The Bassist's Effects Line Up

true dat. i just find that the effects thread can be very skewed towards this/that pedal without exploring the rest. but nonetheless, ppl there are very willing to share and i'm thankful for that.

would u want the octavius squeezer?
doubt so. i'm waiting to see if the hype is really true. even then the price (US$600) is pretty steep.

are you looking at that? to replace the BMS?
i'll just wait and see for the squeezer. the price is prohibitive. i figure i can get whatever tones from buying individual pedals totalling USD$600!!

i like my bms despite its size. i've figured out how to make full use of it and i tell ya, combined with the lowpass filter, its one super amazing pedal.

i've also ran outta pedalboard space. sian.

we should hang out one of these days.
kerplunk182: Yep, got one. Quite like it. Warm analog repeats. There's a modulation switch as an added feature. If you are looking at a simple easy to use, small footprint analog delay, I'd highly recommend it. Especially if you are getting it at a good price.
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problem with talkbass is that everything is magnified. the guys there are a bit crazier, and when one guy recommends a pedal, you'll have a ton of other guys vouching for him... then after one guy slams it, same thing, a string of other users will start bitching about it as well

the classic example is when one guy slams a product, and the product manufacturer comes in to discuss the matter with the guy, then suddenly everyone loves the product

octavius squeezer is beyond what i will pay for a pedal. i won't pay more than 300sgd. in the future it may change to 300usd. now i'm waiting to pull the trigger on an arger capricorn, argerfx is waiting for my payment. but i'm having some serious cashflow problems
rottenramone : yep that's the thing. i'm guessing i could probably get the same sounds from multiple pedals as well. i've already got an Agent Funk00 Mark II which the filter section is based off. The only advantages I can see for the Squeezer is the memory capability and the space saving. even then I'm not sure I'd use it enough to justify spending that much on it.
just a little sidetrack on the carbon copy, i was at davis the other day and i tried the modtone aqua chorus. to me it was reminiscent of the ehx small clone, something that i like very much. the modtones are made in china and are probably knock offs of other pedals, but that doesn't bother me, to me it just means its cheap and good.

i will try the delay and phaser (on bass) the next time i'm there
shinobi : the problem is that we in Singapore don't always have the chance to try a lot of the pedals / equipment in general. so all we have to go by are clips/videos and the opinions of others. guess sometimes we have to look past the hype and try to extract the pertinent information.

any reason why you chose the Arger Capricorn ahead of other fuzzes?
there is only 1 sound clip of it on the face of this planet, but 1 sound clip is never enough, you need clips recorded by more than 1 person at the very least.

but it was a good clip, the descriptions were very detailed and sounded like what i needed, and someone on talkbass mentioned that it was probably a woolly mammoth clone (though without trying it), which could be a good thing for me

other than that its just a plunge... besides, i like collecting rare, boutique and nicely painted pedals :mrgreen:
not really lah, opinions on it are so few, and that was one of them. if you really wanted a woolly mammoth clone, i remember seeing a site of a european manufacturer (i think german) who outright shamelessly cloned the mammoth
nah..already got a Mammoth so I'm not really looking. just curious to see how much they are like the Mammoth..The clips don't really sound like the Mammoth. Maybe it's youtube.
i'm hoping it doesnt sound like a mammoth though, it would be a shame to have another reason NOT to buy the mammoth or any other piece of gear for that matter. anyway i'm going for a different kind of sound. im looking for something in between nine inch nails and muse, or both if possible.

so i'm pinning my hopes on this dutch pedal maker. little known, but i need something that hasn't been heard before. besides, soundclips are all we have when deciding on rare pedals, though hardly enough. i'm taking the bullet for this one. if i had any kind of half decent recording gear, i would love to record clips of my effects and such :)
haven't posted in awhile, but this was my Baybeats rig.


mainly using the dynacomp and m-80 preamp for my clean tone. everything else is just fun frills!

oh, check it out in action on our recordings on