The meaning of ACDC and KISS

i think Highway to Hell is a parody of Stairway to Heaven, no? :wink:

ah well. some people don't really get parodies. and fans correlate the band image with the individual players as well. happens.
Hmmm. I still strongly advise anyone getting into metal to be very careful.

Yeah, lyrics are lyrics, in context and what not, not evil lah and so on... but lyrics make the person you are. Music has the ability to move the soul and influence your actions.

In other words, to take lightly a song's lyrics.. its... unwise.
Well Well Well!!! For those unintiated, AC/DC, long believed to represent "Anti-Christ Devil's Child" is really not what everyone think it is!!!
The TRUE meaning behind AC/DC, would be "Ah-Chong-Disco-Club". Let me explain; The band's name came up after having a bad gig, on a secret club tour in Singapore sometime in the 70's, when they realized the place they were playing in preferred Disco music. Which coincidentally, the DJ then in that club at that time was called "Ah-Chong". Hence from that day onwards, in order for them to remind themselves what a bad time they had here, they named the band AC/DC. (Notice; they never touched Singapore in their World Tour)..

As for KISS, "Knights In Satan's Service", BAHHHH....all that previous nonsense....It's suppose to be "Kau Ingat Sayah Sayang"....These guys(then unmasked and had a crappy bandname), after playing a gig in KL didn't leave much impression on the crowd. So after some heavy brain storming, thought of a great idea, went to the ladies' changing room, started to put on make-up(to try to hide their real faces for the next show). And at the same time, whilst putting on their make up, the local record company executive was chatting up some chicks, and the band members noticed that the exec would start his conversaion with "Kau Ingat Sayah Sayang" everytime a lady passed by and the chicks would always be swoon by him whenever he said that sentence.....Being really curious chaps(and really desperate to get their act together), the band members finally mustered some guts and had to asked the record exec what it meant and to their surprise the exec said;Aiyah, bodoh, it means "You remember me Luv?" lah!!! Realizing how magnetic the sentence could potentially be, the guys decided to change their crappy bandname to "KISS" (after attempting numerous times trying to pronounce the original sentence fluently. Besides it sounds weird in an American accent anyway) Henceforth, they started wearing their masks and called themselves "KISS".
To bring things into perspective:

1. Do you believe there's a Devil? Yes, No?

2. Do you think these people(KISS) look like devils on stage? Yes, No?

You should draw your own conclusions from how you answer the above 2 questions. No point arguing till the kows come home.

all this satanic branding is stupid... the two real people who can be considered satanic is King Diamond, and Deicide... they have confessed to it
and yes i do believe that there is a devil... and the paint that kiss uses and and other goh bands uses is called corpse paint... it was originated by people like Alice Cooper who wanted to look more scary and gruesome and wanted to look like rotting corpse... coz like a rotting corpse if u see rounf the eyes, it'll be like black and stuff... and the face will be very pale
distorted_soul said:
i heard from one of their official fansite they thought that the label "AC/DC" was cool and found it on the back of some electrical appliance... u know, coz it says so and like represents an AC or DC current... AC for alternating current, DC for Direct Current... so AC/DC
yes,that's also what i've heard :wink:
rock music is the commodity these bands are selling,
whatever names given by the church community is to
discourage kids from listening to them.
Well, not all churches discourage people from rock music... in fact, most modern churches are embracing rock as a form of expression for their worship and stuff.
probably it was in the 70s/80s rock were discourage then
the lyrcis to these 2 bands might be a worrying factor to parents
that's why people came out with such abbreviation
yes...and the pet shop boys stands for pray eternally to satan he offers power beyond blah blah. :roll:

personally the best abbrievation i know thats actually true is GWAR.. God What an Awful Racket... lol

and MATMOK..from detroit rock city..mothers against the music of kiss...i dunno that just freakin cracks me up..MATMOK
I read Gene Simmon's autobio and he said that KISS was just random and they though it sounded cool.
KISS can also be Keep It Short and Simple...
daveaha said:
Oh, who cares. My self is a Catholic, but I listen to ACDC, Kiss, and others which has been branded satanist. Even Megadeth's Mustaine who sang (recycled) Anarchy in UK is a Christian. It's about the music... and some people really too extreme in their religion !

And about the concert, it's all about entertainment...

Mustaine only recently became a born again Christian, in the past he was pretty much just neutral in religion.
thor666 said:
When I was in Primary 6, my friend who was a Christian, actually brought in a Christian-related book to school. The book was, in a word, incredulous. It claimed the electric guitar, the stratocaster, was -SATANIC- because of the 2 horns, which signified the horns of the devil on the head. -> :twisted:

Duh! I believe your friend was a silly Les Paul fans. Which satan depictured as having unbalance horn?
haha. unfortunately you wouldn't believe what some people would go to the extent.

it's a bit hard - sometimes I don't want to categorically use the term Christians, because I've actually met so many Christians that are much more level-headed. :( i have very high respect for this group of Christians, and I do feel for them when people also cateogrically place the other, not-so-level headed people along - it's pretty unfair to them.
well,im a catholic and when i was like 14-15 years old, a preacher [its a she] preached bout this bloody things,metallica is satanic,ac/dc is satanic, and from that time onwards i dont dare to listen to any of their song...
but when i started playing music,slowly you know that these so called 'satanic' bands are considered as trend setters,and i begin to wonder 'are they really satanic?'
then i listen to one of ac/dc's song,which happened to be 'thunderstruck'
bloody hell,i can see that there's not a single satan in their song,wonderful arrangement,good lyrics,powerful vocals
and i started to curse that damn bloody preacher,hahaha...
from my own oppinion,its like they dont know what the hell is ac/dc,what kind of music they play,they just brand them satanic based on blind assumption...and the news go on from mouth to mouth,people that dont know music or any shit bout ac/dc will surely believe this gossip
cmon,let's say ac/dc is a satanic band,so what,its like you wont go around drinking baby's blood or doing some sort of ritual after you've heard ac/dc's album
just sharing my view guys, no offense

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