Just collected a behemoth today, it'll be filled up soon:
To show you how big it really is, I've put it next to my (sigh) unfinished P-bass.
(Hehe 3nab, looks like I won't be needing that Misse pedalcase..

Will take a while to get everything up and running though! At the end, my effects chain (after BMT...sigh) will be something like this:
Electro-Harmonix White Finger Compressor
Custom 2-looper with Tuner-out
- Loop 1 (preamp loop):
--- Aguilar DB924 Outboard Preamp
- Loop 2 (drive section loop):
--- Randolf-modded Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
--- Fulltone Bass-Drive
- Tuner out to Korg DT-10
Boss PH-3
Custom 1-looper
- Line 6 Echo Park
To house/amp. I feel like adding in a tremolo though! Does anybody have suggestions? I don't particularly like the Boss TR-2, and that Empress Tremolo from Misse looks particularly tempting...