Well Well Well!!! For those unintiated, AC/DC, long believed to represent "Anti-Christ Devil's Child" is really not what everyone think it is!!!
The TRUE meaning behind AC/DC, would be "Ah-Chong-Disco-Club". Let me explain; The band's name came up after having a bad gig, on a secret club tour in Singapore sometime in the 70's, when they realized the place they were playing in preferred Disco music. Which coincidentally, the DJ then in that club at that time was called "Ah-Chong". Hence from that day onwards, in order for them to remind themselves what a bad time they had here, they named the band AC/DC. (Notice; they never touched Singapore in their World Tour)..
As for KISS, "Knights In Satan's Service", BAHHHH....all that previous nonsense....It's suppose to be "Kau Ingat Sayah Sayang"....These guys(then unmasked and had a crappy bandname), after playing a gig in KL didn't leave much impression on the crowd. So after some heavy brain storming, thought of a great idea, went to the ladies' changing room, started to put on make-up(to try to hide their real faces for the next show). And at the same time, whilst putting on their make up, the local record company executive was chatting up some chicks, and the band members noticed that the exec would start his conversaion with "Kau Ingat Sayah Sayang" everytime a lady passed by and the chicks would always be swoon by him whenever he said that sentence.....Being really curious chaps(and really desperate to get their act together), the band members finally mustered some guts and had to asked the record exec what it meant and to their surprise the exec said;Aiyah, bodoh, it means "You remember me Luv?" lah!!! Realizing how magnetic the sentence could potentially be, the guys decided to change their crappy bandname to "KISS" (after attempting numerous times trying to pronounce the original sentence fluently. Besides it sounds weird in an American accent anyway) Henceforth, they started wearing their masks and called themselves "KISS".