The Bassist's Effects Line Up

Wahhhhh, like how women shop for shoes.......i buy pedals regardless i need it or not. Now i know. LOL !!!!!

come come let me introduce you to my thread

in these times of hardship, saving a few extra hundred dollars will mean so much more! :)

(side note: I nearly busted out some $$$ for a very very tempting pedal, but manage to stop myself at teh last minute, 5stringwonder can tell u about it lol )
hahaha looks like i can finally post a lineup here.


a CMATMODS Signa Comp, bought from imcorn, and a Hartke Bass Attack, first hand, hooked up to a Gibson Tbird Studio and an Orange Crush 20B.:D
yeah, planning to ship in a Fender Jazz after that. can't get that classic jazz tone with a tbird.:neutral:
Sry if this has been asked in this thread b4, but what pedals do bassist basically need? im new to bass, pardon if this is a noob question
depends on what kind of sound you want, i think. a compressor would be one that all bassists should have, since it evens out your sound to provide a steady beat. also helps with slapping and popping.

for me, i didn't like my tone, so i got a preamp. that works too.

maybe an eq would be nice too.

other effects like fuzz, distortion, overdrive, wahs, envelope filters, flangers, chorus, delays, are secondary, since most bassists play clean. i don't really care for those.
HAHA true! we can just walk in with only a gigbag while the guitarists have to lug around pedaltrains.
well i guess the guys who wouldn't need a compressor are those who use the EHX steel leather...

anyway i don't need a compressor, at least for my clean tone. i actually like to manipulate the dynamics in my playing to vary the tone. i find 'transparent' compression pretty redundant when playing live, and non-existent when the other effects come on.

i normally use a compressor at the end of my chain to even out the other effects. which means to say if i don't use other effects, i wouldn't need a compressor.

i like to use effects, even on songs that are originally played clean, especially when playing live. that's up to your taste and creativity, which also determines all other aspects of your music.

no point acting like purists just because we can't visualise a way to use effects, and then go crazy over the next effect-laden justin chancellor / chris wolstenholme that makes it big.
Hmmm I couldn't get what I wanted out of the Steel Leather the last time I tried it out (like the youtube demos that made me really want to try it out)... For compression the Knockout pedal seemed better!
to me the steel leather doesnt sound like something that i would find useful... but the knockout really is interesting.

if they could somehow make it part of an onboard preamp... PERFECT
Yup Resseti, i get what you mean. Actually, i only need a Hartke Attack for all performance.........that is enough. But the buying of pedals part.........i did not know GAS until i read it on soft and i admit.....ALL of us have a problem .LOL!!!!!!
@shinobi : +1. Just like you, I only use compressor if I'm using effects or performing slap in that set.

Any musical context that calls for that is pretty rare personally. Really would like to try a wah though :/
for me i always need a compressor..

as for using my fingers/technique to control dynamcis, I can do it, without compressor, during practice alone.

but when playing in the band with 2 guitarists blarring, adn drums kicking, all my dynamics controlling technique goes out the window! lol.... I think I get to excited, and you will also move and dance around when you play no?

so in this situation when playing with the band, i really need a compressor.
Playing the bass is just like fishing. ( Bass guitar = Fishing rod ), ( Pedals = Reels).......GAS for bass, then pedals, then accessories....then back to bass again. I must say, both are healthy activities i would be ok if my kids wanna do it.

P.S. take care of the environment ahhh, don't anyhow throw fishing lines and bass strings . LOL !