The Probable Future of The Singascene?

I would like to hear their music. Do they have a Myspace? If their music's good, I might have to eat my words, though again, I highl doubt so.

Look at X Japan.. Their dressings were like total cock to people during their time, but most people respect them for their music/showmanship and not the other way round, ie like the way they dress 1st then liking their music.
Haha, but at least when you see This:


You don't get that "hey-look-posers" feeling... ;)
i wouldn't mind the getup if they were hot chicks instead. i think the singascene needs that. i think the world needs that

y'know usually i'm quite a poker faced guy. but this really made me look dumb at my workplace haha.

what's with the umbrella man. I thought these guys got struck by lightning or something.sibei cartoon. feel real sorry for them, this's like way worse than tammy sex scandal.

anyway just recently I walked past a mascara groupie of 5/6 like these on the roads and one of them bumped into me on purpose and still said "knn lah" , i turned back and looked at the kid and told me "say to my face la." he stared at me with that same gay glare you see on the 1st 2 pictures. I walked towards him and I shouted "come closer and say it straight to my face." he and his friends just looked at me abit, pretended nothing happened and walked off. not that I was concerned about being outnumbered, but if he had the guts to say it to my face I'd definitely apologise for bumping into him.cos i believe people with balls deserve respect.

moral of the story : it's all fun. you hang out in groups, you dress the way that makes you feel unique and special. it's all part of teenage growing up, but it doesn't make you some kinda big time gangster unlike in the 90s (and it's way worse in the 70s/80s so that one you old birds no need to say la) where I come from , kids get beaten/chopped and even killed (like the kid hacked outside bedok interchange macdonalds) for such staring/unnecessary remark incident. so i hope none of you teenage softies belong to this kind of group or know anyone who does, and if you happen so, you will know how stupid (cool among friends maybe) you look by the time you've grown up to adult age. so take many many photos of yourself now, and see later. just don't circulate it heh you'll regret many many like these people.

to contribute :
this one is not "band" related. but those chinese born 1970/80s would find this a familiar trend at a point of time. specially dug it up from my archive of "Funny Sh*t" for you guys

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! i've seen these group of people la please...they really poser sia..hahahhahahahahahahah!!! i saw them in malaysia. like usual, all staring at me..they dont scare me at all la please..yea and i bet they play lousy covers..but i hope they prove me wrong man....:twisted:
even our local scene have people who dress like that. colourful skinny jeans and shit, makes me sick. if people just concentrated on the music rather than dressing up themselves i think the scene would really improve.
Poseurs have no place in music. Singapore's music scene needs real genuine music, not some crazy assholes dressed in some stupid shit.
Singapore's music scene needs real genuine music, not some crazy assholes dressed in some stupid shit.
You forgot to add in an important last line: shit... ...who can't play a crap.

I'm really fine if they could produce some good music, but from the pictures, I doubt so. There are pictures of them fooling around in the studio but where're the pictures of them performing or recording something worthwhile?