Too many gigs?

Do you know the time and effort involved? In making all the phone calls, meeting the bands, finding the appropriate place, trying to make sure everything will work out fine etc.. It's no easy work doing all that alone and talk about his age being 16 we should give him some credit and ENCOURAGEMENT.

Yes, yes I do =p

As such I reserve the right to continue laughing! xD
14 PAGES!!!! WTF!!! all the page seems to be jsut keep repeatin bout the same thing over n over again. you guys not tired meh..... i think i shuld unsubscribe from this thread . haha.

a forum is like a daytime soap opera. you've seen it before somewhere else, but you just get glued to the screen. because its so. freaking. entertaining! here, there, but where!
ya...cause he was using soft when he's at some cybercafe..

then forgot to unclick the "remember me" sign

so yeah..people got he's password lo...
i also don't know man...maybe he's out of the scene or somthing?
who know?

so let this thread be dead!!!
cybercafe = bad bad.

well maybe he'll come up with a new account?


haha gosh why didn't i think of that?


yea tim. he's a great guy, fighting for us, expanding the local music scene..and a friend of a friend
biased sia. hahai was thinking of giving you +1 on your girlrence post but i thought again.... nah...

There's never too many gigs around...if there was, every band would be performing and some gigs would have NO BANDS performing at all cause all the bands are already performing elsewhere.
stop mocking guyrence, he really tries his best in organising a gig, played once for him and i can see he really does put his best foot forward. though the style he types online is rather weird, he does speak pretty well in instead of putting him down, we should like shredaholic and freemansland said, support and encourage him. who knows, one day he might be able to hold some event as big as something like baybeats.

so all the way guyrence.
i don't mock him, man. i support him. i want to play in one of his gigs, then found out that his account kena hacked.

sad sia..
entertainment and jokes aside, heads up for somebody who at least still cares about the scene.

guyrence, all the best in whatever you do.....