The plural of "Gear" is NOT "Gears"


New member
ok guys, maybe this doesnt have anything to do with guitars per se. but it's been making me cringe each time i see it on forums (like soft), especially on the classifieds.

Not trying to be preachy, just being informative:

The plural of "gear" is NOT "gears". The word "gear" is ALREADY a collective word to mean more than one item.

anyone else cringing here?
flame me all u want guys but i think this thread is unnecessary. whining about things like this ?
i mean come on..
Point taken. Hope all of us will gear up towards better day. But even if not, let's not gear down our involvement in posting threads that keeps SOFT alive, particularly when the new site is finally in gear. I guess this thread is gearing towards an end. :)
"i have lesser money than you" <-- what's wrong with this? another common mistake but i don't cringe at it lol not a grammar freak when talking cock in a friendly forum like this :)
singaporean's english will always remain as such.

because, when they are corrected, they go, "ya la ya la..ur english good la"

its abt the mindset..learning from our mistakes..

but well..sometimes..typing grammatically correct makes a sentence too long..haha..

having said that.

i realised that im sleepy.
wah o level english time. it's also furniture not furnitures. people, not peoples. although you can say peoples when appropriate. like "Like the peoples of the world must unite etc..." Thats cos you referring to the different types of people. k english a
"Like the peoples of the world must unite etc..." Thats cos you referring to the different types of people. k english a

i dun tink so..

it shud still be "people" not "peoples".

regarding the current topic..

i believe the TS was referring to "gear" as in effect pedals..not the gear u find on bicycles,clocks,cars..

gear as mentioned is a collection of pedals or equipment..

BUT the GEARS u see in cars and bikes are different..
for example, one gear has worn out, but the other 10 gears are fine.

therefore, we have to look at the subject matter.

juz like, "an apple" and "10 apples"..

and megadeth's "gears of war" prolly refers to the actual gears (those with teeth)..
oh hey cool..

so it should be :

what gear do you have
share your gear
what are your gear

oh my... the word gear sounds wrong now... haha
the problem is, english language teachers at the primary and seconday school level aren't qualified enough to teach english, imho. we need native english speakers, like brits? a lot of singaporeans cant spell and pronounce properly. take pronounce for example, most people on the streets would say 'pronouce' instead of 'pronounce'.

i happened to turn to channel 5 recently and joakim gomez (the singapore idol dude) was hosting uhhh crime watch or sth. my goodness, his oral skills were really bad!

i hate singaporeans who try too hard to speak with an accent. wtf.

BUT, heh i dont speak darn good english. i speak well enough to get by i guess lol!

but anyway english in singapore is unsalvagable lah. think about it, we were a british colony, and the standard has gone down the drain since then. look at those vietnam and china mama that come into sg, some can't even speak english if at gunpoint. english in sg is an optional language and bad english is always swept under the SINGLISH rug. and whenever you try people will brush you aside by making an extreme comparison between singlish and queen's english.

but the one thing i would like to know, if the queen dies will it be called king's english??

English is a Language just like any other Medium use in communication - It's Purpose - To communicate to another party. As long as the other party understand what is being communicated or being put across - The Medium (Written English) had serve it's purposes here....simple as that.

You don't need to have Perfect English to communicate with fellow Musician here - as long as it's not abusive or offending....

Whats with the - (s or no s)..not an issue at all in fact.

Just my 2cent
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den why are we even thought grammar in school??

i can speak in any fashion as long as it doesnt offend,yes?

as long as the idea is put across and is serves the purpose,yes?

i have nothing to say to that kinda mentality.if this goes on, we'll prolly be the little red "laughing stock" dot.
