The best way to describe the government in SG =)

Well said.
Couldn't agree more. Perhaps, the ts need to understand that being a minister is no easy job having to live with pressure from his fellow countrymen...
But we know, every minister out there is doing their best for their people.

Not happy, why don't you be a minister and start dictating... I bet you won't be able to last a minute... Let alone seconds...

LOL! i didnt even say anything...
... we have to thank them that we are not living like those people in INDIA,THAILAND,INDONESIA,and all the other 3rd world countries.......

neverthless.....good or bad....i`m happy to have a good job,nice house and great frds and food all around me...:)

Ermm... most of the rich people in the three countries you mentioned are definitely way richer than most well-to-do people in Singapore.

And there are still homeless people and beggars on the streets in 'first world' Singapore, if you've been out and about.

So, I don't think you are making a fair comparison.

But if you think you have absolutely nothing to complain about, then good for you because all of this is subjective and circumstantial.

I don't blame people who complain because I tell myself I can only truly feel for them if I go through what they are going through, or have went through.

It is called 'empathy'.
kids these days only know how to complain and school complain,no school complain,NS very siong complain,Father never sent you to school by BMW,MERCEDEZ..complain,never get PSP complain,never get Gibson also complain........wah lau..wake up and smell the coffee`s easy to complain and talk about the government but we have to thank them that we are not living like those people in INDIA,THAILAND,INDONESIA,and all the other 3rd world countries.......

neverthless.....good or bad....i`m happy to have a good job,nice house and great frds and food all around me...:)

Agree with what you said. Still, Indonesia's a messed up country compared to Singapore, but I still love it and I'm Indonesian :cool:
Well said.
Couldn't agree more. Perhaps, the ts need to understand that being a minister is no easy job having to live with pressure from his fellow countrymen...
But we know, every minister out there is doing their best for their people.

Not happy, why don't you be a minister and start dictating... I bet you won't be able to last a minute... Let alone seconds...

What the hell is wrong with you?! Did you even read the TS' first post???? And I think you mean he won't be able to last a few seconds, let alone a minute. Which is quite ridiculous since even a complete jackass could do that.....
yes there are poor people in singapore.that i know...quite pitiful and i feel for them.but there are some who dont wanna find jobs and laze around and then complain that the government is not doing anything to help them..thats crap....
i do empatize with poor people..but at the end of the day..there`s only so much that we can do...
everyone has every right to one is stopping them......i`m just saying..
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its fun to komplain....its really our national pastime. that said there are ALWAYS things that will dissatisfy, so those in power shld also not get too sensitive when ppl do kow peh here and there......

just as they tell us to live with it bec of context blah blah so shld they with us!!!!

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