The Ernie Ball Music Man Thread

hey guys! awsome thread! didn't know such exist! btw these are my babies!

hEY Bro if you love that Axis HSS, you gonna love all those Silo Spec HSS I brought in man! Light, slick, and with tone as versatile as your ASS!!!!
Just sent a mail to dealer asking for reservation and FREEBIES. You may get lucky if they throw in strap, strings and picks!! Sinamex dont do these type of gesture right? Haha.

okay im so noob but i am seriously in love with the sparkles!
even nanoshred's steve morse was cool.
i fiddled around with it when he was at my place.

how much are one of these?
how much are one of these?

With that same amount of money, you could buy 5 - 10 reasonably good workhorse guitars.

But what a serious musician really needs is to find just that ONE guitar that would suit him/her for life. It makes so much sense to pay so much for a guitar when you rationalise it that way.

That being said... we guitarists are often unable to make up our minds on which guitars are gonna suit us for life. Hence the expensive GAS problems. :p
Wow. Very good valuation indeed! How do you value/price a "good workhorse guitar"?

For example, MIJ Fender Strats or MIK Ibanez that cost between $500 to $1000? It must be able to produce good sound, have good intonation and durable enough to last for years.
For example, MIJ Fender Strats or MIK Ibanez that cost between $500 to $1000? It must be able to produce good sound, have good intonation and durable enough to last for years.

EBMM will love you to death bro. Haha. Lets assume EBMM quality on par with a good MIJ Fender, $1000. You were sayin 5-10 guitars. Okay, take 5. One of these sparkles dont cost $5000. It dont cost $4000. Not even.... No I cant say any more.

Thats the wonder of EBMM and why I like them. Boutique quality but at affordable price (if you get from me). Brother Joshuak - time to give EBMM a try. I guarantee you to like it, you will be amazed at the playability, and you can admire the finishes all day long....