The best way to describe the government in SG =)

The best way to describe the government in SG?

> Neo-confusionism, elitism, totalitarian administration, with a hint of disguised democracy.
You know something... I feel puzzled. Everyone loves to complain about our government but no one wants to do something.

Is this a Singaporean disease or are you guys just too afraid to do something? :/
Nah I think its more of a Singaporean Disease. Do something also do what? Other than a new govt. earning less money for itself, there is nothing much that can be done.
Nah I think its more of a Singaporean Disease. Do something also do what? Other than a new govt. earning less money for itself, there is nothing much that can be done.

what exactly is this Singaporean disease? Apathy? well i believe that trying to make a difference is better than not trying at all in my opinion. we could use music to sow discord, you'll be surprised at how much it can influence people. ;)
we could also just join PAP and change them from the inside, but who likes politics anyway?
Haha what I think is this disease is our insatiable desire to speak about the Govt. and of change, and only speak.

Honestly, I am beyond satisfied with my life right now so I personally do not see the need for a drastic change. Sure nothing is perfect and ideal, but given what we have now, we are pretty darn lucky.

I think opportunities are everywhere for everyone, for those who don't know where to look or don't try hard or smart enough, you cant really blame the Govt. then right?
Singapore's government in my point of view, is led by a domineering party, each time a new party try to emerge, they suppress them before they have the voice to say. But it doesn't mean that they are a bad one. One thing I really have respect most for the govt. are their transparency and sound policies that everyone adheres to.

I for one is a foreigner and no doubt I'm going to fight for job placement with you guys here in the future. But Singapore is a country that depends a lot on tourism, if foreigners were to leave Singapore for good and leave you guys alone, I bet the population will be cut more than half. So we do contribute to your economy growth, shape the Singapore today and in turn, you guys provide us will a warm place to live in, I got many good friends that I found here. Sweet..haha

I don't know if there will be people who resent foreigners like me after you read my post. :S
You know something... I feel puzzled. Everyone loves to complain about our government but no one wants to do something.

Is this a Singaporean disease or are you guys just too afraid to do something? :/

Bro, sorry but you are wrong.

There are people who have put things in motion to contest and oppose the government, sometimes with favourable results but most of the time, they end up in trouble.

These people represent the voices of those who 'complain', and put into action to get the unhappiness across, or at least try to. I don't know much about the exact details, or whether they could have done it in a better, more peaceful way but yes, things are being attempted.

Most of us here are only capable of voicing our dissent and sometimes displeasure at how certain things are being handled, wishing that they can be done in a possibly better way. Nobody's complaining about how everything is run, just some of the policies, processes and decisions.

But this doesn't mean people do not have the right to complain. Not everybody has the know-how or time or resources or the necessary education to get some things done. That's why unions have their leaders, villages have their chiefs.

Don't get me wrong though. We are not (at least not me) saying that the government is doing a horrible job for us Singaporeans, just that things are not perfect and some things can definitely be reviewed and improved.

Don't forget that different people have different things to complain about, depending on his or her own personal situation but when it is clear that a lot of people are making a suggestion about the same thing or want certain similar things to be improved or changed, then it simply means something is wrong, right?

For example, some people are unhappy because the fact that the government's raising of the GST to 7 percent and its setting up of ERP gantries all over the island have all contributed to the inflation rate that is at its highest in a quarter of a century, but the average wage levels have not been adjusted accordingly.

The result is that the crushing burden on working folks gets even more unbearable. Yes, it may not affect everybody but if it affects a significant number, then maybe something should be done to help the situation, right?

The problem here (in Soft) is that most of you are young adults who are not holding any jobs or much responsibilities in life yet. So, maybe a bit hard for you to understand.

Do correct me if I am wrong, because I personally believe every new day presents opportunities for me to learn something.

One thing I really have respect most for the govt. are their transparency and sound policies that everyone adheres to.

I'm sorry man, but transparency has always been what our government lacks. -.-

Hm, I do know people do try to change something. I'm referring to the majority of people who always voice their dissent. Yeah, I know I have complained a lot too but I am making sure I'll be able to make a change that everyone has pointed out. It may be hard or nearly impossible, but I will try my best. Afterall, I'm young and time's on my side.
It's not about what the system has done or what it can do for you ...

quit bitchin .... most you mafakas here have a comfortable life...

...thanks to Mr. Lee :cool:

You wanna make a change ....go out and do it is cheap!
You know something... I feel puzzled. Everyone loves to complain about our government but no one wants to do something.

Is this a Singaporean disease or are you guys just too afraid to do something? :/

right.. what do you know.
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It's not about what the system has done or what it can do for you ...

quit bitchin .... most you mafakas here have a comfortable life...

...thanks to Mr. Lee :cool:

You wanna make a change ....go out and do it is cheap!

Well said.
Couldn't agree more. Perhaps, the ts need to understand that being a minister is no easy job having to live with pressure from his fellow countrymen...
But we know, every minister out there is doing their best for their people.

Not happy, why don't you be a minister and start dictating... I bet you won't be able to last a minute... Let alone seconds...
kids these days only know how to complain and school complain,no school complain,NS very siong complain,Father never sent you to school by BMW,MERCEDEZ..complain,never get PSP complain,never get Gibson also complain........wah lau..wake up and smell the coffee`s easy to complain and talk about the government but we have to thank them that we are not living like those people in INDIA,THAILAND,INDONESIA,and all the other 3rd world countries.......

neverthless.....good or bad....i`m happy to have a good job,nice house and great frds and food all around me...:)
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You know something... I feel puzzled. Everyone loves to complain about our government but no one wants to do something.

Is this a Singaporean disease or are you guys just too afraid to do something? :/

Come on la want to protest also need license and cannot be more than 2 or 5 people or something like that.

Anyway those who don't feel the pinch of s'porean politics are probably some bochap people who have a helluva good life and have their whim and fancies catered to on a silver platter. Even if you say something bad about govt in this forum, like hell they care like that. Who do you think you are to them? Your place in society is nothing to them because you don't influence people. If you some big shot who is very influential, then I might consider advising you to watch your tongue in threads like these.

In my OPINION, I think the Singapore govt is very opaque. Its not zero-tolerant or anything but people do care to have a say. We just hide in our shells and talk among ourselves in the cave(or concrete jungle) that we all dwell in. People who aren't doing very well in Spore do want a change in life and isn't that what a govt is for? Doesn't a govt make its people and country prosper, be managed properly and be HAPPY? Everyone wants to be happy don't they?, and if you're not, you would definitely do your best to find some(happiness) right?

Sure, Singapore was once a plain old fishing village and our "father" brought it up so well till it is today. But are the people REALLY happy? I for one am not. I'm not happy because of the blatant future i see in myself if I live in Singapore. Now, I live somewhere else and to me, life is great here. I look back and do my own research on how my family would have been if I lived in Singapore, I would probably be eating 2 pieces of bread spread with margarine every day for breakfast day rather than the plate of nasi ayam with rendang(ooh I love this).

Might have been fate that brought me here but whatever it is, I'm darn grateful i can eat all these delicious food without even thinking of starving for 3 days in school to get a a lovely meal.

That IMHO is the way I look at the government of Singapore. Restricted. Maybe what our "father" said is right. "parent w/ degree + parent w/ degree = child go into university"
159, are you a Singaporean? And where is this lovely place you are staying in now?
I look back and do my own research on how my family would have been if I lived in Singapore, I would probably be eating 2 pieces of bread spread with margarine every day for breakfast day rather than the plate of nasi ayam with rendang(ooh I love this).

Might have been fate that brought me here but whatever it is, I'm darn grateful i can eat all these delicious food without even thinking of starving for 3 days in school to get a a lovely meal.


hmm let me are in asia...maybe malaysia??
Well...well..things are getting heated up. I'd just like to add to my honest opinion. I'm just THANKFUL to GOD to be living in a safe environment. At least I'm not living in Gaza.