The Bassist's Effects Line Up

Micro POG

sounds great to me!

but with that being said i haven't tried the original to make a comparison.

it sort of lives up to the hype... tracks very well even and works on double stops and what not. even tried it on guitar to get that pseudo-organ type sound with the octave up.

*note - this thing can't run on batteries.

May or may not get a Tonefactor 442 red... not on the priority list right now; this is all I've needed/used for a long while already. A rackmount compressor is on the list though! Look for a few pedals being sold from me some time 8)
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superkicky: rackmount compressor? hardcore leh you ... hahahaha ... just get a keeley compressor and you'll do fine!
no la... looking for something i can put in a rack so if i ever get called to sub for someone and i don't need my effects, i can just grab and go. i figure eq+amp+comp should do it... i don't see a need for a sub-harmonizer or any fancy pants stuff ;)
LOL superkicky, you know some sound companies have a 2U sliding drawer in their rack setups? I don't know if there is a 1U version.
If there is, than maybe you can put your pedals into the drawer, secure it and slide it out whenever you need it.
woolly mammoth? how come the paint job so funky... if you selling of the aguilar look for me ah. it appeared on buy/sell but i was too slow to react :(
For rackmount compressors, if you have the chance, do try the RNC by FMR Audio. It's really nice, and provides more than enough controls.
The only drawback is, you got to buy a rack tray to mount it on. But really, for that price, it's the best compressor I've heard.
thanks, but i've read reviews that there's a very noticeable 'pop' when you reach the threshold set on the rnc, which is why i'm looking elsewhere. i'm looking at a bass-specific context... some compressors like the dbx266 and rnc dont work so good for bass, but are relatively fine on an overall mix/house level.

Hey guys this is my effects rig

It goes Wireless-DT10-EbsMC-EQ20-Boost-EbsOtb-BarberLTD-LS2(dd-3 but originally meant for my echo park which will be back soon)-SansDI

Is there a better way i could sequence the pedals?

thank you!
"Audioly" or visually. I'm not sure about how the line up can be improved... But you sure look like you could use a bigger case.
hey frenchtoast! just wonderin'... how come you're using the ls-2 for a single delay pedal? is there a reason not to do away with it altogehter?

nice board with very usable pedals btw!
I guess its because the delay is not true bypass (and is quite a noisy bugger...)

I do a similar thing with my PM7 using a bypass box frm Blue Ark.


In responce to mr cliffburton's request!

Here is my rather grunge looking board
Signal chain is
Ibanez Musician or Epi Thunderbird -> Sadowsky preamp/DI -> ART Levelar (which is underneath the Sadowski) -> Blue Ark Custom Looper (using as a bypass box) ->[a. Loopmaster double loop -> {a. Pedalworx Texas Two Step} {b. Kimjaw Rutt}] [b. nothing in this loop, I use it to mute] -> Blue Ark Custom bypass box -> [Ibanez PM7] -> amp (ideally an Ampeg SVT3pro :-)

Whole thing is powered by a custom power supply from mr Edwin.

The TU2 is patched to the tuner out on the Sadowsky.

Occasionally, i add a Boss TR2 but no space really, i'm much of a tap dancer so i kept accidentally steping my trem when i was supposed to step my A/B loop (which is my drives)!

The reason for all of the loopers is that i haven't quite got one that does everything i want. The blue ark does Loop A or B or bypass (which i want), but no mute (cause i was using volume pedal last time). The Loopmaster (2nd hand) does A or B or Mute, but no bypass. So currently i use the blue ark to bypass the loop master. I will eventually get one box that does everything i guess.

Other things. The insulation tape is there because ifind that sometimes the flat head jacs can touch and this causes intermittant signal.
The bluetac is to stop my settings from being accidentally adjusted (e.g. cable drags accross board during a show etc.