The Probable Future of The Singascene?

haha well, if youre first and only one to do it, then i dont think any of us would mind. the problem is when each and every single person you see wears the same clothes as you do! haha
totally agree wit ya
its like having a whole bunch of bro and sis instead of looking like you
they wear like you
aww man i cant stop laughin keep away the enthyl chloride
it makin me laugh
That looks like a fashion cum attitude disaster to me. I won't mind if dressing up/acting like this enables them to express their true self, but I highly doubt so. Thus, I'm guessing they won't last for long.
My god people.. Leave them alone lah!
Nobody is going around talking bad about what you do or how to dress!
They wanna dress up like that? So be it. Its their bloody lives..
At least they have the guts to do what they want to do, rather than sit and wait to be told what to do..
It ain't the first time man.. That its sickening that people can be so judgemental and hypocritical..

My 2 cents, which I hope make you guys think.

Edit : Its only natural to make an angsty post for my 666th post :twisted:
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I think the pics just ghasted my flabber. But the um-bah-rella-ella-ella-eh-eh...are a riot....where can i get one of those...but in hot pink pls....

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I think these guys are great! They make effort to do something. Would be interested to know what music do they play.
Yup i think they are great too!
At least the fasion sense for that matter.
They do what they like and thats far greater than being just another face in the crowd.

But on the other hand, they really don't look too good (as in goodlooking) in those outfits luh.

Bottomline, respect for the individualism, but ney to carrying it off.
haha like what visa and i said earlier - if they play great music, we have all the respect in the world for them. but you know, if they were to be at our gigs, why shun and segregate them and all. let them stay, listen to the music, and let the scene grow from there. everyone has to start somewhere! my 2c :D
I think these guys are great! They make effort to do something. Would be interested to know what music do they play.

True to the point there Mr Soft....But if their music fail them, i wouldnt mind supporting them on account of their um-bah-rella-ella-ella-eh-ehs alone...

someone shoot me. I may be mean but the pics are really good medication for the high fever i'm suffering now. and all that laughter seem to have broken my fever....

IF their music fails them then I dont see the point of dressing up like this and not achieving what they need to..
hahah no bro, alexisonfire is a wicked canadian band. no pestana last time i heard :D check them out though!