The Ernie Ball Music Man Thread

Available - Black Silo Spec HSS & White Silo HSH

The followings are available and are READY for shipping - USA stock:

Black Silhouette Special, Rosewood Fretboard, Matching Headstock, Black Pearl Pickguard, HSS, Tremolo

White Silhouette, Rosewood Fretboard, Matching Headstock, White Pearl Pickguard, HSH Tremolo

Arrived - 2007 Limited Edition Silhouette Special HSS Blue Dawn

Latest import -

2007 Limited Edition "Blue Dawn" Silhouette Special HSS Tremolo with Rosewood fretboard & Matching Headstock.

Grainy pics taken by Nokia mobile. Better quality pics to be uploaded soon.

Note: Some review on the color here. The Blue Dawn is definitely a SPARKLE color. It is very very hard to capture the sparkle on film because of the thick poly coat and the nature of the sparkle itself - which is actually tiny light-blue sprinkles (as opposed to the big metal flakes found in the G&L sparkle series). In person however, the sparkles grow and reflect light at any angle you look at it. The level of intensity of the sparkles here is of course lower than the Autumn Redburst I have earlier showcased, but is definitely appropriate for the theme "Blue Dawn", where brightness breaks into the sky, and the stars shimmers away. Fans of the Blue Dawn hesitating to acquire this special piece - DONT WAIT, you will NOT be disappointed.

The G&G deluxe case is however a letdown here. The internal construction of the case looks fragile with the thin cushioned wall and a flimsy storage compartment, as compared to the SKB style EBMM Hardshell case. The guitar does not snug tightly inside the case, and movement is inevitable. The void does however provide space for protection (foam sheets and bubble wrap) to cushion any knocks and bangs. The case was opened up for custom inspection and was NOT repacked properly for its final delivery to my doorstep. Thanks to the many foam sheets and bubble wraps provided by my vendor, the Silo Spec does however arrives in perfect condition. The G&G case, to me, is not a good choice for long-distance shipment and bcos of this, I may refrain from bringing in any future pieces that are shipped in the G&G case.

Sure. Give me one day. Gotto contact dealer. Congrats to your new-born bro.

Thanks... Is this one NOS? or used? How's the finish condition? Can you ask?

It's definately newer than the last Silo you got for me. Compensated nut, and virtual PAF pups...
Thanks... Is this one NOS? or used? How's the finish condition? Can you ask?

It's definately newer than the last Silo you got for me. Compensated nut, and virtual PAF pups...

New. Brand new. Of cos, donno got test by customer at their shop front or not lah. The Blue Dawn came NEW for you info.
The G&G case, to me, is not a good choice for long-distance shipment and bcos of this, I may refrain from bringing in any future pieces that are shipped in the G&G case.

Then that includes ALL LE series guitars, and BFRs... I don't like the G&G cases either... Their SKB flight cases are much better...
hey guys! awsome thread! didn't know such exist! btw these are my babies!
hey rossie that's exactly my guitar...hehehe....yah i bought this at sinamex...still in awe with this quiet....first time i experienced EMG's.....AWESOME
leecs: I actually prefer the V-shaped Luke to silos... Chunkier feeling... Almost like a LP...

savedbygrace: yup, the Luke is a totally awesome guitar, my friend loved playing it (that guy in the picture), he hates EMGs, but the neck pickup was really nice, but the bridge is kinda disappointing to him as he wanted an SSS guitar... Still trying to get him to get an EBMM though... Recently got two friends converted to the JP6! One of my friend is this lovely young lady (well, older than me lar... but you get the picture :p)

hey guys.. just wondering why sinamex never bring in some Silo's,Axis,Sub...hope there could be more variety to choose from...God bless everyone....
hey guys.. just wondering why sinamex never bring in some Silo's,Axis,Sub...hope there could be more variety to choose from...God bless everyone....

The Sub is discontinued.

But to answer the Silo and Axis question, I asked them, and they said: "Because nobody buys them. If you want we can order." I almost fainted.

I did order a LE08 Silo Spec through them though... awaiting it's arrival.