The Bassist's Effects Line Up

Hey iverson, well originally it was meant for my EP which is a very noisy bugger but works well for bass imo. And yes the dd-3 aint bypassed so that helps ;D
It is a lot of loopin!
The problem is my drive (2step) and my fuzz (Rutt) don't play well together.. so i had to put in the AB loop... then i hit the issue of muting when i took my volume pedal out to save space... so currently its the slightly odd looper to bypass the other looper set up...
If anyone has any (cheap) suggestions to simplify, please do let me know:)
My board


My humble board. = )

seen some fuzz circuitry, its usually v small eh, can fit into a mustang! how does the catalin sound??

Yo, rottenremone, the catalin sounds awesome. Pretty darn fuzzy but still well controlled. notes are articulated well. There is a particular sweet spot to put the fuzz knob at, around the 1 o'clock region just before it goes all nuts and noisy. In contrast to a Little big muff it does not sustain as long and the fuzz does not ring smoothly when you are sustaining a note, instead if you sustain a note you'll get great fuzzzzzing going on. which i like = ) Only downside is that it sounds kinda empty on the bottom end, the mids are sweet but really lacking the punchy bottom. Therefore i use my preamp to pump in some bass and damn man its sweeeeet. Sounds very identical to the tone of Flea in Red hot chili peppers - around the world from the Californication album (the bass intro). (hopefully you understand my description, first time giving a mini-review of a pedal)

Leonq: Yup yup it is a A\b box which i use for tuning. Built by blueark. = )
yup it works on the stop freq only. once plugged in the sweep filters don't work. they resume normal operation once the mod is unplugged.

My board for the week until i return some pedals to the guitarist!


Some of you might be thinking, OCD?! On BASS?! But surprisingly, it retains the low end well. Maybe slightly lower than the bassdrive. But is much smoother in terms of OD. Only thing i dont like about it, give me the feeling like theres alot of presence or treble making it a little noisy when your fingers go up and down the frets, as compared to the bassdrive. 2 EPs are fun, i can set one on repeat and do some ambient techno shit. or simply get crazy slapback when..slapping. Still experimenting. And verbzilla pwns.

happy new year!
Here's my small board. Waiting on a Y-Cable to complete the board. Everything will be in the effect loop of the Bassbone..

Still working on the big board (aka fun board). Will post pics when it's done.

5stringwonder: your board is sick. nothing extra, just killer pedals to get the job done. very very nice choice of pedals. the yellow mammoth is unique. what made you choose the bjf over more common o/ds like the hematoma or bassdrive?
Thanks. The yellow Mammoth is a limited run of 5. Mine's number 3.

Chose the BJF based on the clips I heard on Talkbass. It's a very nice natural overdrive. Didn't care too much for the Bass Drive. Sounded too thin to me. I liked the Hematoma though. Much darker sounding than the BJF. May pick up one if I can find one at a good price.
the bass juice is a dirt pedal isn't it? i think it should be after the chorus in the chain. but i might be wrong and whatever works will do!

how's the bass rc booster? i just got a sd paranormal last month or so but i still have preamp GAS :(