Anyone can recommend a good bass chorus? Price is not really an issue, thanks! :mrgreen:
my favourite chorus (that i've owned) is still the ehx small clone. the SEM just sounds different. maybe cos it's digital
hey dude, if u so happen to be interested in a stereo electric mistress, i have one for sale. i tried it on my bro's bass. the flanger sounded wild. haha yeah but like what shinobi said, blending the flanger and chorus is quite awesome.
how's the RC Booster? Have heard a lot of mixed reviews.
Haha dudelove, yes I'm loving the Citrus. As you can I see, I customized the knobsI hope Goose doesn't mind lol..
Haha cool! Let's all take a pic of our customized goose products and show it to him. Nailhood customized his 7th too, lol.
psst.. my 7th gonna be customized too, with goose's approval
I wanna paint mine HAWT pink hahaha , who to go to eh?
dude, prepare to be JEALOUS. this is what i got:
it sparkles.
okay we gotta get our discussions outta the bass section.