No shit.
Do they really have people trawling the Internet every single minute googling for naysayers and people posting malicious content about the government?
I doubt so.
First of all, the TS did not even post anything malicious, obviously.
Secondly, it's just like looking for a virus, be it a pathogenic one or an electronic one. Simply because you have to know exactly what you are looking for. If you do not know, you won't really find anything.
So, the fear is a bit laughable (at least to me). Not just fear of being 'found out and tracked down' but fear of the government in general.
And fear of being laughed at, basically.
Just look at America, its presidents eg. George Bush whose IQ is somewhere in between idiot (medical term) and moron (medical term), are being criticized, parodied, mocked and lampooned endlessly by everybody, from Jimmy Kimmel to Saturday Night Live, from the average Joe on the street to the millionaire blogger but America is still the economic powerhouse and the so-called global leader today.
Not being able to laugh at ourselves could mean that we are afraid of making mistakes, and making mistakes is but a normal aspect of life, without which you cannot learn and improve.
In the end though, like a lot of things in life, this is all entirely subjective.
For some people, they are contented with a simple life routine of being born, being raised, being sufficiently educated, having enough to eat, having enough every month to spend on a few things, maybe start a family, hopefully live with average health to a considerably old age, then pray that die in their sleep due to natural causes.
As long as they find themselves lucky enough to be able to live like this - it is often good enough. For a lot of people, this is the meaning of life. So, for what reasons would you want to do anything that may disturb the balance and possibly rock yourself out of your comfortable boat?
This group of people, I believe, make up most of the 66.6% of the voters in the last election. The balance of that 66.6% live with hope of leading 'normal lives'.
Personally, I kind of agree with the TS. What is implied is that the government does what they think is best for you, not what actually is best for you. The fact of life which dictates that life is diversified and everyone thinks differently, is kind of ignored here, and that bothers some of us.
Sure, there may be some political agenda which is morally kind of incorrect but as some of you said - what have you done to possibly correct it? What can be done? Are the channels open and fair enough for discussions that will benefit absolutely everybody?
So, here people start to speak up only when they turn on their brains, or when shit happens to you and you realized that you are not really being treated fairly. True, some will compromise for the sake of continuing to live in their comfort zones, and some simply give up and take a chance elsewhere.
As you can see, we can debate till the cows come home, or we can choose to cower in fear of being watched but honestly, as long as that somebody is still alive - I don't think any of this will change.