The Bassist's Effects Line Up

I've tried using some cheap zoom guitar pedal on bass before. It doesn't sound good, maybe because it's for guitar AND the pedal is a cheap one.

I think if you can get a really cheap one or able to borrow one, use it to explore and be familiar with the various effects available, to get a better idea of what effects you really need, THEN get good single pedals or *ahem* *warning, cheap advertising ahead* you can get the me-50b from me for $280.

Don't have your hopes up too high on using it too jam though, cos it does sound rather crappy
Yah, I just want to buy a guitar Zoom 505 multi-fx just to see the different type of effect that bass can produce. In the near future, then I might get a bass effect. I can only get a guitar one because there is no bass multi-fx lower than $100.
Because I don't have much money. I'm still a student. I also thinking of buying it because my friend and I could share it. He play the guitar.
-) exactly since you are a student that you should be more prudent with your money. even though i'm working, i still have to budget properly.

IE. i won't buy something that won't give me as much joy, now and cheaper if i can wait 2 - 3 more months to get something that will give me immense joy and i'll use it at every practice and gig.

as bassplayers, we're blessed to not need to venture too much into the effects field, so we can make more careful and calculated choices. -)

but having said that, i do hope you maximise your current purchase and when the next GAS bug bites, you can be a bit more discerning -)
it wont get cheaper dude,and i dont really like the idea of sharing gear with friend,just to get the things cheaper?
you're a student,so what?school holiday is coming right,then work your ass off for your multi effect la,last time i also work for 3 months to get my first fender japan when i still sec school,so no excuse la bro
agree with litford and reyrey. remembered last time in school my drummer lived on bread and water for almost 1 year just to get a cheapo drumset so we can jam. It's the sacrifices that makes your instruments sweeter than it actually is.. haha

Also, 95% chance you'll realise at the end of trying so many pedals, all you need is a good preamp, at times a nice overdrive and MAYBE a compressor.

sometimes less is more, but some pple say more is still more :lol:

PS. a secondhand zoom b2 will fit your price range
Yeah, looking for a second hand b2 but no one is selling for less than $100. By the way, preamp means what? Is SX Bass Amp, preamp?It got the high, log, mid all that. But, not overdrive or distortion.
SX bass amp is a combo amplifier, the high, mids, bass controls is essentially the amplifier and the part where the sound comes out from is the speaker.

preamp, as the term suggests, precedes the main amplifying amplifier(?) which does the big job of amplifying your signal. It consists of controls like treble bass mids volume etc. something like that, i think.

Examples of preamps are the aguilar db924, sansamp bddi, hartke bass attack, or even the electronics in an active bass guitar. go google these stuff (do i sound like reyrey? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: )

Distortion/overdrive can be done naturally on an amplifier by turning up the gain, doesn't need to have a special distortion knob, but i doubt your sx bass amp can handle that. And if i'm not wrong, it's done usually on tube amps. big ones.
I posted somewhere (earrlier in this thread i think) about the dangers of using multi effects as a bassist.

It comes down to the role of the bass as an instrument in a band.
The best thing is to think of the bass as the glue or foundation that holds everything up.
The guitar on the other hand is the ornamental dressing on the outside.

If you use lots of different sounds as a bassist it can be really hard to define your sonic foundation, and that is the glue of your bands sound.

Thats why when you listen to most records you will find that the bass sound is usually fairly constant.

I started out as a bassist using a Korg AX1B multi effect, i had a different sound for every single song my band played. when i listen back to the old recordings i realsie it was quite crappy.

Now, i do still have quite an array of gear but its roughly along the lines of what has been mentioned above.

Preamp (I am using a Sadowski) - this is the main shaping of your tone a good pre can give you a really punchy and big sound.. On all the time.

overdrive (I use texas Twostep, a bouteque OD pedal) - this is to give a bit more bit to the sound when needed (i play in a hardcore/metal band so that is most of the time!)

Fuzz (i use a rutt) - ok you don't really need this, but its good to have if you want to sound really phat and funky or like me you want your bass to blow people heads off!

Compression (ART Tube Levelar) - This is to kind of even out your sound and help your bass "sit" in the mix. It levels out the difference between your loud and soft playing so that your bass doesn't dissappear when you play subtle passages etc. I run with my comp on all the time

Then you can think about special effects, some people like to use chorus but personally i don't like at all..
Tremolo can be nice. I like to use a very choppy tremolo to break the groove for transitions.

Phase effects .... hard to integrate into your playing but can be fun for fills or special effect... or again if you want to get a real funky tone, or play electronica kind of sound...

I add a volume pedal and a tuner (plus a few bypass loops/switchers)

The best thing about buying individual effects is that you can build up slowly and really get the most out of evety pedal by taking time to tweak and master the effect.

Multis give a new player more options than you will know how to use so you may never master any...
indeed well said.

I love all your softies out there!

Esp Reynar for his Fantabulous Fender.

I never worked my ass off.

Okay, I actually just play punk rock song like blink-182. And I don't think punk rock really need much effect. Ebenex said to me that Equalizer is what I should be buying. Should I just be getting Equalizer pedal or multi-fx straight away? And, I hope that the effect I would be buying can be use for gig as welll. Sorry if I asked too much question.
If your bass can alrady produce a nice tone, then... don't get anything! If die die must get, get an equaliser or preamp and foprget about the multi. Most punk rock songs rely on the bright metallic tones that the equaliser can help achieve.
Hey guys i got some efx, and this is my current efx chain:

Fender Precision>Danelectro Fish N Chips ( EQ )>Hartke Bass Attack ( Slap Channel )>CF7( Chorus ) >Big Muff ( OD/ Distortion )>LM-2B ( Compressor )>Amp

Any suggestions ? It's the first time I'm building an efx chain so I'm trying my best to be logical here. :oops:
Interesting. What are you settings like for the EQ? The Fish & Chips only affects 100Hz and above ya?

Quite interesting that you are using a chorus before a drive. Hmmm