The Bassist's Effects Line Up

74 pages of effects zomg - I'm too lazy to browse thru those i missed =X

Anybody tried the MXR err...blowtorch thing yet? yeah the new one... I haven't had the time to find one and test it
the arion octave is supposed to be a clone of the boss oc2. the tracking is crap, and it doesn't sustain long enough. but i love the fake octave down sound.

for the phaser, the mxr90 is as a basic phaser as u can get. i used to have the ehx small stone, but it took up too much space on my pedalboard. so this is the other alternative.

Hey Rottenramone, thanks for yr personnal review on the arion octaver. Thanks!
my tiny efxboard 8)

30db clean boost (if u up the vol knob)

drive knob when turn up, gives a v. clean drive, works as a compressor also (drive&compressor at the same time)

tone knob, thickens the tone, i like it in the center, too much kinda makes the sound a little irritating

basically i use it to fatten the tone of my passive bass, and more output as it drives. cuts thru v. well also. most imptly it fattens the tone and drive w/o making noise.

Manufacturer Description:

This little powerhouse is a dual FET clean booster.

*11 step detented GAIN knob that re-biases the FET for more dynamic control (offers more Grind at higher settings and Better clean-boost at lower settings)

* re-vamped tone control offering more Highs (if desired)

This magic little box (the size of an MXR phase 45) is for the Purist, whether you're a Guitarist, a Bassist, whether your thing is Jazz, Rock, Acoustic/Electric, or Heavy Rock.

Not a distortion box, the Fat-Boost is a Class A Discrete design offering up to up to 30db of Clean Boost without ANY change to your EQ.... and at the same time it makes your sound Bigger, with more even order harmonics! You Blues players with the vintage-type tube amps will never turn this thing off... and it works great in front of Master-Volume amps to kick them up a notch as well.

The Fat-Boost gives you the feeling that your amp is cranked at living room volumes so clean playing is more dynamic, notes hold on longer without being distorted!

hope tt helps, i'm gonna sell it off soon, changing to xotic tri logic, i need the eqs, don't intend to add in one more pedal cause i don't have a efxboard, so just changing...
there is a new addition to the humble family, the small stone! so i took the liberty to take a family photo:


would also just like to clarify, although it may seem so, i am not ehx's #1 fan. in my defence, the pedal bag is a westfield, not an ehx bag :mrgreen:

please comment on my pedal arrangement in case i have placed the phaser in an unfavourable position:
patch box (in) --> SD paranormal --> ibanez lu20 --> small clone --> small stone --> english muffn' --> patch box (out)
my humble setup

bass->Proel vol pedal->tuner->mij bf-2->huckleberry->de7->morley wah->modded cs-3->mxr m80->amp

I was thinkin of changing out my cs-3 for a byoc 5-knob comp or maybe the fulltone fatboost.
the cs-3causing some slight hiss.
So tobias, hit me with a PM when ur letting go of ur fatboost, u got urself a really keen potential buyer over here! :D

Need help from you guys on this. I currently have tried different positions for my effects and cannot decide on what is the best possible line up for my effects. Maybe you guys wanna share how you would arrange these pedals on the board.

I'd arrange them this way:
Bass --> Comp or Limiter/Enhancer (wouldn't use both) --> Bass Attack --> OD --> EQ --> Chorus --> Amp

The key points to me would be that the Comp and Limiter/Enhancer perform a similar purpose and so one of them could be left out. I'd also put the chorus last in the chain.
^^ i would put the bass attack before the compression, cos i believe that the preamp should be as close to the bass as possible. no matter how transparent a compressor is, there will be some colouration and having something in front of a preamp will limit the frequency range of the signal
^^ i would put the bass attack before the compression, cos i believe that the preamp should be as close to the bass as possible. no matter how transparent a compressor is, there will be some colouration and having something in front of a preamp will limit the frequency range of the signal

Bass Attack in front of the compression results in extremely sensitive "harmonics" knob, which pushes the sound to overdrive very quick at a small turn of the knob, I know coz I tried it before.

I put the compression before the the Bass Attack and the harmonics knob works properly now.
i stand corrected then... i've never used a bass attack before :) which underlines the need to experiment than to follow any rules
there is a new addition to the humble family, the small stone! so i took the liberty to take a family photo:


would also just like to clarify, although it may seem so, i am not ehx's #1 fan. in my defence, the pedal bag is a westfield, not an ehx bag :mrgreen:

please comment on my pedal arrangement in case i have placed the phaser in an unfavourable position:
patch box (in) --> SD paranormal --> ibanez lu20 --> small clone --> small stone --> english muffn' --> patch box (out)

Is the english muffin noisy? I see you maxed out your bass and treble, plus the tube, wun that make it really noisy?
the eq settings were because i wanted a really big mid scoop... a really fuzzy sound

the noise is affected more by the level of gain rather than the eq settings. at 1 o'clock it is still ok. bearing in mind that i swapped out one of the 12ay7's for a 12ax7, so it is noisier than the stock config.

if you compare it to a solid state od/fuzz like say, the big muff pi, the difference in noise will be the presence of tube hiss. but i find that compared to the 60 cycle hum of one of the j-pups soloed, it is pretty negligible. noise level of the 2 pedals to me is more or less the same.

on a seperate note i probably wouldn't set the bass to max again as it is quite a kick up the arse in loud settings, and a maxed out treble doesn't really endear myself to bandmates
Bass Attack in front of the compression results in extremely sensitive "harmonics" knob, which pushes the sound to overdrive very quick at a small turn of the knob, I know coz I tried it before.

I put the compression before the the Bass Attack and the harmonics knob works properly now.

Thanks for all the view and replies. I do agree that putting the bass attack in front of the comp results in an OD effect and the harmonics knob on the bass attack is quite sensitive to the slightest changes.

Furthermore. I am already using an ODB3 and do not need any additional OD sounds. As for my Comp/Sustainer, I use it more for sustained sounds rather than adding compression to the tone as the Bass Attack Shape knob provides a really good compressed/fatter tone

As for the Limiter/Enhancer, I would normally use it with the EQ for clean sounds and add a little bit of Chorus for that two tone effects every now and then..

Currently if all effect arrangements fail, I am thinking of having two seperate channel selection for different type of sounds...What say you??

P/S; All these postings of family photos is making me drooling with envy..especially your pics Bro Shinobi..haha...
nah, need just surf a few pages back to see 5SW's sickening board and RR's moogs

and... the tonebone just appeared in buy/sell? wthomgwtf...

what kind of seperate channel setup u looking at? clean and dirt is it?
nah, need just surf a few pages back to see 5SW's sickening board and RR's moogs

and... the tonebone just appeared in buy/sell? wthomgwtf...

what kind of seperate channel setup u looking at? clean and dirt is it?

Yes.. Bro Shinobi, Im thinking of setting up two channels, one for clean sound and one for dirt...however I do have my reservations about doing this:

Firstly, i need to get more stuffs (Channel Selector/ Customised Patch/ Line Cables) meaning more cost incurred.

Secondly, i dont think I have the luxury of space on my board... which will probally make me tempted to get a PT PRO ..hahaha... once again more cost.
30db clean boost (if u up the vol knob)

drive knob when turn up, gives a v. clean drive, works as a compressor also (drive&compressor at the same time)

tone knob, thickens the tone, i like it in the center, too much kinda makes the sound a little irritating

basically i use it to fatten the tone of my passive bass, and more output as it drives. cuts thru v. well also. most imptly it fattens the tone and drive w/o making noise.

Manufacturer Description:

This little powerhouse is a dual FET clean booster.

*11 step detented GAIN knob that re-biases the FET for more dynamic control (offers more Grind at higher settings and Better clean-boost at lower settings)

* re-vamped tone control offering more Highs (if desired)

This magic little box (the size of an MXR phase 45) is for the Purist, whether you're a Guitarist, a Bassist, whether your thing is Jazz, Rock, Acoustic/Electric, or Heavy Rock.

Not a distortion box, the Fat-Boost is a Class A Discrete design offering up to up to 30db of Clean Boost without ANY change to your EQ.... and at the same time it makes your sound Bigger, with more even order harmonics! You Blues players with the vintage-type tube amps will never turn this thing off... and it works great in front of Master-Volume amps to kick them up a notch as well.

The Fat-Boost gives you the feeling that your amp is cranked at living room volumes so clean playing is more dynamic, notes hold on longer without being distorted!

hope tt helps, i'm gonna sell it off soon, changing to xotic tri logic, i need the eqs, don't intend to add in one more pedal cause i don't have a efxboard, so just changing...

Nice feedback +1. Cheers!