The Bassist's Effects Line Up

tim_1002 said:
how much was the pedal exin? very interested in it.

i got it from the US for around 165USD .. with shipping .. that's excluding the vPOST charges .. i think i paid around 280 in total just to get it into singapore?

I bought it from Amazon, cos Musician's Friend was the only online store i could find that had it in stock and they don't ship overseas or accept non-US credit/debit cards .. *grrrr* ..

DarkRed said:
hey bro, MF doesn't ship overseas, but won't they ship to your vPost address?

if you can pay them that's it ... MF doesn't accept non-US credit/debit card ... so it's hard to actually try to order something. I tried the vPOST concierge service but MF items .. alot of them are on "offer" in that sense so vPOST won't buy them for you.

in the end i found their items on Amazon .. but i had to pay for the US shipping .. on top of the shipping to singapore .. so .. =) .. but i got what i wanted .. =)
exin said:
you find really good stuff on ebay .. provided you can grab them and bid for them first .. i saw some really amazing stuff the other day ..

me too...being outbid is one thing, but seeing good deals fly past only cos the seller refuses to ship outta the States...sigh.
yourgrandpa said:
exin said:
you find really good stuff on ebay .. provided you can grab them and bid for them first .. i saw some really amazing stuff the other day ..

me too...being outbid is one thing, but seeing good deals fly past only cos the seller refuses to ship outta the States...sigh.

you can actually use vPOST ... it's a service by SingPost that allows you to buy in the US and ship in the US to their address .. afterward they'll consolidate and ship back to singapore for you ... =) .. i used it once .. very effective ...
Just collected a behemoth today, it'll be filled up soon:


To show you how big it really is, I've put it next to my (sigh) unfinished P-bass.


(Hehe 3nab, looks like I won't be needing that Misse pedalcase.. ;))

Will take a while to get everything up and running though! At the end, my effects chain (after BMT...sigh) will be something like this:

Electro-Harmonix White Finger Compressor
Custom 2-looper with Tuner-out
- Loop 1 (preamp loop):
--- Aguilar DB924 Outboard Preamp
- Loop 2 (drive section loop):
--- Randolf-modded Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
--- Fulltone Bass-Drive
- Tuner out to Korg DT-10
Boss PH-3
Custom 1-looper
- Line 6 Echo Park

To house/amp. I feel like adding in a tremolo though! Does anybody have suggestions? I don't particularly like the Boss TR-2, and that Empress Tremolo from Misse looks particularly tempting...
HOLY CRAPPAGE. Where did you get that monster? Any chance you know where i can find something really small? Like to hold 4-5 pedals?
I'd say maybe a CNB small pedalcase:

I got this one in a trade for a CNB medium pedalcase with a friend...

Wakemeup used to bring them in but I'm not sure if they still do. If they're all Boss-sized, you might want to just stick them in a large laptop bag, or DIY your own board and put it in a bag of your choice. I know a friend who DIY'd his own plywood board and puts it in a messenger bag he carries around. Works pretty well for him.
wah josh ... hardcore man ..seriously ...

i wonder how you lug it around .. i rather make myself and put inside a computer laptop bag .. i've been trying to look for a decent laptop bag that is really huge .. so .. yeah ..

then use plywood to fix up the board ...
that thing looks like it could take more than the pedals you mentioned man. i think 20 would be a modest estimate. looks like something for a post rock band's guitarist.

ay... you can fit a whole elec guitar in that monster man.

Must post up pics after you;ve filled it with pedals!

Hi there,

Need some help here. Does the items listed below selling much cheaper in Japan or in the U.S? My neighbour might be going to L.A soon and I was thinking would it be cost effective to buy them off the shelves in the U.S.(He's willing to bring them in for me but Im gonna give him some "transportation and coffee money" as a good gesture of course)

boss bass chorus ceb3
sansamp bass d.i
ebs octabass

Thank you vmuch