The Bassist's Effects Line Up

agreed. this is a rather interesting pedalboard, the way so many pedals work together to help in the pursuit of tone. very interesting read. Corlando, what bass do you play this thru anyhow? just curious :) and sounds like you're looking for a intense mid range sound. any real world references you could name just so i can have an inkling of what you're trying to achieve?
I find it quite a straight forward board with room for variation on tone. Only thing's missing is a tuner and cables upgrade. Just blew my pay on completing my Masked Rider Ryuki collection. Hehe. I think my board is quite simple already, some people have octaves, delays etc on their board.

I run my only bass(GnL ASAT) into it lor. I'm a sucker for Mid-range and tube warmth. Cause Mid-Range cuts through the mix better and tube warmth is...well warm which is better than over-compensating low frequencies creating muddiness.
I'm not sure how to descride my tone in my current setpup. Sorry guys.
My purevolume website is not a good reference as I didn't have these pedals back then...except the Sansamp which was used for 1 song...

But my rack setup(Mesa Boggie M-Pulse 360 into Alesis 3630 Compressor) nails the Maroon 5(She will be loved) bass tone/sound exactly.
But the M-Pulse was used for my band's recording.
Hey guys,thinking of getting a compressor pedal.
which are the better ones around?
i know its kinda like there's no "best" one and its up to each person's choice of what sound he likes.
but please just name a few to i can try and see which one i like
thanks :)
There's Keeley Comp, Aphex Punch factory, BBE Opto Stomp, MXR Supercomp/DynaComp, EBS Multicomp, ROSS Clones, Orange Squeezer clones, Toadworks Mr Squishy, Cirtus Comp, Boss clones etc.
Ultimately, it's the kind of function you want. Squeeze/Squash, limiter, transparent or coloration, normal dynamic kind.
Since a compressor's job is to only control/reduce dynamics, anything extra like EQing or modifying your tone is considered coloration. Some people like using it as an effect pedal besides being a dynamic control pedal.
I don't mean to confuse the answer to your question or complicate it but... Compression even in its most subtle form can be tone coloration. It just depends on how dynamically you play.

For instance, during solos, I tend to play harder (which means I do rarely unless its a heavy rock-out song in a non-solo situation). Even if I were to compress 2:1 with high threshold, the tonality of my notes would change if I were to hit the really hard notes and kick in the compressor. Say if I hit 3rd octave G on the G-string (12th fret), the expected effect for most compressors is a high roll-off (less trebly).

If you play light touch most of the time, then minimal/subtle compression would probably be a contingency for 'accidents' or better yet, slapping and more so popping (P for Peaking). I'd recommend a clean booster for these people over compressors.

There's no right or wrong, but really, the less gear we have, the less coloration. Period. The best colors should come from our digits!
my humble pedals (:


comments welcomed
vertical blue - niceee.. i got these 3 pedals in my chain too! 8) cept that my bassballs is the big one, but it sounds the same (i think)
i wouldn't reccommend it.. it's better to get a multi-fx dedicated for bass. frequencies and stuff.. i'll leave it to the experts to talk about that. =) my ears just tell me it sounds funny