The Bassist's Effects Line Up

i used to have a multicomp. really sweet pedal, but with my increased use of effects i ended up cranking up the compression. 5:1 ratio is the MAX compression, that means when the 'compression' knob is turned all the way clockwise it will reach 5:1. basically when you turn the knob alot the compression only increases by a little bit.

i sold my multicomp, but not because it sounded bad or anything, it sounded fantastic. i was just gassing for a barge rc-3 :mrgreen:
i used to have a multicomp. really sweet pedal, but with my increased use of effects i ended up cranking up the compression. 5:1 ratio is the MAX compression, that means when the 'compression' knob is turned all the way clockwise it will reach 5:1. basically when you turn the knob alot the compression only increases by a little bit.

i sold my multicomp, but not because it sounded bad or anything, it sounded fantastic. i was just gassing for a barge rc-3 :mrgreen:
GAS = evil!
i had a buddy come in from japan

i knew i had to post the pics up SOMEWHERE, but i didnt know where. so im just parking it here

the bass buddy actually has a little 10W amp in it, so i tried it out. it sounds really sweet through my cab. surely there isn't enough power to rock the house, or even to jam with the drummer for that matter. but for practice it is perfect.

the thought of selling the rest of my rig and getting a pair of headphones flashed through my mind. but if i sell the markbass i'll regret it :mrgreen:
Yep, the Bass Buddy is really nice. Using mine mainly as a headphone amp although I'm thinking of buying a cab to pair it with. what cab are you using?
i hooked it up to my hartke 210TP. but now i'm running it through the fx return of the LM250. somehow i couldn't bypass the eq of the LM though

you can't push it too hard but the tone is nice. what kind of headphones u using?
I'm using an old pair of Sennheisers that I had lying around. Currently looking for a replacement. Thinking of a Grado SR80. Although I've been toying with getting one of the Futuresonics IEMs.
i'm thinking of getting something that will sound good for the purpose... had my eye on audio technica earsuits but way, way too expensive.

do u use a 1/4" to 1/8" adaptor? the one i use distorts the tone if its inserted all the way in. only sounds good if its inserted halfway. maybe its a stereo/mono problem
Yep, using the 1/8" to 1/4" adaptor that came with the phones. I've not had a problem with them before. Had the phones for a really long time too. More than 5 years I think (can't rem when I got them). I'll probably settle for the Grados. Seem more value for money than high end IEMs, although I think IEMs may be more comfortable to use.

any ideas on other options?
IEMs are great. i'm a big fan of audio technica's stuff. i'm also a fan of japanese made stuff. severly underrated IMO. currently own a pair of ATH-CK7's which are not IEMs, just normal earbuds. i would love to upgrade to the CKM series, which are true IEMs, if spare cash comes in (which never happens)


i was recently looking at these babies... but at almost 400 bucks, it is a pipe dream. i don't have ears made of gold

IEMs are good but IMO there's no way that they can beat big cans for bass quality. oh and on comfort, the IEMs with good seal are usually not the most comfortable stuff out there

i'd go for the grados if i were you :mrgreen:
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me being a headphone fan for many years.
id tell bassists to stay away from the grado prestige series.
very very thin bass. if you want to buy grados buy the music series by alessandros.
not so bass shy. IEMs can be very good for bass.
i am currently using ultimate ears 5 EBs (stands for enhanced bass)
very very good bass reproduction. better then the low end headphones.

but back to topic. bassists, try to stay away from grado prestige series. (the SR series)
buy the music series instead if you want to use grados (the MS series)
yujinn hows the super hi-fi5 eb bass respones?
the place where i play uses shure e2c, which bass sounded really flat, the only cool thing was the detailed sound from the drumset (snares, hi hat, kicks) and guitar riffs..
gotten myself a set of shure se102 for personal use, gd for 'monitoring' purpose..
but was hoping for a sth tt has best of both worlds.. are headphones better (to give the fuller(bass) sound, not compromising on the details?) or ur hi-end iem did the job?

btw for my case its out from the main mixers to the individual axiom mixers.

very very good bass reproduction. better then the low end headphones.

opps, i better re-structure my qns:

is the sound as gd as the original output (direct from amp speakers?)
or a little squashed flat kind of sound?
or does full size headphones does better job? (eg. more headroom, fuller bass respones)
nah my iem isnt high end.
its just mid-fi at most.
the 5ebs have better bass but sacrifices the highs abit.
if you want a more balanced sound maybe try 5 pros?
but they cost quite abit.

i would say full sized headphones do the job better if you want a better reproduction of sound.
id recommend the beyer dynamics DT150, its one of the recording industry standards.

but regular use as well as for listening. id say get an IEM, but every brand has their pros and cons.
you gotta try it out. well if you guys got anymore questions i can try to help. pm me. im not the ultimate headphone enthusiast but i believe i can help :)
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sad hari raya story

the wait is over, my arger capricorn has finally arrived :D

i have been waiting almost a month for it to be built and shipped. but unfortunately, i was not home when the package arrived :(

i got a note from the mailman with collection instructions. looks like i'll have to pick it up on thursday since tmr is a holiday. if they had sent it any earlier i wouldnt have to wait so long..

but nonetheless, tomorrow i will have kueh... the following day i will have fuzz :twisted:
I'm using an old pair of Sennheisers that I had lying around. Currently looking for a replacement. Thinking of a Grado SR80. Although I've been toying with getting one of the Futuresonics IEMs.
i've been using the Sony MDR-700DJ for a long time, it lasted me 6-7yrs now. used for recordings mostly and some silent practice. its a monitor headphones with a slightly larger headroom than most 'commercial headphones'