The Bassist's Effects Line Up

jbarker : the 442 Red is a bit too subtle for my liking. prefer a more dynamic filter. may eventually sell it for a manual wah or another filter pedal.
ok finally had the bother to take a picture of my set up while in operation, and not in an utter mess.

tonebone (tuner to tuner output) -> distortion -> chorus -> bassballs -> compressor

yeah. i had a byoc clone of the 442, i found that its a bit cmi for bass as the response was very subtle. most of the effect could only be felt when the thing was maxed or close to max, and that usually added distortion to the sound.
did it need a mod for bass? i was looking at the byoc 440 clone, and according to talkbass discussions, it need a bass mod in order to be useable for bass, otherwise the filter would not pick up the bass frequencies
ok finally had the bother to take a picture of my set up while in operation, and not in an utter mess.
tonebone (tuner to tuner output) -> distortion -> chorus -> bassballs -> compressor

bassballs! :) good!

I normally use the mode without distortion and that knob really high setting like at 3 o'clock. Perhaps I use fingers, so i need high setting to have a better attack to trigger it.

Sounds very different from other auto-wahs and auto-resonance.

Anyways, I found a good use for the distortion mode.... I use that mode to play long 4 beat notes on the lower E and A strings, sustain out to make a demon / beast type of sound during parts of the song, and it works well!!! :)
shit now i'm gassing for a filter...

i had a BYOC 442 envelope filter / fixed wah assembled so i could try it... the fixed wah feature really floated my boat

but if it sucks i might go for the nano bassballs!
shit now i'm gassing for a filter...

i had a BYOC 442 envelope filter / fixed wah assembled so i could try it... the fixed wah feature really floated my boat

but if it sucks i might go for the nano bassballs!

for bassballs, try b4 you buy... it has a characteristic sound which is not like other filters/followers. you may like it or you may not... so best try b4 u buy :)

it was a pop song that got me interested in envelope stuff.... i got my zoom b2.1u to test out what the general sound will sound like, then i researched, the good one that fits my budget was didigtech bass synth wah, so i got that... pretty good env, synth, "YA!" sound and also pretty good octave all in 1 pedal.

I never intended to buy the bassballs, just that i happen to have the oppurtunity to try one out... and i like the sound! :)

so ya.. try it for yourself first... and bassballs, not so hard to find a shop to try out.... it's sold at many places.

BTW i tried the EHX Dr. Q as well.... i don't like it... even with the bass setting (whout the bass setting switch on, there's no sound at all, coz all the bass freqs get filtered out), i can't get it to trigger and get funkys... but the bassballs, it reacts pretty good!
haha i told myself i never needed wah or filters until my band decided to do this disco song... and i decided to do a slap line on it. thought that a filter would be the icing on the cake. so there you have it, gas for a pedal over 1 song

yeah i was told that the bassballs is not an ordinary filter pedal... otherwise the dr Q's would be useless (though i read that they suck on bass)

anyway the 'fixed wah' on the new byoc 440 would be useful for me, because i think it would be useful after a fuzz, to help me get a synth like colouration. i can do the same thing with my SEM (check my sig), but i think a wah would sound alot better than a flange (to me)

i'm ringing the changes on my board

el grande --> arger capricorn
boss LS-2 --> barge vb-jr
multicomp --> barge rc-3

out: ehx SEM
in: byoc 440, a chorus (probably the new modtone aqua chorus)

i tried the modtone aqua chorus at davis, sound more or less like a small clone clone to me, made in china so it's probably cheaper. maybe it lacked the range of depth and rate of the ehx, or maybe it was just the shitty amp and bass i was using it with
was looking at the rc-3 for the longest time. heard good things about it. unfortunately, getting a bit distracted by the bright yellow of the Diamond Compressor..
i'm thinking of letting go of the multicomp because i might be moving on to heavy modulation and filters, and i might need a compressor with a higher compression ratio

diamond... ahh.. dont put ideas in my head. but if i order multiple barge pedals i will get a discount