superkicky: In short, the Mesa's underused as I only bring it out on special occasions. Taxi is required for transportation.
I did lent J.Tan my Mesa and Beta 87A mic for his One Authority rec.
I used it for recording at snakeweed, but Leonard can make any bass sound good, Mesa or not
When I bought it, it was left on the shelf at Esden Trading collecting dust. I actually wanted the smaller 300 watter more portable Walkabout but he didn't have it. The stock tubes has a slight amount of noise so I swapped(after importing) them for JJ ECC 83 S. Earlier on this year, I was browsing around eurotubes and realised that there were new JJ ECC 803 S Gold Pin tubes so I ordered them and swapped them again. I love the sound of JJ tubes(so much I swapped my EBS Valvedrive's pre-amp tube)
Sound-wise I'm more than happy, I could get the Maroon 5's "She will be loved" deep thumping Bass sound with the onboard compression. I go for clean tube warmth and Mesa has satisfied me, although I keep on buying pedals due to GAS(which is an incurable itch).
I do not have a cab(no space in HDB, no car also) so I only ultilize the Line/XLR Outs so far.
Strangely though the M.I Tubezone sounds as warm as the Mesa(not as tube deep) even though it's tubeless. Just wish it had more headroom.