The Bassist's Effects Line Up


mine is getting heavier and heavier

generally works very well but i ever had experience that it doesnt track some high output basses very well. it actually misses the attack. i recommend the metal muff, comes with a mid scoop/eq and it doesnt eat the low end as much as the big muff

wolstenholme doesnt use a big muff. he uses 2. russian ones. but nowadays i dunno his fx is probably far more advanced and complicated
i think he has the muff and deep impact on his basic effects, but most of his effects are rack based. i wonder how he remembers them all... haha
Shinobi - regarding how he remembers all the gear do what.... thats what techs are for!

Super Kicky - Kenna sai lah you... now time to go and adjust the power transformer!
colarndo: nope... waiting for the driving license before i get the cab. aiming for a 2x10+4x10 setup for flexibility.

also! ordered a 4-space gator roller rack case. will probably add in an avalon U5 afterwards :)
Importing the Avalon U5? Maybe someone should bring it in "hint"
Man you should have gotten those stuff before the recording.
I'm using a 4-Rack space too w/o rollers, but mine's SKB.

BTW tell J. Tan I said Hi. LOL he borrowed some of my stuff b4 for his recording at SAE a few years ago.
the reddi is not rackmountable.. :) also, i wouldn't have the resources to get a brand new U5 anyway. the army might be paying more, but it's still not enough for some things...

i ran the lakland through a friend's svt for the recording we did at snakeweed. thinking about it, though i'd love to have a -2pro or -4pro there's no way i could tahan lugging all that gear around, driving license or not. it's also not very cost-effective if you're not a full-time muso.

colarndo: i will man :) see you around. how's the mesa? i was debating between tfunk, mesa or ampeg... the tfunks kept on going to people locally in the US, mesas were out of my price range (or at least, the ones i wanted) so i went with the ampeg.