The Bassist's Effects Line Up

ok, i dont know why u have BOTH the strobostomp2 and the dt-10. bear in mind that the pitchblack will not retain its tuning mode when there is no battery or the power is switched off... thats sth i didnt know before getting it

i don't know when citymusic is bringing in the pitchblack (and neither do they)

but ishibashi has both the pitchblack and the pitchblack plus. the pitchblack costs Y7600 + Y1000 (shipping)
I've got them on different boards. heard that city music will be bringing them in sometime in august.

since the pitchblack does not retain it's tuning mode, what's the default on start-up?
what's wrong with a fascination with tuners?

petersons are good if you are anal about the accuracy and if you use the other functions like intonation setting or the DI. I'm using the DI on my strobo but I'm thinking selling it off for the pitchblack and use a separate DI, maybe a JDI.

Being overpriced is a relative thing. Some people have the same opinion of boutique drive pedals.
The pitchblack also does not have the flat tuning function.... only the pitchblack plus has that function. Flat tuning to me is quite important, as i downtune and uptune pretty often, and the flat tuning function is very convenient. Downtuning, uptuning, drop D, etc... those are the functions when having a tuner is very very handy.

The important thing for me about tuners is the fast tracking speed. I've used really bad tuners in the past... you strike a note and wait 1 or 2 seconds later before the tuner responds.... waste a lot of time tuning before your start.

I like the DT-10 coz the tracking is fast... you hit the note, almost immediately the tuner responds and tells you the note.

The tuner in the Zoom B2.1u is even faster. When you're playing fast scales, the Zoom tuner is actually able to track so fast to tell you every single note as you play. I tried this on the Korg D-10 and it only showed every alternate note.

The peterson is expensive because of the accuracy. Now why do we need so much accuracy? My guess is it will be very useful when checking intonation of the instrument when you do instrument set-up.
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I find them Petersons to be super overpriced, seeing that it ain't perfect..
The screen wiping out thing and causing the entire pedal to be spoilt is just bs..
You spend 300+ on something which doesn't give a guaranteed performance, when you can get a cheaper TU-2 or Pitchblack..

I agree, the Strobostomp is a good tool, very accurate and well worth the money.. But it shouldn't come with the mentioned problems..
surprising that nobody has mentioned the LU-20 yet...

since the pitchblack does not retain it's tuning mode, what's the default on start-up?
its the normal tuning mode, the meter. there are 4 tuning modes, the meter, 2 types of strobes and the mirror. what i do is i leave the battery inside. so one way or another the tuning mode will stick. i'm assuming that the pedal will run on DC when it is plugged in and the adaptor is switched on right? if i leave the battery inside and switch off the adaptor will the battery run out? sorry this qn is quite noob

(sorry another noob question... my noobness is being exposed) could someone explain the use of the flat tuning mode? i never understood why such a function exists in tuners. say, if i wanted to tune half a step down, i'd just tune to D# G# C# F# right?

one quirk of the pitchblack is that while it uses what looks like a normal TBP switch, the switch doesn't click when engaged. not as 'shiok' a feeling when you stomp on it
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flat tuning is cosmetic.... it involves how the tuner shows notes.

flat tuning is just you set 1, 2, 3 4, to 7 flats. then the tuner will still show standard tuning...

e.g. if you want to tune all your strings 1/2 step down, set the tuner to 1 flat and then tune normally to EADG.

basically instead of the tuner showing D# G# C# F# it will show EADG but with 1 flat

btw the korg DT-10 has this function.
ok... i used to own the ibanez LU20 and it could go down 3 flats i think. the ultimate value for money tuner, it tracks really fast. but its footprint is too large and odd which makes it unaccomodating on pedalboards. but maybe thats just me
hey, i'm cool with ppl using petersons. i'm impressed myself after trying out one. but personally, i don't think the use would outweigh the cost.

imho :)
time to show the inside of my new board. i had someone going to japan get it for me. it's not worth shipping over IMO, because the shipping cost will be inflated by the size of the thing. shipping pedals is much cheaper and more worth it


this is the latest pedal combi as well. i just arranged it an hour ago


boss LS-2
---> loop A : ehx english muff'n --> e13 karaoke party
---> loop B (clean)

ehx stereo electric mistress
ebs multicomp
korg pitchblack
seymour duncan paranormal

---> amp

the LS-2 is my latest pedal which i got 2nd hand but in fabulous condition from a nice guy. i've been looking at mixers, namely the DOD 240. but i only use 2 main kinds of effects, drive and modulation. i also don't see myself ever running my effects simultaneously in parallel.

i'm thinking of putting the SEM into loop B. if you look at the picture closely you will see that loop A's volume is cut. that allows me to blast the KP. the clean is level.. for now. i will need to experiment with the blend in loud conditions which i cant do at the moment.

the muffn + KP combi isn't too bad. the muffn has a nice tone and the KP helps it cut through. but i would rather experiment with combinations like the bass blogger or el grande + e13 dark boost

not pictured is my guyatone ND-2 which i got cheap off ebay, but i've not much use for it now, especially since i can use the pitchblack as a killswitch

the korg pitch black omfg..................