The Bassist's Effects Line Up

you wish man; i'm drawing the line at 4 rack spaces.. and there's still something to be said about having a bunch of bright shiny boxes to step on 8)
here's my effects line-up
just started going into effects stuff at the start of the year
so this is what i've got so far 8) :


superkicky: In short, the Mesa's underused as I only bring it out on special occasions. Taxi is required for transportation.
I did lent J.Tan my Mesa and Beta 87A mic for his One Authority rec.
I used it for recording at snakeweed, but Leonard can make any bass sound good, Mesa or not :D

When I bought it, it was left on the shelf at Esden Trading collecting dust. I actually wanted the smaller 300 watter more portable Walkabout but he didn't have it. The stock tubes has a slight amount of noise so I swapped(after importing) them for JJ ECC 83 S. Earlier on this year, I was browsing around eurotubes and realised that there were new JJ ECC 803 S Gold Pin tubes so I ordered them and swapped them again. I love the sound of JJ tubes(so much I swapped my EBS Valvedrive's pre-amp tube)

Sound-wise I'm more than happy, I could get the Maroon 5's "She will be loved" deep thumping Bass sound with the onboard compression. I go for clean tube warmth and Mesa has satisfied me, although I keep on buying pedals due to GAS(which is an incurable itch).
I do not have a cab(no space in HDB, no car also) so I only ultilize the Line/XLR Outs so far.

Strangely though the M.I Tubezone sounds as warm as the Mesa(not as tube deep) even though it's tubeless. Just wish it had more headroom.
Chiobu here. Using a friend's account cos I'm too lazy to create one myself... haha

Just purchased the big muff from forpyned on sunday and i've been tinkering around with it over the weekend. Quite nice. I like the fuzz that's coming out. You gotta play around with the volume, sustain, and tone knobs a bit to get that sweet growl, though.

Hard to describe in words lah, haha. But about the low freqs being cut, yeah that does happen, but (for me) it only happens after the tone is up past 70%, which starts to produce a very flat tone. Nothing a preamp can't help boost back, though.

I'm guessing the Metal Muff kinda solves this problem, but usually other pedals chained with the big muff should be able to work out the tone you want.

Try to catch me when I'm free, maybe can let you try it out.
oh man

saw the effects that you guys own...
i am no effect user.. the only effect i have is boss chorus..guess that a must for every bass player.. other than that.. really never play with any of such... i still have my zoom 506 with me.. haha as tuner,,
i dun have boss chorus.... but i have a chorus! ehx small clone. thought of clone theory at first after seeing video review but edder said alot of noise

anyway easier to find 2nd hand small clones
Hey guys sorry to post this here..
But i like to know, as im starting to use pedal, which pedal is really neccessary to get a good punchy sound.
Do i need a bass di?
I thinking of getting a compresser - EH White Finger (Is it good enough?) and chorus..
u dun need a di lah, if im not wrong di is used to connect to the PA and is usually soundman territory. but i think you are referring to a preamp. that one is up to your preference and your bass, if its not hot enough maybe you'd wanna make it more havoc
hi cliff,

why don't you save yourself the money and go read up on how to do EQ for bass and live sound. i think it will help alot in your understanding of bass frequencies in a band mix and live sound mix which will in turn help you develop a sensitive ear to how your tone comes out on your amp when you play live.

understanding what you are hearing will help you determine what you need, e.g. whether you really need a compressor or stompbox tone modeller or any other effects as well ...

just 2 cents worth of advice. you don't have to follow it anyway. =)

Do u know how i can contact goose?? I actually pass a pedal to him through a friend. And i want to know what is actually wrong with my pedal, its a EH Big Muff US btw.

I was doing my SAE project in school and...I filtered off everything above 2Khz for the bass...


why did you do that?

i don't like to filter off higher frequencies from the bass in a mix, feel that the twang and clicks gives the bass some character in the mix, unless you are mixing for like latin, reggae kind of music ... hahha ..
LOL. my teacher said something about setting frequency pockets.
And I heard too much string noise on the bass through my headphones.
So I started shelfing down from 4Khz onwards, till I arrived at 2Khz.
Used a 12db/oct shelving EQ at 80hz. Boosted 6db on 150Hz, 750 Hz.
The bass sounded fine to me...also used a 5:1 compression ratio, release time was 30ms, attack time 100ms.
The song was "Fly Me To the moon". The first Mixdown Assignment in my programme.
Maybe you can give me some tips so I can improve my future mixes?
i always believe that the source is the most important part of the whole recording ... so i try to get a neat little preamp for my instruments first ... most of the time i don't ... hahaha .. so i record straight through a DI box.

after which i'll drop the first insert an parametric EQ ... i rarely shelf off anything ... i'll boost maybe 3db between the 150 - 250hz depending on the kick drum, slightly more bark i'll boost the 400hz maybe around 2db ... boost the 4khz for more attack and leave the rest untouch. i find that once you balance out the sound levels between the instruments for the bass, drums etc it'll sound fine ...

compression wise i'll use between a 4:1 - 8:1 ratio depending on song ... attack time around 20ms and release time around 150ms ... it varies actually .. for slower, more pop-ish songs i'll use a smaller ratio .. for rock songs i'll jack up the ratio to keep the bass in check and increase the levels to compensate for the volume loss ...

that's just me .. hahahah