The Bassist's Effects Line Up

Nice effects Grandpa, we share the same tuner. Compliments on the EQ curve too! You tempt me to post my recent setup:



Bass --> DT-10 --> H.B.E Hematoma--> Sanford& Sonny Bluebeard Fuzz --> V/P --> Sansamp PBDDI -->

Here's the mummy:


Bass --> Looper [DT-10, Hunphey-modded Monkey, LBMuff, Sunbdecay Flying Tomato, DiscumBob, Digitech BSW, DC-3 Digi-Dimension, MXR M-133 booster] --> V/P --> Line 6 Verbzilla --> MXR M-80 -->
Whoa nice, 3nab! Never realised you used that many. How do you find the Micro Amp? And Verbzilla for that matter; have been tempted about it for the longest time...
3nab, how do you find the lil big muff and y'd you sell the wolly mammoth?
thinking of replacing mine with a deviever artifact ok pedal. that thing sounds brutal.

i've got the hematoma too. awesome awesome dist. don't find the boost function that useful tho.
hematoma is nice but i don't find the pre gain thing very useful...

doesn't anyone use the ehx english muff'n? i just got one :D
yourgrandpa: The micro amp is very clean as a boost. Excellent buffered bypass by MXR as usual. I use it to increase my gain within my efx loop as the many pedals do cause a loss of volume. Verbzilla is GREAT. I find it very useful in different situations, and I've only frequently used 3 of its (10 or so?) modes.

Tim: I sold the Woolly Mammoth back then cos I purely wanted a change of tone. Its a very cut-thru sound in mid-high gain settings, and I personally found that its too jarring at times, and mostly interferes with my vocalist, even though hes the loudest/clearest in the mix.

The Hematoma is excellent, though I prefer the Humphrey modded bad monkey. The boost does something mild to the distortion, which I like. But quite honestly, its so subtle that its really nothing in the mix.
ehx english muff'n

sounds superb, gives a very warm smooth and deep overdrive. i tried a few pedals like the mxr blowtorch and homebrew hematoma, and previously owned a little big muff, but alot of these were a little bit too edgy for my liking. read much of the amp/pedal tubes vs solid state discussions, and kind of lived up to the expectations

sensitive to picking dynamics, so the overdrive doesnt kick in until you dig in very hard. so far i've played a fender aerodyne jazz (passive) and ibanez srx500 (active) with it.

the most notable thing was that previously, if i turned up the bass boost on my srx500 all the way up, the sound would be so fat that my old little big muff totally missed the attack. the muff'n managed to catch it even in the most brutal circumstances (so far).

and while the LBM lost low end as the tone knob was turned up, the muff'n doesn't have this problem, and the parametric equaliser/preamp thingy ensured no issue. you can scoop the mids or increase treble to make it sharper

i had problems with pedal arrangement, in particular with the compressor. instead of following the norm i liked to put my comp at the end of my chain to smooth out the signal, rather than to normalise my playing dynamics. i actually preferred this with my LBM, cos it goes crazy sometimes, but if i did it this way with the muff'n it sounds totally castrated. so i had to follow the flow and put the comp in front. other than that no conflicts so far.

weird ass adaptor is a bitch. cannot daisy chain, in fact cannot use any ac adapter known to man except the weird ass ehx one that came with it. damn big and the wire comes out the opposite way from conventional ones

one last thing is that i would classify this pedal as strictly an overdrive, not a distortion or fuzz. thinking of changing one of the 12AY7 tubes to a 12AX7 higher gain one and see how its like. anyone got any?

phew sorry for the sudden impromptu review. its just that i wouldn't write anything that has already been said, and there was so little said about this pedal for guitar, much less for bass
I have extra ECC 83 S - 12AX7 tubes lying around if you want to try as I switched to ECC 803S Gold Pin(s) recently this year. I also have 2 Mesa 12AX7 stock tubes that came with my Mesa but I prefer JJ tubes.
Did you add another layer to the Westfield bag? Your pedals seem to be mounted on a layer.
im a toob noob and anyway i haven't fully exhausted all the possibilities yet, will consider getting one when i'm losing interest in it.

the extra layer is a black piece of acrylic. on the bottom i pasted velcro hooks, on the top i pasted velcro furries. the acrylic goes on the bag, the pedals go on top of the acrylic. makes the bag more rigid, and i can paste extra strips of furry velcro on the board and it doesnt rip off as easily.

i went to bras basah sign shop, the one facing the 1st floor escalator. told the uncle that i needed a piece of acrylic cut to the dimensions of the bag. ready in 2 days. cost me $15 cash upon ordering, not upon collection :D
i understand what you mean by 'thunderous'. now even my 35w practice amp can sound thunderous. fits well into the chain. still tweaking here and there though
= )

haha yeah man. sometimes it can really get too much with higher watt amps at jamming studios and such. :P anyways glad its working out for ya. 8)

how thick is that acrylic sheet? i'm thinking of ordering one to raise all the back pedals on my board. of course it's not only going to be with the sheet alone. gonna put wooden blocks to raise the acrylic of the ground.
paiseh sorry for the late response....

the acrylic is 3mm thick. as you can see there is still some bend when i hold it up like that, but overall when its in the bag its pretty stiff and sturdy :D

actually the shop maybe you can ask the uncle to put acrylic blocks... he makes acrylic boxes too, maybe he can glue some support below. he seems to do just about everything with acrylic. and can get quote on the spot. after all, its pay upfront
shinobi- any chance you could post clips of the muff'n? I haven't had the chance to go into the tube drive area yet.. Maybe you could help nudge me in that direction ;)
nothings been changed cept that the boss ceb3 have been replaced by the wooly mammoth!
ok, and i connected them without giving much thought time now to test out diff arrangements haha
i disappeared from soft cos of some account activation shit... lucky james sorted it out :D

wah first time somebody request my clips :oops: if i record i will put it up. recently went to jam at my drummer's house. not even playing songs, just some patterns where the guitarist just solos on top (cos no singer :evil: )

needed to fight my guitarist's jackson soloist on a peavey transtube... nabeh... the muffn and xciter were most useful. warm od which you can use like butter on bread. helped me cut through. but tried to play fuzzy basslines (ie muse), didn't really hit the spot. for hard rock and blues it was useful
looking at slapwalkpop's tiny photo, just something i thought about when arranging my xciter,

i notice the bass di+ somewhere in the middle of the chain, i'm assuming the citrus is the start of the chain? anyway thinking of it in the practical sense, a di would be more useful at the end of the chain, because wouldn't it be better for the wet signal to go to both the FOH and PA?

just something i was pondering about, i have very little experience with mixers. the last time i played through one was like 3 years ago