The Bassist's Effects Line Up

HAHAHAHAH! That's a hot enough name to match its appearance. Good for you:D Post pictures of the pornstar..ehhem finished producttttttt when you do!
haha. awesome name..

Anyway, any fuzz pedals to recommend? Other than the Bass Big Muff or course. And nothing priced too crazily..
For the synth, will the Bass Micro Synth do the job?
the BMS looks plenty awesome to me. it has a good octaver and filter in one box. and it has a fuzz too.

the devi ever bass fuzz looks interesting...

if you want to go 'non boutique' so to speak there will be fewer options. it's the other way round with guitar pedals :confused:


2 of the 8 markbass pedals unveiled at NAMM are "coming in 2009", according to the markbass site. i think most of their pedals run on 12V DC

but frankly speaking i am more interested to know how the mo mark works out, though its probably something i will never get a chance to use. the mo mark uses an analog power amp at lower power ratings and a digital power amp at higher ratings. but lets save that for the bass rig thread
Those Markbass pedals look suspiciously like the Ashdown pedals. They better be awesome sounding pedals because the pedal design/look & the power requirements are big downers IMO.
they promise perfect tracking for the synth. that's quite ambitious

compressore and distorsore look interesting, but i'm a sucker for tubes (that actually work)
NOT an april fool's joke


it is already available from some dealers. and my capricorn+ is still being built.... and i just ordered an amp... noooo.... GAS is gonna put me in the red :o
vextron is meant to be their 'budget' series. although my budget is blown right off, doesn't mean i cant try :mrgreen:

The ZVex Vextron Distortion features the same distortion circuit as the Box of Rock with the addition of a gain boost switch and a sub frequency control switch. If you have been wanting the sound of a Marshall JTM45 non-master volume cranked up but haven't been in a position to spend $2000, the ZVex Vextron Distortron could just make your dreams come true. The knobs are self explanatory and control Volume, Tone and Drive. The sub switch adds increasing amounts of sub from 1 to 3. When switched to 3, the ZVex Vextron Distortron has the same sub level as the Box of Rock. The Lo setting on the gain switch gives you the same gain as the Box of Rock, while the Hi setting gives you increased gain.
the BOR is proven on bass, so it sounds good to me. it lacks the boost switch is something i could live without. the subs switch doesnt sound that useful for bass. but for a cheaper price, it sounds like a good deal.

The ZVex Vextron Mastotron fuzz is based on a heavy silicon fuzz design using a 2N2222 transistor ala Jimi Hendrix. Zachary Vex says it has a ‘bumble bee’ quality that stays solid for all settings. Knobs on the fuzzy little fellow are Volume, Tone, Pulse Width, Fuzz and Relax/Push. The Pulse Width knob allows you to change the wave form from square wave to narrow pulse waves and everything in between. The Relax/Push knob adds source impedance to the signal that enters the pedal. This allows the ZVex Vextron Mastotron to soften the input being sent by active pickups to maximize the fuzz effect and to adjust how the pedal reacts to how you play. There is also a Subs Switch that lets you dictate how much sub content is added to the signal. If you have been searching for a fuzz that allows the complete control over wave shape, sustain, attack, decay and texture of the fuzz, the ZVex Vextron Mastotron might be the ticket.
so they say it works on bass. the subs switch could be an attempt to draw the guitarist market onto something that functions very similarly to the mammoth. it has the input inpedance control which the active-unfriendly mammoth lacks. ive read some lukewarm reactions regarding the transistors though.

could be exactly what i need. unfortunately like i mentioned i have already placed an order for the C+. i could swoop for these and have a chance to A/B them, but that would put me deep into the red :(
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Haha. Maybe I should downgrade my BoR and WM to these and free up some cash... but where would the fun be in that? ;)
buy aye, even if it looks good its still only on paper. they could use the same design but cheaper components. it could be cool if you don't already have a BOR or WM and want to get that tone, but if you ALREADY have the 2 you might not dig the downgrade
Yea heard the sound samples on proguitar. Pretty anticipating the launch and bass reviews! I've got a dod 250 on the way. Let's see how the dirt on the 250 work.
buy aye, even if it looks good its still only on paper. they could use the same design but cheaper components. it could be cool if you don't already have a BOR or WM and want to get that tone, but if you ALREADY have the 2 you might not dig the downgrade

budget series? i think they're jsut doing the boards on a much bigger volume. i like zvex woolly mammoth, but to pay that sorta money is a bit painful imho... even so i don't think i'll fork out that sorta money for a fuzz.

shaky pics... oh well

malekko ekko 300b --> ehx stereo electric mistress --> barge concepts rc-3 --> korg pitchblack
on my new pedaltrain jr :)

incoming: arger capricorn+ (in progress), ehx octave multiplexer
outgoing: ekko 300b
i'm waiting for either the ehx memory boy or tc electronics nova repeater to replace it
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