The Bassist's Effects Line Up

i've been dreaming of a predominantly-ehx board... but for compression and drive the cheap stuff just won't do :twisted:
Took the Flying Tomato out. The yellows are pure coincidental;)

Yea! Been spaming since I've got my new camera! It's wonderful to have my own camera hahah :D I haven't tried the citrus but the reviews have been decent, if you're happy with it then why not! i know..its the itch! Killer gas-itch!
the fuel tank jr can fit into the pedaltrain mini with the dc sockets pointing upwards, am I right?

is it a tight squeeze there?
Well yes that shouldn't be a problem but I think there'll be some awkwardness as the black wire's probably going to stick out by the side. Tight squeeze? Hmm rather its compact. Its a pedlatrain mini afterall hahahha all about minimalizing and making the best use of the space :)
but the onespot isn't isolated.

can the Fuel Tank Jr be mounted under the PT Mini like the rest of the PTs?
Yea I definitely could but this is the downsized pedalboard and I already had the Fuel Tank jr pior to this mini setup, yup so didn't want to get another power supply.

b33r: Well not quite. Only the mxr dc brick would fit. The Fuel Tank jr is too big in breadth and width. Though some tb-ers did kinda saw the lower portion and made some modifications to accommodate their respective power supplys. Nah but I'm too lazy.
my Sadowsky outboard preamp hums quite a bit with the onespot. i tried using a battery, and the hum disappeared entirely. unfortunately, there's something wrong with the battery compartment so it can't close when there's a battery in it haha. so i'm using the biyang noiseless adaptor now, helps reduce the hum significantly.

i'm quite anal about noisy setups. :(
I can't use a one-spot because I intend to put a tone hammer which takes 18v onto the pedaltrain mini.

I've tried to locate the Godlyke power pump to use with the one spot, but it seems it's all sold out in sg, and there's no information on when stocks will be in - same with the fuel tank jr, sold out as well, and restock is an estimated 3 months.

(rant: it's quite typical isn't it? buying gear in sg. always the things you want are in a perpetual sold out state.)
I can't use a one-spot because I intend to put a tone hammer which takes 18v onto the pedaltrain mini.

I've tried to locate the Godlyke power pump to use with the one spot, but it seems it's all sold out in sg, and there's no information on when stocks will be in - same with the fuel tank jr, sold out as well, and restock is an estimated 3 months.

(rant: it's quite typical isn't it? buying gear in sg. always the things you want are in a perpetual sold out state.)

Oh tell me about it...seriously most things are perpetually unavailable. Haha that's why I turn to the US market and import for better or for worse.
you got to ask yourself if you need an isolated power supply. some pedals have problematic power requirements, like ehx pedals (especially the digital ones). cannot daisy chain, cannot whatever. pedals with a high current draw are not suitable for some power supplies as well. the mxr dc brick is not isolated, it is just a daisy chain that looks like a box.

hum is more likely when you connect the power adaptor to the same wall socket as the one which your amp is using, if you are using some kind of multi-plug. but if you play at a gig, it is likely that your power source will be very noisy.

i used to own the t-rex fuel tank junior, but despite being isolated it caused a low hum (which is different to noise) when engaged, which even my china boss-style adaptor didnt cause. i sold it and got a godlyke power-all.

for 18V pedals you might want to use a Y-cable. the fuel tank came with one of this.

older versions of the 1spot have been known to be noisy. but i gave up on 1spots completely after i discovered that some pedal manufacturers explicitly state that use of the 1spot will void all warranty.

yup if you have specific needs you need to import. at least MOST dealers here do not jack up the price of their products IF and WHEN they bring in the stock. sometimes, the dealer marks up their stock such that it is more expensive or the same as buying overseas plus shipping.
you got to ask yourself if you need an isolated power supply. some pedals have problematic power requirements, like ehx pedals (especially the digital ones). cannot daisy chain, cannot whatever. pedals with a high current draw are not suitable for some power supplies as well. the mxr dc brick is not isolated, it is just a daisy chain that looks like a box.

hum is more likely when you connect the power adaptor to the same wall socket as the one which your amp is using, if you are using some kind of multi-plug. but if you play at a gig, it is likely that your power source will be very noisy.

i used to own the t-rex fuel tank junior, but despite being isolated it caused a low hum (which is different to noise) when engaged, which even my china boss-style adaptor didnt cause. i sold it and got a godlyke power-all.

for 18V pedals you might want to use a Y-cable. the fuel tank came with one of this.

older versions of the 1spot have been known to be noisy. but i gave up on 1spots completely after i discovered that some pedal manufacturers explicitly state that use of the 1spot will void all warranty.

yup if you have specific needs you need to import. at least MOST dealers here do not jack up the price of their products IF and WHEN they bring in the stock. sometimes, the dealer marks up their stock such that it is more expensive or the same as buying overseas plus shipping.

It really depends on preference lah, some people prefer isolated power supplies, some not, some regard the mxr dc brick highly while others beg to differ. Like you said, best is to self-try and evaluate which serves your purpose.

As for the import issue, yea it is true that certain local shops do not quote higher prices or seize the chance to inflate. Again, its preference. I prefer to ship things over, haha partly cause I like receiving things in mail and I dont think the amount do equate higher than those sold here or are sold out. Depends on the source and website and all. But some things are indeed irrefutably cheaper like the Korg Pitchblack and also the Trex Fuel Tank jr. Its all about relativity. Each to one's discern.
y cable for 18v only works if the power supply output are isolated like the jr, if not, then have to use the power pump up convert 9vdc to 18dc.

which both are totally sold out in sg, and the shops have no idea when new stocks come in, and some claimed a blanket 3 month waiting period.

I think importing from overseas is probably the way to go now....
i called davis to ask about the t-rex fuel tank. they don't do reserves, and warned me that since it was first come first serve, i might not get mine by the next shipment and may end up waiting almost 2 months. i said... NO PROBLEM. they offered to take my number down and call me when it came in. small change for the amount of money that i would save.

2 weeks later they called me. i picked it up :D

i couldnt order the fuel tanks from overseas because US dealers only sell the 110V version, and the voltage is non-switchable. tough. many dealers don't ship to non 'lower 48' either.

i still got a custom pedal coming in. recently ordered an EHX pedal online as well :mrgreen:
wait, so the only way to get Fuel Tanks is via Davis??

about shipping pedals from overseas, how's the shipping cost usually like?