something i pick up. tried some new EHX Effects. Bass Blogger, Bass Metaphor and Bass Big Muff Pi. and saw some guy trying out the EHX Steel leather and was playing thru a Zon Sonus RT 5er or something. Also tried Demeter Copulator & AMT Bass Packet both are compressors
i am a drive whore, the bass muff sound so much thicker and crazier and so much richer and have quite an interesting tonal varieties but somehow, to my ears maybe, i dun think it could cut thru the mix during live shows, maybe for recording. need more experimentation or this goes to the classified section. SGD$159 compare to the Hematoma, different animal but the Hematoma can cut thru the mix in live and jam ;p \m/
the bass blogger is a fuzz/dist and i dun like it at all for a Fuzz/Dist pedal its really lacking, the fuzz is eerr. junk. The Bass Metaphor is a compressor + dist, the compressor is highly disapointed and so is the dist.
The Steel Leather is an interesting effect it supposedly act as reverse to the compressor as in bass expander. its very 'zingy' metallic ring kinda sound very trebbly a lot of low end loss, very percussing which leads me to conclude definately a thumbing/slap pedal kinda effect. i think lah.
the Bass Packer compressor was good for its price SGD$190 tot of buying it when OMFG. i tried the Demeter, totally transparent, beautiful. amazing really really REALLY REALLY goood. price? SGD$390.

((((( so i decided not to buy any compressor

, until i tried the EBS ones.
was going to muck around with some Devi's and T-Rex bass juice, but than was running out of time. maybe tomorrow.