superkicky said:Sansamp has one big downer for me: it colours my tone a lot. There's a very noticeable mid-scoop (for me, at least) when I kick it in. This usually makes your bass sound punchier and all that, but lately I've been leaning towards preamps/effects that let my normal bass tone through... I'll probably get a Boss EQ pedal with sniper mod if I want to do post-efx shaping. All things said though, it's a pretty damn good pedal, and I wouldn't mind getting it again later on.
exin said:3. Envelope Filter - Funk is never funky without the funk of the bass. Envelope filter is like the wah-wah pedal of bass. Gives you that auto-wah that funkifies your sound.
Exin's Essential Effects Compilation. Subject to addition and change from SOFTIES ... =)
ahkiatt said:exin said:3. Envelope Filter - Funk is never funky without the funk of the bass. Envelope filter is like the wah-wah pedal of bass. Gives you that auto-wah that funkifies your sound.
Exin's Essential Effects Compilation. Subject to addition and change from SOFTIES ... =)
hmm just a noob question. can we use a wah wah as well?
Z3r0_G said:not really like dist/overdrive.. but just very subtle crunch and grit in the sound.. like when there's a guitar solo in the bridge and ur just hammering away on your low notes.. get what i mean?
litford said:it's a challenge to use these effects tastefully i reckon..
tim_1002 said:the ox (john entlewise sp?)
DarkRed said:+1 to e earlier comment on onboad DIs colouring tone a bit much.. used to play thru an MXR with the 'colour' thing on... which i like cos it really makes a bass sound like a bass, but takes away a load of mids in the process.
im wavering between bypassing that and leaving the mxr for the xlr output, or adding using a seperate eq pedal to compensate.
im a bit anti-overdrive cos imho it sucks the low end and punchiness right out of the sound, shall leave tt to our thin stringed brethern..
p.s. some keyboardists should have their left hand tied behind their back when they play in a band....![]()
exin said:1. Compressor - an effect to smoothen out the levels of your playing, even out the peaks and give you a smoother sounding tone. You gotta be careful on what kind of compressors you use.
platypus said:exin said:1. Compressor - an effect to smoothen out the levels of your playing, even out the peaks and give you a smoother sounding tone. You gotta be careful on what kind of compressors you use.
how come must be careful? and what kinds of compressors are there?