The Ernie Ball Music Man Thread

well then i see this problem as well, that the cycle never stops when each keeps lunging for each others throats. if thats what joshuak thinks then that is his story for another day. what im trying to say is let your passion be channeled in a more positive light. what say you?

I'm fine with that... In fact, I tried, remember? Then he comes back with some comment about me trying to be a sherriff and not shooting straight... Hey man, as a full blooded male, I resent that!:mrgreen: So, I buay tahan and hammer back lor... He siam again... haiz... No balls is no balls... (non-EBMM guitar owner mah... whahahahaha):mrgreen:
ok. just send me an sms. Thanks.

I got 1 ball. My CO dont let me buy another ball. Ripper was telling me about a new tobacco burst ball that i cant buy.
ok. just send me an sms. Thanks.

I got 1 ball. My CO dont let me buy another ball. Ripper was telling me about a new tobacco burst ball that i cant buy.

Whahaha!!! just tell you CO: "Dear, I'm not a man with only one ball... i need two!":twisted::mrgreen::p
well then i see this problem as well, that the cycle never stops when each keeps lunging for each others throats. if thats what joshuak thinks then that is his story for another day. what im trying to say is let your passion be channeled in a more positive light. what say you?

Thanks, Pentatonic Bro. I suggest we just ignore him. Our kind intentions can't undo for him in 1 day what has already hardened into his character over the years.
joshuak, im not taking any sides. just that i think it would be much better if we lived with so much more harmony, after all guitar is my love and i believe it is the same with all of us and that we should be sharing rather than flaming.

whitestrat, i see maybe u feel joshuak has wronged u but i dont think using the no balls thing is right either way even if ure just trying to make a joke. its like saying yeah u wanna put out a fire and then pour more fuel into it cos its like trying to egg joshuak to do the same in return. there never will be an end to this that way.
Hey, penta-tonic bro. Thanks so much for being the mediator. :)

I have no problems rebooting and restarting on the right footing with whitestrat. I am not really angry with him in the first place.

Whitestrat - No more pop shots between us eh? You stick to your "balls", I continue to use my "rapier" (telecaster). Each guitar has its own plus point. :cool:
thanks joshuak. its good to know that things can be settled in a pleasant fashion.

after all tone, gear, image is all up to preference and highly subjective. while we can strongly feel about certain things and what is good and whats not, theres always the case of one mans meat, another mans poison. and the fact that each has his right to his/her opinion does not mean the right to force his/her opinions on how others feel abt that particular piece.

freedom isnt the right to do anything but the right to do what we ought to do.
Ok! Time to talk about BMWs...uh... I mean EBMMs again.

Whitestrat, the mic is still there for you if you wanna chant something about your favourite JP, Steve Lukather or silo special or whatever EBMMs. :D
Whitestrat, the mic is still there for you if you wanna chant something about your favourite JP, Steve Lukather or silo special or whatever EBMMs. :D

Wait... I'll have something new to post in a couple of weeks time, depending on how fast FedEx works... In the meantime, chat away...:mrgreen:
i've never tried a EBMM guitar before....anybody here can let me try?

Suhrs are the sex man....i loved bro Penta-tonic's suhr.....hahaha
If there's a gathering, why not?

But seriously, just drop by Sinamex anyday and try out their BFR JP...
The exact one you quoted on top, but different color...
They have a nice Egnator there too :D
If there's a gathering, why not?

But seriously, just drop by Sinamex anyday and try out their BFR JP...
The exact one you quoted on top, but different color...
They have a nice Egnator there too :D

Hey Ross, whats the list of inventory at Sinamex now? Its been a long time since I drop by Sinamex.
The last time I checked, there's two Morse w/ FR, BFR JP, and a Luke... A few JPs an Axis are due to arrive...

Suhrs are nice, but I don't like the neck heel... I find it rather cumbersome...
The last time I checked, there's two Morse w/ FR, BFR JP, and a Luke... A few JPs an Axis are due to arrive...

Suhrs are nice, but I don't like the neck heel... I find it rather cumbersome...

Seems like Sinamex still donno know the secret to business..

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