The Bassist's Effects Line Up

But i've heard bad reviews on the Bass Attack. Din really play around and hear it though.

you need to play and hear it for yourself...

normally the cheaper priced pedals always get bad reviews because a lot of people just can't get their head around the fact that a cheap pedal can GIVE YOU GOOD SOUND TOO, and they think everything needs to be booteek then is good.

well sucks for them that they have to spend so much money and good for me that I can save so much money :)

I love the sound of the bass attack :)
yeah the bass attack is not that bad of a pedal. i would love to try the tone hammer if i could. but now the bass attacks works accept its huge :(
in the end it's just a preamp pedal lah. all the preamp does is eq and maybe gain. i think the tone is determined by much more than a preamp. unless you do massive eq on your preamp, perhaps it could make your tone more and more artificial.

you must remember that a preamp pedal is in series with the preamp of the actual amp itself. if you screw around too much it could get messy and complicated. even when the amp is set to flat, it will still colour the tone. even if you bypass the preamp and go directly to the power amp for that matter, there will still be colouration. not that anyone will do that though, because it is very unlikely that a preamp pedal can give you the same functionality. if you DI, then you don't really have a choice.

in a live situation all this doesn't really count for much, because there is too much noise live for it to matter. or rather, a 2 or 3 band eq is not gonna make much of a difference. but the psychos who buy expensive preamps have special needs, such as recording etc. in those kind of contexts, subtle differences mean alot. jbarker has a huge fire hydrant cum tube DI which i'm sure gives him a priceless edge. boutique preamps aren't completely placebo effect, because nobody out there can fool all the people all the time.

where all gear is concerned, as you start to push the limit, subtle improvements will cost alot of money.

for me, i don't even own a preamp. used to though. i found it as useful as having a completely transparent buffer in my chain.

but if i had the money WHY NOT MAN? :twisted:
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not saying booteek is not good, obviously there's someting good quality about them that can command such a high price, which they certainly deserver. :)

i'm just happy that I myself can be satisfied by a cheap pedal that I find really good sound :)
I'm just yanking his chain la... the Bass Attack is a good pedal :) I used to have one. I just happen to like Aguilar stuff because it sounds the most natural (i.e. "more" of your bass) out of everything else I've tried.
i love b00tek... theres a bit of a bass snob in all of us! admit!!! hahahaaha

i am a late bloomer for bass effect. my usual rig that i use is a boss odb-3 for gigs/jam, and when recording is usually a tube screamer or odb-3 + sansamp bddi. And i been using the above set-up for like since y2k, before that was just bass-> amp. etc.. until only recently, my bandmates bought me the zoom for my bday, than GAS hits me to craft out sounds. that was only 1-2 yrs ago when i started all this pedal nonsense ;p just love to experiment.
the point of no return :) say bye bye to $$$$ fly away!@ :)

Totally MAN!!

But for now, Audio/recording Gear is my priority. Hence the urgent look for a interface that serves it's purpose.

And i don't use a preamp also. Although i have a onboard preamp, i rarely turn it on. Unless i need the extra oomph in the lows or "sparkle" when playing harmonics.

Anyway, sidetrack a lil out of this topic... Anyone seen this?
Looks awesome.. And the GAS is building...
my custom pedal on order:

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yeah. when i made my order arjan told me that a capricorn grande was in the works. alot like their leo grande, but for bass. but it has far too many options than i would ever need and out of my budget. i don't even know many bassists who use 4 or 5 seperate fuzz/distortions
i read somewhere that he uses the Sovtek Big Muff (the green one), and possibly some synth too. but a Bass Big Muff should get you close enough.
for hysteria he uses 2 russian big muffs. in the record, it is obvious that there is some kind of filter going on, which is not there when played live.

for time is running out it is actually a synth/keyboard patch layered over the bassline

if you want to get anything close to a synth i would recommend something that has some kind of gate function. that could sound kind of like a square wave/sawtooth fuzz

what i don't like about the muffs is that they are too compressed for my taste. some people say it needs to be blended. i disagree. a clean blend is not going to help an effect stand out at all. if an effect doesn't punch through the mix, the clean blend will only ensure that the effect will get buried in the mix. rather than blending in more and more clean, you could just switch it off. i think the muffs need some heavy eq-ing to work

the BBM has the 'bass' setting which sounds promising... but i haven't tried it though. i don't really need another fuzz