Sure bro! Sinamex has a reason for their pricing man. You buy from them, you are paying for warranty and customer support. I not going to talk much on these well-discussed things..
Anyway you are right about $500 bucks workhorse guitars. But I would pay a bit more for those MIJ Strats you mentioned. Anyway I have now look the EBMM way for something non-conventional to the strat style guitars.
You've never owned an EBMM right? :twisted: And I think you really don't know what one consists of. To compare it to a MIJ Fender? Or even an MIA? erm... okay... It's a free society...
So. Does a $500 MIJ or even a $4,500 MIA Fender or any other brand give you this? For the price, you can't even get a Suhr or Tyler to give you all this!!!
Whitestrat bro, I was not comparing quality you get per dollar spent. I totally agree with you that, to the right person, a well-chosen EB axe is really worth the money.
The way you give comment ah... like some of the workhorse guitars I was talking about. You are right about what you say but the feeling people get in the process is not very comfortable. With some "upgrades" to the way you write, you can be like a more luxurious EBMM. :mrgreen:
Check how how bro Ripper replies. He is not exactly agreeing with me but the feeling you get from it is shiok. Probably one of the same reasons why people buy more expensive guitars like EBMMs.