The Bassist's Effects Line Up

unfortunately it sounds like like a fork clanging on a tin can and extremely noisy on the od/dist settings.

I think marcowee is referring to the EHX Nano muff overdrive. It has no drive setting cos the drive is preset already. it is not a clean booster.
ok.. thks alot for ur time guys! really appreciate it :wink: needed a clean boost coz normally when i play with my band, i dun crank up my vol too much... but when the solos kick in, i wanna hit it nice,loud n strong! :lol:
as in you doing a solo or you covering the sonic hole left when ur guit solos? for the former you could consider getting a volume pedal instead of a clean boost gives you more control over your volume and you can do crazy slow gear effects too. for the latter a good od which doesn't suck lows would be better.
You can just use any normal volume pedal bro...I dont think there's specifically a BASS volume pedal.
Why don''t you lower your volume output on your bass to say 3/4?
When you come in for your solo, just turn the volume to max?
And turn down after that? Perhaps you can use a small piece of masking tape to place a marking on your bass vol knob?
sometimes the volume knob on your bass can affect your tone alot, especially if it's passive
hey guys, i need some advice on setting up my chain..

anyway, i have a:-
1) aphex bass xciter
2) dod bass compressor
3) eh micro qtron
4) boss chorus ceb3
5) ebs octabass

how should i go about doing it? comments are greatly appreciated. thanks!

i was thinking of having the compressor after the qtron, since the qtron causes a surge in volume..

and shouldnt the xciter be the last in the chain? since its some form of a di box?
hmm, yeah, if it were me, I would put it the same way as bro AvonRellets, except that I would move the q-tron to first in the chain, before the compressor...cos I find that putting a comp before a filter kinda kills the dynamics that make it fun...
oh yes yes compressor should be placed after a filter. used to put my Bass Compactor after my FM4.

another thing, i found that the qtron doesn't work all that great for bass. have you tried the ehx bassballs? its lovely! buy from edder, he's selling them brand new and for cheap!
wah serious.. personally i kinda like the sound. just that it creates a vol surge and when i tried putting a compressor to subdue it, i cant seem to get a good sound. have yet to find a solution zzz..
haven't posted mine in a long while .... some new additions, hence the mess :?


here's the signal chain:

Sansamp BBDI
A/B Box (for tuning)
Goosonique Pan-Pan
[effects loop start]
Boss Volume pedal
Zoom 509 Modulation pedal (set for +1 octave pitch shifting)
Digitech Bad Monkey
Superillegal fudgemaker (fab flanger + modded fab echo)
[effect loop end]
Fab Overdrive
Boss bass equalizer
Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus 18v
some random phaser
Ibanez de7

Sigh ... waaay too many! ... but too much fun too!
here's what mine looks like right now:


been changing things around and am pretty satisfied with this...bass > DT-10 > DynaComp > Big Muff > GEB-7 > Small Stone > OC-2 > amp