The Bassist's Effects Line Up

Uh depends, Tonefactor does it realy quick, within a week but for 20usd. As for Vpost, which is best recommended, cheaper but not so fast though. Vpost charged me about 11sgd and it took about 10 weeks for the goods to arrive at my doorstep. But that's just my case, perhaps other here got it faster.
tonefactor charges USD20 for first item, each additional item ships for free

proguitarshop charges slightly more, but less than USD30 i think, but the shipping is much faster

i think both shops will make it 'easy' for you in the customs declaration, if you know what i mean. but some shops will refuse.

these 2 shops should be able to provide you with most of your needs though
davies got a decent price on t-rex stuff really good pricing. +1 to davies

btw if u guys are in kl tomorrow, come down to zouk, i am playing lah

hi all,

After going through all 141 pages of this thread. *PHEW* I'm finally ready to post one of my own~

I've been playing bass for awhile now but I am more or less new to bass pedals. Don't really know what's available in the market as well.

The only two pedals i have are a DigiTech Bass Driver and MIJ Boss OC-2 Octave.

I am planning to change/expand my pedal board and would really appreciate suggestions from all you nice people here. :)

From going through this thread I came up with certain pedals to try:-

More importantly,

Driver - Aguilar Tonehammer, MXR Bass DI+
Compressor - EBS Multicomp, Aphex Punch Factory
Chorus - Boss CE-2B(out of production), How's the CEB-3??

Just to ask,

Octave - (the OC-2 sounds rather good), More suggestions??
Envelope Filter - DigiTech Synth Wah, EHX Bassballs

What do you peeps think about AMT Bass Pedals as well?

The bass in usage is a Musicman Stingray and I'm looking for pedals that do not colour too much of the tone.

Could you all help me with this, thanks alot. :D much appreciated.

for compressor, EBS Multicomp is very transparent, no coloration.

for envelope filter, Digitech Bass Synth Wah is a good sounding filter, and comes with a fast tracking octaver too. EHX Bassballs is very unique sound, does not sound like a classic envelope filter at all, so try first to see if you like its sound.

for pre-amp, Tone Hammer is really good. But there's colouration of the sound. I think since you're playing a Stingray, it's already an active bass with it's own pre-amp, you you don't really need another pre-amp.

for the boss chorus, seems very popular a lot of people like them, but many prefer the CE-5 which works for both guitar and bass. Keep in mind the boss ones are all digital pedals though, if you want to go analog, try BYOC chorus and Analogman.
really depends on what music u wanna play.

if funk, recommend an envelop filter (auto-wah), like a bassballs.

if 80s synth, the oc2 can cover that pino/paul young tone.

and of course, u have good taste in basses. ;)
and of course, u have good taste in basses. ;)

^5 to that bro. :D

Hi guys,

Thanks for the help Resetti. I will check out the BYOC chorus and Analogman (anyone know where to get them?)

I'm also looking for a driver to give me that little growl when i need it. Any recommendations? Was looking at the MXR Bass DI, but the sansamp one seem pretty popular as well.

[To rottenramone]: I play almost anything really. Haha. Jamiroquai, GnR, Switchfoot, RCHP, J-Rock stuffs and the list goes on. As long as the bassline is groovy. Just experimenting with pedals to see what magic they can do. :D

it really depends on what you want your bass tone to sound like. that would be determined partly by the kind of music you play. there is no hard and fast rule about which effects work on which genres, which defeats the purpose of creativity.

chorus and delay would be good for making really spacious sounds. i recommend the ehx small clone. one of the best sounding choruses outh there IMO. the analogman clone chorus is a small clone clone but at it's price its gonna blow your arm and leg away. you must be a major fan of chorus to appreciate the hundreds of bucks you are paying for it.

to add to the point about filters, some filters are time-based which means that they do not respond to your playing dynamics.

the multicomp is a good compressor, on the subtle side. one might argue its so subtle that you can only hear the benefit in conditions such as recording. it has 2 bands of compression adjustable via an internal trimpot. normally bassists prefer the compressor to be more sensetive to higher frequencies than lower frequencies. it also has a 'tube' setting that makes it... tubey i guess.

the aphex punch factory is a very very subtle optical compressor, which may lead you to wonder why you are using a compressor in the first place.

you may want to try compressors such as the demeter compulator (subtle). if you want to play slap at all, try something more powerful. many manufacturers clone the ross compressor, probably because it is such a good design. you can try the mxr super comp, keeley or barge rc-3.

if a drive pedal is what you are going for, you might want to broaden your search. the pedals you mentioned are preamps. hence they are effectively the preamp section of an amp, which sometimes include drive controls. for example, while the mxr m80 is a good preamp, it's not very fantastic as a drive pedal. not enough tweakability for it to be useful IMO, because the drive is not very versatile to begin with. aguilar and sansamp would be worth a try.

you may enter the realm of fuzz as it can be implemented very effectively with bass. but if you are looking for, strictly, an overdrive, you could try the zvex distortron, which is based on the zvex box of rock which sounds great on bass. it gives you the marshall overdrive tone.

for octavers you need to ask yourself if you want
A. analogue or digital
B. octave up + octave down, or just octave down

analogue octavers are notoriously poor at tracking. some people find the 'dirtier' tone of an analogue octaver desirable. as for digital octavers, the ehx mirco POG is one of the finest. some octavers do also not actually do an octave up properly, instead giving a tone which has the harmonics boosted or something like that.
thanks everyone for your input. greatly appreciated.

i've did research on the various pedals recommended by y'all and will be going to test them out this book out from camp. :D

right now i've decided on the pedals that i really need at the moment and those i am considering to get to fill those spots,

Distortion - (no idea which one.. haha)
Compressor - EBS Multicomp
Chorus - BYOC Chorus
Octave - Keeping my OC-2

What do you guys think??
Distortion..there's really many out there, I suppose the best way is to gather a list of the current favourites. Well even the obscured and on-boutique ones may be good enough for you. Read reviews, suggestions but most importantly try it out personally. I used to read reviews and there were raving ones for the Fulltone bassdrive but when I really got down the trying, it didn't work for me at all. Bottom line is you really got to try the pedals to see which drive suits your ear.

Some of my personal favourites are the Zvex Box of Rock, Mi Audio Blues Boy Deluxe, Boss BluesDriver. The Polish Love and Bassdrive are pretty popular. And Aguilar preamp comes with a pretty decent distortion.

Again, you should go down to shops with these and give them a shot. Or try digging samples from talkbass.
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i am using Demeter coputalator and its very transparent and play well with other pedals. now its on always "on" mode.

since yer ray got a on-board pre, what abt a HBE Hematoma, decent price and sounds quite good and if u can get yer hands on bogdan love pedal. And for DI kinda thingy EBS Microbass is amazing its on my GAS list ;p
With reference to Bryandt's post. Over the past few weeks i have chance upon numerous threads on talkbass regarding the Boss OC-2. Due to the high praises i succumb to the GAS and finally landed my hands on a MIT Boss OC-2 at a extremely affordable price.

All i have to say is...... ITS AWESOME.

In the past i have come into possession the Micro POG and EBS Octabass. The POG is definitely damn fine at pushing those octave up organ type of sounds. Additionally i found the EBS to be lacking in tonal definition and produced a very muddy/organic type of "octaving".
However, the OC2 seriously just bring those funky synthy sounds. It is just awesome....

So i would strongly recommend keeping it !
i feel like getting an OC-2 too. like some Boss pedals, is there any difference where it's made, e.g. MIT/MIJ? also, how well does it track, all the way down to the lower notes?
Well, from reading all the talkbass stuff there is completely no difference. They have said to have A/B the different versions of the pedal.

Tracking is spot on however on your Open E string to the 3rd Fret (your G) there are some tracking issues. Thus 5stringers can definitely forget about getting some low B synthy goodness.

Additionally, i've heard from TB, placing a compressor before it improves tracking tremendously. (I have yet to try it, i do have a Mr. Squishy compressor) I'll update this thread once i do get the chance.

PS: time to GAS up people !
the OC2 seriously just bring those funky synthy sounds. It is just awesome....

So i would strongly recommend keeping it !

I agree with that man. I too felt that it sounded surprisingly good on the bass.

I'm glad i decided to keep it.

haven't tried an MIT one before as mine's MIJ. Got it off some nice chap few years back for $70. lol :D