who complain bout havin to many gigs, just think back, how many gigs hav u guys gone to ??? SO yeah..........tats all. SOrry for not reading others post. LAZY AH

supply creates its own demand. econs ftw!

but srsly, if you think that at 16, doing gigs is your ricebowl, you've really screwed yourself on your career path if you are going to do it at the jamming studio scale. its a free market and you cant put a foot down on how many people have gigs in a day, like it or not. i suggest you to get a job so you can have a more solid ricebowl. and do the gig organisation on the sidelines. well or you can quit altogether. JUST DONT QUIT S.O.F.T. There are many people here who hope you never quit soft cos you are >>XTreme<< :D